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Booking criteria

In Zoho Calendar, the resource booking settings provides various options for admins to efficiently manage their resources. The admins can specify a minimum and maximum booking duration for any resource and also provide a reservation period to pre-book the resources. The admin can access these options from the booking criteria section of Resource booking settings.

Minimum Booking Duration

The admin can specify a minimum duration to book a resource. The users will not be able to book the resource for a duration lesser than the duration set by the admin. For example, if the Minimum Booking Duration set by the admin is 30 minutes, then, the user will not be able to book a resource for 15 minutes.

Steps to set Minimum Booking Duration

  1. Log into Zoho Calendar.
  2. Select Resource Booking from the left pane and go to Settings > General > Booking Criteria.
  3. Under Reservation period > Minimum Booking duration, select the minimum booking duration you want to set up from the drop-down.

Maximum Booking Duration

The admin can specify a maximum duration to book a resource. It can be in hours or days. The users can book the resource only upto the duration set by the admin, they cannot book more than the duration specified. For example, If the Maximum duration set by the admin is 10 hours and the user wants to book the resource for 11 hours, he cannot do so. He can book only upto 10 hours.

Steps to set Maximum Booking Duration

  1. Log into Zoho Calendar.
  2. Select Resource Booking from the left pane and go to Settings > General > Booking Criteria.
  3. Under Reservation period > Maximum Booking duration, select the Maximum booking duration you want to set up from the drop-down.
    1. Select if you want to set the maximum duration By hours or By days in the first drop-down.
    2. If you had selected By hours, choose a value between 1 hour to 23 hours as per your requirement.
    3. If you had selected By days, choose a value between 1 day to 5 days.

Reservation Period

Using Zoho Calendar Resource Booking, users can book any resource well ahead of time and also for any period of time. When someone books the resource for a longer period solely in the anticipation of a future need, this may limit the effective utilisation of resources by others. To facilitate better resource usage by everyone, the admin can restrict the reservation period. The reservation period can range between 3 months and 12 months.

Steps to set Reservation period

  1. Log into Zoho Calendar.
  2. Select Resource Booking from the left pane and go to Settings > General > Booking Criteria.
  3. Select the reservation period from the drop-down. It can range between 3 months and 12 months.

Updated: 2 years ago
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