What Does This Page Cover?
Learn about variables that hold values that can be referred to and modified throughout your Creator application.
Variables are used for storing and accessing specific data. Once created, these variables maintain their data accessibility throughout various sections of the application. This helps reduce data redundancy and enhance code efficiency.
Variables in Zoho Creator
In Zoho Creator, a variable can be
created and used in multiple places across an application and in
different environments. Once a variable is created, its values can be accessed anywhere within the application, ensuring consistency and efficiency. The value assigned to the variable during creation will be stored as a
defined value. Variables can have their defined values modified through workflows, and the modified value will be stored as the
current value. The current value dynamically updates to reflect the most recent data in real-time. This current value is then applied across the entire application.

Note: It is not recommended to store sensitive data in variables, as they are accessible by admins, super admins, and developers. Additionally, the values stored in variables may become accessible to live application users through workflow execution. Unlike the data stored in forms, variables cannot be configured with specific
user permissions set.
Business Use Case
Imagine an organization leveraging the Creator application for a range of operations, including employee management, marketing, task tracking, and more. In such instances, the application might contain numerous forms, along with a multitude of success and alert messages. As these messages tend to recur, it's prudent to centralize them with variables. By doing so, these messages can be efficiently stored and readily accessed throughout the application. Similarly, constants like 'CEO Email Address' or 'Organization Name' can also be stored as variables, ensuring consistent use across the application. This approach enhances the organization's ability to effectively manage and deploy messages across various forms and operations within the application.
Naviagation Guide to Variable
Points to Note
- Variable names within a group must be unique.
- The data type of the variable remains constant once it is created and it cannot be changed, except for the collection data type variable, which can be changed from list to key-value format and vice versa.
- When changing the key-value type collection into list-type collection replace the references with appropriate values. Similarly, when changing a list-type collection to key-value type collection, make sure to replace the references with key-value pairs. This precautionary step is essential to prevent potential errors in your application and maintain its functionality.
- It is not possible to create a sandbox with a C5 application, if it contains variables.
- Variables are not available for applications within the C5 sandbox and developer zone.
- A maximum of 10 groups can be created per application.
- A maximum of 20 variables can be created per application, irrespective of the number of groups. Among the 20 variables, only a maximum of four variables can be of the collection data type.
- The size of each collection variable must not exceed 2 KB.
- A variable cannot be moved from one group to another.
- System variables can be only assigned to a variable through a Deluge script.
- Renaming or deleting a variable or variable group is currently not supported in code view.
- A maximum of 500 variable assignments can be performed via a Deluge script per day.
- Simultaneous modifications and access to a variable through scripts may not give the expected results.
- Value of variables cannot be modified through scripts in the following workflow actions:
- Form on load
- Form on validate
- User input of a field
- Subform - Addition of row
- Subform - Deletion of row
- Subform - User input of a field
- Stateless form - button actions
- Page script

Note: If a function involving variable modification is invoked within these actions, it will not be executed.
- Create and Manage Variables