Employees in your organization must be added as portal users before they are assigned to individual projects. Projects are accessible to users added to them. Portal Owners and Admins will have access to all projects in the portal.
Add Portal Users
- Click
in the upper-right corner of the top navigation band. - Navigate to the Manage Users and then click Portal Users.
- Open Grid View from the view drop-down.
- Click Add User in the upper right corner.
- Enter a User Email address. You can add multiple email addresses separated by a comma.
- Select a Role and Profile for the users. If your portal is integrated with Zoho Books or Zoho Invoice you can also add user rates.
- Enter Rate Per Hour (used for billing and calculating project revenue). This is applicable for projects which have Based on Staff Hours as the billing method.
- Enter Cost Per Hour (used for calculating project cost). This is applicable for projects which have Based on Staff Hours as the billing method.
- Select a Reporting Manager for the user.
- Select the projects from the picklist to add users to them. Users having the Admin profile will be automatically added to all the projects and cannot be removed.
- Click Add. Users will receive an invite in their inbox and must accept it before they can access the portal
- Re-invite users who have not accepted the invitation by hovering over the user tile and clicking

Deactivate Users
can be temporarily deactivated from the portal. This will not delete the
user. The user will not have access to the portal data and can be
activated again if necessary.
- Click
in the upper-right corner of the top navigation band. - Navigate to the Manage Users section and click Portal Users.
- Hover over a user and right-click and select Deactivate. User will be moved to Deactivated User section.
- Activate users from the Deactivated Users Section. Hover over the user and click Activate.
- Users can also be deactivated in bulk.
Hover over a user and click on the check box. - Select all the users you want to deactivate. Click Deactivate.

Add Project Users
- Click Projects in the left navigation panel..
- Select a project from the list.
- Select Users from the top navigation panel.
- Click Add User in the upper-right corner.
- Enter
the first few characters of the user's name or select from the pick
list. (If the project's billing method is based on the project hours,
then you won't see the Rate Per Hour field here.)
- Add the Rate Per Hour (used for billing and calculating revenue) and Cost Per Hour (used for calculating project costs).
- Select multiple users to add them in bulk.
Click Add.
Select Add New User to add users who are not part of the portal.
Enter the email addresses separated by commas.
Give each user a Role and assign a Profile. You can add user rates if you have subscribed to Zoho Invoice or Zoho Books and completed the integration.
Click Add To List. You can now select the users from the pick list and add them to the project.
An email invite is sent to the added users along with the login credentials.
User Details Page
- Click on the user to open the detailed view
- View the displayed name, email, role, and profile at the top.
- Click
for more information. - Overview section displays
- Status Summary: Provides progress updates on associated bugs and phases in a graphical representation.
- Associated Teams: Lists the teams the user is a part of.

Activity Stream displays all user activities across all projects. For project-specific activities, choose the desired project from the drop-down menu.
Edit a Portal User
Edit user Role, Profile, and User rates from Portal User section. These edits can also be made at an
individual project level. You can also apply the user's portal defaults
to any project to which they're assigned.
- Click
in the upper-right corner of the top navigation band. - Navigate to the Manage Users section and click Portal Users.
- Open Grid view, hover over a user and click
to display available actions. - Alternatively, right click on the user to display available actions.
- Click Edit, Update the Role, Profile, and Rate as needed.
Edit the Role and Rate Per Hour for individual projects in the list. (If the Rate Per Hour field for a project shows "NA", it means that project's billing is
based on project hours and you won't be able to set a user rate.)
- To add the user to more projects, click Assign More Projects above the list.
- To apply the user's default values to projects, use the checkbox to select the projects you want and click Apply Portal Values.
- Click Update.
Delete a Portal User
- Click
in the upper-right corner of the top navigation band. - Navigate to the Users section and click Portal Users.
Hover over a user and click
--> Delete.- Check the box if you want to let the user know they've been removed.
- Click Delete.
Edit a Project User
When you edit a user within a project, the changes you make affect only that project.
- Click Projects in the left navigation panel.
- Select a project from the list.
- Select Users from the top band.
- Hover over a user and click
--> Edit.
- Edit the details as required.
- If you update the Cost Per Hour field, select an Cost Effective From Date (This can only be done at a project level).
- Customize user permissions using the toggle switch.
- Click Update.

Customize User Permission
When you edit a user within a project you can also customize their permissions.
- Click Projects in the left navigation panel.
- Select a project from the list.
- Select Users from the top navigation panel.
- Hover over a user and click
--> Edit. - Click Customize permissions for this user.
- Edit permissions as needed and then click Update.
Clone Customized Permissions
Customized permissions can be cloned from one user and applied to other users.
- Click Projects in the left navigation panel.
- Select a project from the list.
- Select Users from the top band.
- Hover over a user and click
--> Edit. - Click
and then click Clone Customization.
- Select project users from the dialog box and then click Copy Permissions.
- Permission set is copied to the selected users.
Remove Customization
Customized permissions can be removed and the permissions will revert to portal level client permissions.
- Click Projects in the left navigation panel.
- Select a project from the list.
- Select Users from the top navigation panel.
- Hover over a user and click
--> Edit. - Click
and then click Remove Customization.
- Permissions will reset to portal level client user permissions.
Delete a Project User
When you delete a user from a project, they'll be removed from that particular project only but not from the entire portal.
- Click Projects in the top navigation panel.
- Select a project from the list.
- Select Users from the top navigation panel.
Hover over a user and click
--> Delete.- Check the box if you want to let the user know they've been removed.
- Click Delete User.
Import from CSV
Zoho BugTracker allows you to import users from a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. You can now bulk import users into your Zoho BugTracker portal using CSV files.
- Click
in the upper-right corner of the top navigation band. - Navigate to the Users section and click Portal Users.
- Click
and select Import Users.
- Drag and drop or attach a file and click Continue.
- Select the fields in the user CSV file to the corresponding list of fields and click Continue. Here is a sample CSV file.
- The import will be scheduled and the import status will be displayed.
- A maximum of 500 users can be imported.
- The available user license is set to a certain limit and if the user exceeds that limit, only the number up to the limit will be imported.
- Users who are already present in the portal, either in active or deactivated state, will not be imported.
- Users who are already present in the portal as clients or contacts will not be imported.
- A maximum of 50 admin profile users are allowed in a portal. If the import file results in admin profile users exceeding 50, they will not be imported.
Export Users
Portal users can be exported to a csv file.
- Click
in the upper-right corner of the top navigation band. - Navigate to the Users section and click Portal Users.
- Click
in the upper right corner of the Portal Users page.
- Hover over Export Users and select an option:
By Portal: A csv file containing all the users in the portal will be available for download.
By Project: A zip folder containing multiple csv files named by project will be available for download.
- Download link will be available once the files are ready.
Bulk Rate Update
you might want to set one common rate for all the users who hold the
same role in your project (for instance, $80/hour for managers and
$35/hour for employees), or even set a common rate for all of the users
in the project (for instance, $50/hour for everyone regardless of role).
The Bulk Rate Update option makes this easy.
To update user rates in bulk across the portal:
- Click
in the upper-right corner of the top navigation band. - Navigate to Manage users and click Portal Users.
- Hover over a user(s) and click on the check box.
- Click Rate Per Hour to update user rate(s) or click Cost Per Hour to update user cost(s).
Troubleshooting tips
You might get an error message "Unable to add user at this moment. Troubleshoot here." when you try to add a user. This might happen due to one of the following reasons:
- The
email address might have been registered already with one of our data
centers. (An email address registered with the EU data center cannot be
registered with our US data center.)
- Something might have gone wrong at our end. You can either refresh the page and retry or try after sometime.
Contact our support team for more details.