Section Name
Field Palette
Can be found on the left side in the form builder.
This lists all the
that can be added into your form. You can scroll through the field palette to view all of them.
Building Space
Occupies the center space of the form builder.
This is where you define the fields that your form is to contain. You can manage the fields in your form, which includes:
Field Properties
Occupies the right side in the form builder by default.
The properties of a field enable you to define the experience your users have when they enter data in that field. You can manage the fields and their properties such as customizing their sizes, writing a description, and much more. Learn more
Associated Blueprints
Slides in from the right when
This pane displays all the
that are associated with your form. These associated blueprints show us the different stages and development cycles that are going on in the application with relation to a specific form.
Form Properties
Slides in from the right when
The form properties enable you to define the experience your users have when they access your form to submit data. Various properties of the form, such as restricting form entries, customizing buttons, and much more, can be done from here.
Learn more
More Options
When you click the
icon (vertical ellipsis), a menu will appear, from which you can:
Note : When any of these checkboxes are unchecked, all the relevant location data collected until that point will be deleted.
- Enable Captcha : This can prevent form submission by malicious computer bots since this a method that tells humans and computers apart.
- Allow one entry per user : You can restrict your form to accept only one form submission per user upon which the form won't load for that particular user.
- Allow one entry per IP address : You can restrict your form to accept only one form submission per IP address upon which the form won't load for that particular IP address.
- Enable Geo-fence : Define a virtual fence around a geographical location, so that your form accepts entries only from within it.
- Form Title - You can customize the form title that will be seen by the person accessing the form on the live mode of the application, during the adding or editing of a record.
- Field Label Width - You can select the width that the field names (or labels) occupy when a user accesses your form from a web browser.
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