Create Activity
To create a new activity
Get Activity
To fetch an activity by ID
Get All Activities
To get the list of all activities
Update Activity
To update details of an existing activity
Create Company
To create a company
Get Company
To fetch a company by ID
Get All Companies
To get the list of all companies
Update Company
To update details of an existing company
Create Lead
To create a lead
Get All Leads
To get the list of all leads
Get Lead
To fetch a lead by ID
Update Lead
To update details of an existing lead
Create Opportunity
To create an opportunity
Get Opportunity
To fetch an opportunity by ID
Get All Opportunities
To get the list of all opportunities
Update Opportunity
To update details of an existing opportunity
Create Person
To create a person
Get Person
To fetch a person by ID
Get All People
To get the list of all persons
Update Person
To update details of an existing person
Create Task
To create a task
Get All Tasks
To get the list of all tasks
Get Task
To fetch a task by ID
Update Task
To update details of an existing task