Welcome to Portal
Field Name | Deluge Name (to be used in scripting) | Information stored |
Booking ID | booking_id | ID of the appointment |
Workspace ID | workspace_id | ID of the workspace in which the service exists |
Workspace Name | workspace_name | Name of the workspace in which the service exists |
Staff ID | staff_id | ID of the concerning staff |
Staff Name | staff_name | Name of the concerning staff |
Staff Email | staff_email | Email address of the staff |
Staff Contact Number | staff_contact_number | Contact number of the staff |
Co-Hosts | co-hosts | List of staff email addresses assigned for the collective booking appointment |
Service ID | service_id | ID of the concerning service |
Service Name | service_name | Name of the concerning service |
Service Description | service_description | Description of the concerning service |
Resource Name | resource_name | Name of the concerning resource |
Resource ID | resource_id | ID of the concerning resource |
Resource Description | resource_description | Description of the concerning resource |
Customer Email | customer_email | Email address of the concerning customer |
Customer Name | customer_name | Name of the concerning customer |
Customer First Name | customer_first_name | First name of the concerning customer |
Customer Last Name | customer_last_name | Last name of the concerning customer |
Customer Contact Number | customer_contact_no | Phone number of the concerning customer |
Customer Booking Time Zone | customer_booking_time_zone | Time zone applicable to the customer |
Customer Booking Start Time | customer_booking_start_time |
Appointment start time
(applicable only to appointments raised by the customer)
Customer More Info | customer_more_info | Values of custom fields added to registration form |
Booking Start Time | start_time | Appointment start time in customer's time zone |
Booking End Time | end_time | Appointment end time in customer's time zone |
Booking ISO Start Time | iso_start_time | Appointment start time in ISO format |
Booking ISO End Time | iso_end_time | Appointment end time in ISO format |
Duration | duration | Duration of the appointment |
Cost | cost | Total amount for the appointment |
Cost Paid | cost_paid | Amount paid so far for the appointment |
Due Amount | due | Balance amount to be paid by the customer |
Booked On | booked_on | Date on which the appointment was booked |
Booking Status | status | Status of the booking |
Booking Type | booking_type | Type of the service |
Booking Summary URL | summary_url | Link to the booking summary |
Notes | notes | Notes given by staff/customer for the appointment's last action (Add/Reschedule/Cancel) |
Time zone | time_zone | Time Zone of the business |
Currency | currency | Currency in which the business sets the pricing |
Assist info | assist_info | Assist session link |
Meeting info | meeting_info | Meeting start link or join link |
Meeting Joinlink | join_link | Meeting join link |
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