The following development environment actions are available to users:
The above options will be displayed when you click on the ellipsis for the required app listed in the Environments page.

The Edit option will open the edit mode of the application. The required changes to the app can be implemented here.
In the Environments page, click on the ellipsis for the required app. In the dropdown choose Edit option.

- The edit mode of the application will be displayed. Here, the required changes can be made to the application.
This option will open the app live mode in the Development environment, and is used to test how the app functions when someone accesses it. The Development label is displayed on the top bar for users to identify the environment. Demo users can be selected from the drop-down in the top bar to check how each demo user will see or can interact with the app. Data added here is kept isolated from other environments.
In the Environments page, click on the ellipsis for the required app. Choose the Access option from the dropdown.

The live application will be displayed. The Development label will be displayed in the top-left corner.

Under the View As field in the top bar, choose the demo user.

This section is to add demo users with various permissions to test the app, and to configure notifications.

Demo Users: You can add demo users with various permissions and roles to test the app. Demo users are pre-defined, which means you have to select from the list of provided options. You can assign different permissions and roles to check how each demo user will see or can interact with the app in the current environment.
Note: Permissions here refer to existing app permissions, and not separate permissions exclusive to testing. App permissions will reflect in Stage environment only after the app is published to Stage environment.
To add demo users:
Click Settings in the drop down of the required application in the environments.

In the Setting pane, click Add User under Demo Users tab.

In Add Demo User pop-up, select the demo user in Name drop-down. The demo users are pre-defined, and a maximum of 5 are provided. Also select the demo user Type as User or Portal User depending on how you want to test your application.

Note: If the
Type is selected as User, we can assign the
permissions and
roles configured in the app. If the
Type is selected as Portal Users, we can assign the
portal permissions configured in the app.

- Only the permissions and roles added in the current app will be listed. The demo user will be able to perform actions in the app depending on the assigned permissions. Click Add.
- Once the demo user has been added, you can access the application and select the added demo user from the dropdown to test the application according to the assigned permissions and roles.
Notifications: Because the Development environment is used for testing purposes, we usually don't need notifications to be triggered when the app is being tested. This section lets you decide if the notifications are to be disabled or to route them to any particular address.
Note: Notifications here refer to notifications of send mail task and SMS tasks in workflows and form submissions.
The following options are available for email notifications:

- Disable emails - No emails will be sent
- Login User - All emails will be sent to logged-in user
- Selected User - Emails will be sent to a selected user from the list of developers and admins of the app in Development environment.
- Application specific - Email notifications will be sent to the specified email address in the workflow.
The following options are available for SMS notifications:

- Disable - No SMS notifications will be sent
- Application specific - SMS notifications will be sent to the specified phone number in the workflow.
The following options are available for push notifications:

- Disable Push Notifications - No push notifications will be sent
- Login User - All push notifications will be sent to the logged-in user
- Selected User - All push notifications will be sent to a selected user from the list of developers and admins of the app in Development environment.
Application Specific - Push notifications will be sent to the device defined in the workflow.
Variables : View variables along with their respective values for the selected environment. This tab contains the following information:
Variable - The name of the variable.
Defined value - The value that is assigned to variables.
Current value - The current values of variables which get updated in real-time based on script executions.
- Script executions are environment-specific, so the current values may differ across environments based on script executions in different environments. Learn More about variable publish flow.
- You can only view the defined value and current value of variables specific to the selected environment. To create or manage variables, you must access the application settings in the development environment.
- Current values of variables will not be carried forward when publishing the application to the stage environment. Instead, they will be replaced with the published defined values.
- Workflow Schedules: Whenever an application is edited, it is, by default, done in the Development environment for preliminary testing purposes.In the development environment, you might have configured schedule workflows in your application to be tested before publishing it to the stage environment. When you've completed validating the configured workflows, you may no longer need the schedule workflows to execute continuously. You can suspe nd the execution of all such configured schedules in the development environment by choosing one of the two below options. This allows you to suspend the execution of schedules whenever required without disturbing the schedule configuration defined in the development environment.
Note: This is an application-specific environment setting i.e., choosing one of the below options will affect only the configured schedules for the development environment in that application.
The ability to suspend schedules specific to an environment is a valuable addition as it aids in efficiently managing schedule limits within that environment.
Suspend All Schedules - All the schedule workflows configured for that application will be suspended in the development environment i.e., enabling this option will suspend the execution of all schedule workflows irrespective of their individual status (enabled/disabled) in that application.
Application-Specific - Enabling this option will allow the schedule workflows to be executed as per their defined status in that application i.e., only those schedules that have an enabled status on the workflows will be executed.
Note: You can switch between the above mentioned options as required.
To manage the execution of schedule workflows in your development environment settings,
Select Workflow Schedules tab in the Environment Settings pane that appears.
Choose the required option - Suspend All Schedules or Application Specific and click Done.
Note: The selected option will be effective only in the Development environment.
Logs are automatically-produced, time-stamped documentation of the history of actions related to Form Actions, Schedules, Integration, Pages, and Payments executed in an application in the Development environment. They are recorded for statistical, security, and debugging purposes.
Admins and users having at least one environment permission can refer to logs to check an application's performance, and keep track of actions executed in an application or in the event of action failure.
Success logs display the message, action details, user who configured the action; the time of execution; and the type of action. Failure logs will also display additional error details.
You can filter the logs based on Time/Period and Type. Time/Period options are Last one Hour/Day/Week/Month.