Navigate to the Mobile section on the left and select the Mobile App tab.
Click on the corresponding row of the code signed iOS app to open theFor User - Code Sign pane on the right.
Click the Download IPA button on the top-right corner of the pane.
Alternatively, close the For User - Code Sign pane and hover on the corresponding row of the code-signed iOS app to show a three-dot action popup on the right side of the row.
Click the Download button from the popup.
Distribute your app by sending its invitation link to your users
Navigate to the Mobile section on the left and select the Mobile App tab.
Click on the corresponding row of the code signed iOS app to open theFor User - Code Sign pane on the right, as below.
Under the Share the app installation link with users section, enter the email addresses of your users and click the Share button. Your users will receive an email.
Alternatively, lose the For User - Code Sign pane and hover on the corresponding row of the code signed iOS app, it will show a three-dot action popup on the right side of the row.
Click the Share button to open the Share the app installation link with users popup.
Enter the list of email addresses of the users and click Share.
Distribute your app via MDM (Mobile Device Management)
Navigate to the Mobile section on the left and select the Mobile App tab.
Click on the corresponding row of the code signed iOS app to open theFor User - Code Sign pane on the right, as below.
In the Distribute the app with Employees through MDM section, click the Configure link to open the MDM Distribution popup. Click here to know more about Zoho MDM.
Upload the MDM APNS Certificate.
Enter the Corporate Apple ID that you used while creating the APNS Certificate that you uploaded in the previous step.
Enter the email address to which the APNs's expiry is to be notified.
Click Upload.
Upon successfully configuring the MDM, enter your users' email addresses, then click Distribute.
Your users will receive an email containing the enrolment request from the MDM. They can use either the URL or QR code to complete their enrollment.
To re-code sign your iOS application
Navigate to Mobile App tab.
Hover on the corresponding row of the code signed iOS app, it will show a three-dot action popup on the right side of the row.
Click Re-code sign. A popup will appear.
Click Re-code sign to confirm. Your app will be code signed again.
You can filter your code-signed apps based on the Application and type by clicking on the Filter option at the right side of your screen.
The Type filter lets you filter apps based on User apps, Customer apps, iOS apps, and Android apps.