Notifications for customers and staff | Help - Zoho Bookings

Notifications and reminders for customers and staff

Superadmins and admins can view and edit this information. Managers can only view this information. Staff members will not have access to this information.

Send automated email and SMS notifications to customers and relevant staff when an appointment is booked, rescheduled, or canceled. Notifications serve as a confirmation or acknowledgment to customer requests, while also keeping the staff updated with business events.
Additionally, you can set reminders that are automatically triggered at specified times before an appointment.

To send SMS notifications, you are required to create a connection with one of the applicable SMS service providers.

The content of notifications is customizable for SMS and email individually. You can insert predefined variables which store useful information, like Customer Name, Appointment ID, Staff Name, and so on. Find the full list of variables here

Note: The notification preferences made here are just templates. They will be used by services created newly. But these preferences can be overridden for one-on-one services only under the Service Notifications section. Services Notifications are not applicable to group bookings and resources.

To access the Notifications section, click the Manage Business   icon  in the top-right corner, then click Workspaces.

Click the required workspace, and select Notifications

  1. Enable notifications

    1. Click  For Staff if you want to set notifications for your staff. Click  For Customers if you want to set notifications for your customers.

    2. Check the events under Email, for which an email notification must be triggered. Check the events under SMS, for which an SMS notification must be triggered.

  1. Customize sender email

            You can choose the email address to be used as the sender email, on notifications sent. You can also customize the sender email of your account from the General tab. You can configure sender email separately for staff and customers. You can choose among any of the four options available.                    
  • Super admin's email address  – This is the default email address associated with your Zoho Bookings account.

  • Allocated staff's email address  – This is the email address associated of the Staff allocated to the appointment.

  • Workspace email address  – This is the email address associated with a particular workspace.

  • Business email address  – This is the email address that is used in place of the Super Admin's email address.

Note : Only users who have a Premium plan with Zoho Bookings can customize the sender email.
  1. Click Change to override the default sender email address. 
            2. A pop-up appears with options to customize the Send From , Reply To and Copy (Cc) components of notification emails. Make the desired changes and click Save.
  1. Set reminders

  1. For upcoming appointments, specify a number, then select an option from the drop-down. For example, Before: "1 Day", or "3 hours", or "30 minutes". Please note that the reminder checkbox has to be checked for it to be enabled.

  1. Customize notification content

    1. Click Customize for the corresponding event. For example, to customize the Email notification to a customer when an appointment is booked, click Customize for Booked under Email.

    2. Enter your preferred content in the editor. To select the predefined variables, click  Insert Variables , then select the required variable from the dropdown.

    3. Click  Save. You can also select your preferred date format for the notification message from the dropdown option.

      To add an image:

      1. To include an image in the email notification, you need to use a public URL of that image. You can get the image's URL from your website by right clicking it and selecting Copy image address.

      1. Go to Bookings and navigate to Services > Service Notifications.

      1. Click Customize next to the required email template.

      1. Click the Insert Image icon in the message editor Options bar.

      1. Paste the copied URL of the image in the textbox and click OK.


      Note: To adjust the size of the image, click HTML in the options bar and go to the respective image URL. Add the height and width as per your requirement.
      eg: <img src="" width="500" height="600">

Pre-defined variables

The following is a list of predefined variables available for use inside the message editor: 

Variable Name 

Variable Value 





Business Name


Name of the business

Business Contact Number


The contact number for your business




Staff Name


Name of the Staff who is associated to the selected booking

Staff Email


Email address of the Staff who is associated with the selected booking

Staff Contact Number


Contact number of the staff member who is associated to the selected booking

Staff Time zone


The time zone of the staff who is associated with the selected booking



List of staff email addresses in a collective booking




Workspace Booking URL


Link to the workspace booking page




Service Name


Name of the selected service

Service Booking URL


Link to the service booking page

Service Description


Description of the selected service




Appointment Id


Unique ID of the appointment

Appointment Time


The appointment start and end time

Appointment From Date


Date on which the appointment starts

Appointment From Time


Time at which the appointment starts

Appointment To Date


Date on which the appointment ends

Appointment To Time


Time at which the appointment ends

Booking Id


Unique ID of the booking

Booking Summary URL


Link to the Booking summary

Booking Timezone


Timezone in which the booking has been made

Booking Start Time


Time when the booking starts

Appointment Reschedule Url


Link using which the appointment can be rescheduled

Appointment Cancel Url


Link using which the appointment can be canceled

Booknow Link


Link using which a new appointment can be booked for the concerning event



Notes from Appointment Summary




Customer Name


Name of the customer

Customer First Name


First name of the customer

Customer Last Name


Last name of the customer

Customer Email


Email of the customer

Customer Contact Number


Contact number of the customer

Custom Field





Value of the custom field in Booking Form

Video Conferencing



Meeting Info


Start link, join link and key for the Online Meeting

Meeting Key


Key for the online Meeting

Meeting Join Link


Link for participants to join Online Meeting

Meeting Start Link


Link for presenters to start Online Meeting

Zoho Assist



Assist Info


Assist link for the remote support session. Returns start and join link for the staff. Join link for the customers.

Calendar Buttons



Add to Google Calendar


Button to add appointment to a Google Calendar

Add to Outlook


Button to add appointment to an Outlook Calendar

Add to Zoho Calendar


Button to add appointment to a Zoho Calendar


The header - Custom Field is applicable only when there are custom fields in the service booking form

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