Manage page elements
Display name for page elements
Display names for page elements allow you to easily identify and differentiate elements with a click, rather than opening each element and going through the configurations (especially for snippets). To modify display name for elements Navigate to the ...
Set height for elements in a page
The height attribute allows you to specify the height for certain page elements to suit different viewer display choices. This attribute is specified in the <pr> tag. You can set the height as auto , which has the browser calculate a suitable height ...
Add title to an element
Adding title provides a space for giving a short description about the following element or simply acts as a label. Add title to a page element Set style for the title Remove title for the page element To add title to an element Edit your ...
Delete an element
An element within a page can be removed or deleted at any time while building the page or while editing an existing page. All saved configurations for that particular element will also be removed. This delete action cannot be undone, except by ...
Duplicate an element
An element within a page can be duplicated at any time while building the page or while editing an existing page. All saved configurations for that particular element will also be duplicated. This duplicate action cannot be undone, except by deleting ...
Reposition an element
Every element in a page is a movable container. You can reposition the arrangement of these elements to create different combinations of page layouts. The following are the steps to reposition an element in your page: Edit your application. Select ...
Resize an element
The resizing option allows the user to resize each element to suit different viewer display choices. The following are the steps to resize an element in your page: Edit your application. Select the required page, then open the page builder . Hover ...