Welcome to Portal
Select My Profile from the menu bar to view your details and perform the following actions.
General Information: View and edit basic details about you.
Working Hours: Edit your working hours, set special working hours, block time, and add time off.
Assigned Services: View the list of services assigned to you.
Staff Booking URL: View your booking URL that customers can use to book with you.
Booking Page Settings: Customize the look of your booking page.
Embed as Widget: Embed your booking page as a widget into a website.
Super admins can edit all fields except Email Address, Role, and Status. Managers and staff are restricted from editing the Date of Birth field as well.
Use the Primary Workspace dropdown option to select a primary workspace. Note that your booking page use the language set in the primary workplace (e.g., if French is chosen as the primary workspace's language under Policies and Preferences, then your booking page will be in French).
Role and Designation are different. Role pertains to the different Booking access permissions, while Designation pertains to the user's official title at the organization.
The Status field allows admins to mark users as active or inactive.
Click the profile picture in the top right corner.
Click View Org Details.
You can view your current organization details, status (active/inactive), and invitations from other orgs (if any) on this page.
If you've been marked inactive, you can contact your admin and ask them to change your status to active.
If you've received invitations from other orgs, please be informed that you can be part of only one organization at a time. Contact the admin if you want to leave the current org and then join the new one.
Create your own org: This creates a new organization in which you will be the super admin.
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