Working hours | Help - Zoho Bookings

Working hours

Super admins and admins can view and edit this information. Managers can only view this information. Staff members will not have access to this information.

This section lets you define the working hours for your business. Additionally, you can set special working hours (for example, when you decide to work on a particular weekend). You can also define time off, for example, when the business remains closed on a particular day.

These settings can be configured in the Working Hours page. To access this page, click the Manage Business  icon in the top-right corner, then click General ---> Working Hours.

Set Working Hours  

1. To set a different working hours, click Edit. 


2. Check the days on which the business will be running, and specify a time period. The Apply To All option sets the selected working hours for all selected days, so that you don't have to manually set the same timings for each day individually. Click Save

Set Special Working Hours

  1. Click Add in the Special Working Hours section.

  2. On the next page, set "All-day Availability" to Enabled if the business will operate the entire day (12 am to 12 am). If you want to specify a fixed number of hours, set "All-day Availability" to Disabled.

  3. Select the "From" and "To" dates, set the time values (if applicable), and specify a reason if required.

  4. Click Save.

The special working hours will be saved, and you can edit or delete it using the edit and delete buttons.

Set Time Off

  1. Click Add in the Time Off section.

  2. On the next page, set "All-day Unavailability" to Enabled if the business will remain closed the entire day (12 am to 12 am). If you want to specify a fixed number of hours, set "All-day Unavailability" to Disabled.

  3. Select the "From" and "To" dates, set the time values (if applicable), and specify a reason if required.

  4. Click Save.

The time-off hours will be saved, and you can edit or delete it using the edit and delete buttons.

All time values will be displayed in the time zone set in Basic Information page. For customers belonging to a different time zone, time will be converted automatically. Special working hours will be reflected in the booking pages, and time-off hours will be disabled from appearing in the booking pages.
The date and time values specified in this section apply to your business. To customize working hours, special working hours, and time-off for individual staff, refer to Staff Working hours

Daylight Savings Limitation


Zoho Bookings has certain limitations handling date and time which could affect booking appointments globally during daylight savings period that happens in the Pacific Timezone.


  • It is not possible to capture Date-time value during the following duration and thus there is a possibility that bookings cannot be made. 

    • On the DST start date of Daylight saving time which happens between 2 am - 3 am.

    • Similarly, on the DST end date of Daylight saving time which happens between 1 am - 2 am.

  • This behaviour is universal across Zoho Bookings. Please be informed about the equivalent daylight savings change time for your time zone. We're working on this limitation and will get this fixed soonest.



DST Start Date

DST End Date


March 13

November 6


March 12

November 5

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