Note: To optimize efficiency and security, support for XLS format has been deprecated, and instead, the XLSX format will be supported with effect from 21-March-2024. We insist you to replace any instance of .xls to .xlsx across Deluge scripts in your Creator applications. Exporting records help you obtain or download the records in your report into a specific format for a purpose outside of the Zoho Creator environment. Creator enables you to export your reports in a few simple steps so that you can access them offline and email them to your colleagues who are non-Zoho users. You can perform export operations across all the three platforms supported by Creator — web, mobile and tablet. Creator also enables you to secure the exported file with a password. As a precautionary measure to safeguard yourself from unknown security threats, it is recommended that you protect your exported files with a strong password.
During the export process, users can define how and what data in subform and composite fields' (eg: name & address field) are exported ensuring a more tailored spreadsheet output.
Exclusively only for subform and composite fields, a settings icon will appear in the Export pop-up, allowing users to customize the data in the exported report.
- Subform field export: This applies to all report types exported in the XLSX format.
- Composite field export: This applies to all report types exported in CSV, JSON, TSV, XLSX and XML formats.
Subform export:
Users can choose how to export
subform fields with
three distinct
export options available.
- Single column: Exports subform fields' data into one column within the same sheet with a delimiter.
- Separate columns: Exports subform fields' data into individual columns within the same sheet along with other columns.
- Separate sheet: Exports subform fields' data into individual columns in a new sheet.
Composite field export:
Similarly, for
composite fields (like
name or
address), users can configure the
export options for
sub-fields by selecting one of the following:
- Single Column: Exports all sub-fields' data into one column within the same sheet with a delimiter.
- Separate Columns: Exports all sub-fields' data into individual columns within the same sheet along with other columns.
Note: Sub-fields are nothing but the
Display Fields which appear in the
Field Properties.
Salient Features
In this help page, you can get to know about the following:
Password protection
Passwords provide the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your personal information. The stronger your password, the more protected your data will be from hackers and malicious attacks. A strong password contains a mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols, and no ties to your personal information. Password protection enables you to protect your data by assigning it a strong password. Other users cannot read, change, or delete your data without knowing the password.
Hide columns
Hiding a column prevents the viewer from being able to view certain columns that you deem unnecessary. When you have hidden columns in your report, they will be displayed with a hidden tag in the columns listed in the Export popup.
- By default, hidden columns will be unchecked in the column listing. You can check them whenever required.
- When you export reports with hidden columns, the exported file will not contain the hidden columns and their values.
Navigate to the
live mode of your app.
Click on the hamburger icon at the top right corner of your screen and click Export.
Select the required format to export the records.
- If you choose either one of the following formats — XLSX, XML, JSON, CSV, and TSV, then proceed to the next step (4).
- If you choose PDF format, click here.
If you choose
HTML format, click
In the
Export popup, you can do the following:
- Edit the file name and change the export type as required.
- You can either select all columns by clicking the minus (-) icon at the topmost column or individually select the required fields.
Click the filter icon at the top-right of the popup to select columns based on view types — Quick View and Detail View. You can also select the All Fields option from here.
- When you select either Quick View fields or Detail View fields, only the fields corresponding to the chosen view will be displayed in the field column listing. You can unselect fields not required in the chosen view.
- When you choose the All Fields option, fields in both the views (Quick View and Detail View) will be displayed. You can select or unselect fields in the field column listing.
You can also search the required column (field) name in the search bar at the top and select them.
To secure your data outside of Creator, you can enable password protection for the exported files. Select the checkbox beside Require password to open and specify a strong password.
Note: A strong password contains a mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols, no ties to your personal information, and no dictionary words. We strongly recommend you to use password protection for records that store sensitive PII (Personally identifiable information) and ePHI (Electronic protected health information) data.
- Click Export. Your file will be downloaded in the chosen format.
- You need to type in your password before opening your exported file (if password protection is enabled).
How to configure export settings for subform and composite fields
Subform export:
Note : This applies to all report types exported only in XLSX format.
1. Click on the settings icon beside the subform field. The Export In pop up will appear. In this instance, both Sport & Academics are subform fields'.
2. In the Export In pop-up, choose your preferred export option from the drop-down as shown below.
3. Select all or preferred subform fields that needs to be exported and click Done.
Composite field export:
Note: This applies to all report types exported in CSV, JSON, TSV, XLSX, and XML formats.
1. Click on the settings icon beside the composite field as shown below. Export In pop up will appear.
In this instance, Student Name is a composite field.
2. In the Export In pop-up, choose your preferred export option from the drop-down.
3. Select all or preferred sub-fields that you want to be exported and click Done.
Steps to export records as a PDF
- Navigate to the live mode of your app.
- Click on the hamburger icon at the top right corner of your screen and click Export.
Select the
PDF option under
Export as dropdown.
In the Export popup, you can do the following:
Edit the file name and select the view type as required:
- List view: The records will be exported in a table-like format as shown in the current view, where the field labels are in the header row and the records are listed in the subsequent rows similar to the Quick view in reports.
Summary view: The records will be exported in a layout that enables you to see the detailed view of the record in a linear manner. You will be able to see all the fields and their congruent as label and value pairs. If you select the Summary view option, proceed to step 8 (you will not be able to select the required columns in this option).
Note: If you have configured a record template for your report and when the summary view option is selected, then the record template will be exported as the detailed (summary) view of each record in your report.
- You can either select all columns by clicking the minus (-) icon at the topmost column or individually select the required fields.
- Click the filter icon at the top-right of the popup to select columns based on view types — Quick View and Detail View. You can also select the All Fields option from here.
- You can also search the required column (field) name in the search bar at the top and select them.
Once you have made the required changes, click the Preview and Export button. The Export Settings preview will open.
Note: The page setup options chosen in your record template will be pre-filled in the Export Settings tab. - Select the paper size and orientation (Portrait or Landscape) as required.
Choose the required scaling:
Click the arrow beside More settings to specify the following:
- Margin: Specify the margin values for all four corners — top, right, bottom, and left.
- Header: Specify the fields (report name, date and time, and page number) to be displayed in the left, center, and right sides of your PDF file in the header. The report name can be customized to suit your requirements.
Footer: Specify the fields (report name, date and time, and page number) to be displayed in the left, center, and right sides of your PDF file in the footer. The report name can be customized to suit your requirements.
To secure your data outside of Creator, you can enable password protection for the exported files. Select the checkbox beside Require password to open and specify a strong password.
Note: A strong password contains a mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols, no ties to your personal information, and no dictionary words. We strongly recommend you to use password protection for records that store sensitive PII (Personally identifiable information) and ePHI (Electronic protected health information) data. - Click Export. Your file will be downloaded in the chosen format.
- You need to type in your password before opening your exported file (if password protection is enabled).
Steps to export records as an HTML file
- Navigate to the live mode of your app.
- Click on the hamburger icon at the top right corner of your screen and click Export.
Select the
HTML option under the
Export as dropdown.
In the Export popup, you can do the following:
- Edit the file name as required.
- You can either select all columns by clicking the minus (-) icon at the topmost column or individually select the required fields.
- Click the filter icon at the top-right of the popup to select columns based on view types — Quick View and Detail View. You can also select the All Fields option from here.
- You can also search the required column (field) name in the search bar at the top and select them.
To secure your data outside of Creator, you can enable password protection for the exported files. Select the checkbox beside Require password to open and specify a strong password.
Note: A strong password contains a mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols, no ties to your personal information, and no dictionary words. We strongly recommend you to use password protection for records that store sensitive PII (Personally identifiable information) and ePHI (Electronic protected health information) data. - Click Export. Your file will be downloaded in the chosen format.
- You need to type in your password before opening your exported file (if password protection is enabled).
The following limitations are applicable to all report types.
- Only those users with export permissions will be able to export the report data.
- Custom actions configured in your reports will not be exported.
- There's a 12 MB limit on PDFs in the following scenario: When the report is exported as PDF and the data’s size exceeds 12 MB, the operation will fail and a 0 MB sized file will be downloaded instead.
- In HTML file export, media fields will not be exported. Also, in order to prevent the building UI from impacting the performance, you will be limited to export 50,000 records.
- In XLSX file export, the size of the file will be upto 150 MB for existing users and upto 70 MB for new users.
- Import data
- Exporting reports in mobile devices
- Exporting reports in tablet devices