text Tag attributes and behavior in ZML | Zoho Creator Help

text tag

The <text> tag defines a text area, that can hold multiline characters. The contents entered here, can be customized using the text attributes.  
Parent tag :  <pc>
Child tag   : <prefix>, <suffix>

Note: You'll have to encode the following characters to make the <text> tag display them in your ZML snippets:
  • Encode  &  (ampersand) as  &amp;  or  &#38;
  • Encode  <  (less than) as  &lt;  or  &#60;
  • Encode  >  (greater than) as  &gt;  or  &#62;
  • Encode  '  (single quotes) as  &apos;  or  &#39;
You can use the built-in 
 Deluge function to replace each of these characters with their encoded value. For example, the following code snippet encodes the ampersand (&) character present in the 
Product Description
 field so that it's displayed as-is in the ZML snippet:

var_content = Products[ID=3888833000000119021].Product_Description;
var_encoded_content = replaceAll(var_content, "&", "&amp;");
<text type='Text' renderAsHtml='true' value='<%=var_encoded_content%>' size='5' color='#333333'></text>


1.  type

The  type  attribute specifies the kind of text to be displayed.

Possible Values
  • Text
  • Form Data

Default Value

  • Text

2.  value

The  value  attribute defines the specific value to be displayed in the text area. 

Possible Values
type value Example


Specify a static string

<text  type='Text'  value='Hello World'/>

Form Data

Fetches a value from a Zoho Creator application's form, based on the said aggregate.

<text type='Form Data'  value='appLinkName.componentLinkname.fieldLinkName.aggregate'/>#


  • #An aggregate must be specifies for the  Form Data    attribute.
  • The aggregate values that can be computed are:  sum, minimum, maximum, median, average, count, distinctCount

Aggregate Description Syntax


Computes the sum of all the values in a specified form field.

<text  type='Form Data'  value=' appLinkName.formlinkname.fieldlinkname. sum '/>


Computes the minimum of all values in a specified form field.

<text  type='Form Data'  value='appLinkName.formlinkname.fieldlinkname. minimum '/>
maximum Computes the maximum of all values in a specified form field. <text  type='Form Data'  value='appLinkName.formlinkname.fieldlinkname. maximum '/>
median Computes the median of all values in a specified form field. <text  type='Form Data'  value='appLinkName.formlinkname.fieldlinkname. median '/>
average Computes the average of all values in a specified form field. <text  type='Form Data'  value='appLinkName.formlinkname.fieldlinkname. average '/>
count Computes the count of all the records in a specified form. <text  type='Form Data'  value='appLinkName.formlinkname. ID.count '/>
distinctCount Computes the distinct number of occurances of a value in a specified form field. <text  type='Form Data'  value='appLinkName.formlinkname.fieldlinkname .dictinctCount '/>

  • value    acts as a source attribute. i.e: Attributes including  size, bold, italic, fontFamily, color and bgColor   are styling attributes for the text content and applicable only when a  value  is specified.

3.  criteria

The  criteria  attribute specifies a fetching criteria for filtering the text to be displayed.

<text type='Form Data'  value='Student_management.term_exam.marks.maximum' criteria='class==&quot;12&quot;'/> 


  • criteria    attribute is optional. 
  • criteria   attribute can be used to add an additional filter to display a specified aggregate. 

4.  numberScale

The  numberScale  attribute adds a pseudo-metric symbol to the numeric value in the text.

Possible Values
  • K (Thousand)
  • M (Million)
  • B (Billion)


Syntax <text value='thisapp.Products.Unit_Price.sum' numberScale='K'/>


  • numberScale    attribute is optional. 

5.  decimalPlaces

The  decimalPlaces  attribute specifies the number of digits to be displayed after a decimal point.

Possible Values
  • A number from 0-3.


Syntax <text value='thisapp.Products.Unit_Price.sum' decimalPlaces='2'/>


  • decimalPlaces    attribute is optional.

6.  thousandsSeparator

The  thousandsSeparator  attribute specifies the symbol to be used to separate each group of thousands. 

Possible Values
  • , (Comma symbol) 
  • . (Period symbol )


Syntax <text value='thisapp.Products.Unit_Price.sum' thousandSeparator=','/>


  • thousandseparator    attribute is optional.

7.  decimalSeparator

The  decialSeparator  attribute specifies a symbol to be used to separate the integer part of a number from the fractinal part.

Possible Values
  • , ( Comma symbol) 
  • . ( Period symbol) 


Syntax <text value='thisapp.Products.Unit_Price.sum' decimalSeparator='.'/>


  • decimalseparator    attribute is optional. 

8.  fontFamily

The  fontFamily  attribute specifies a font style for the text. 

Possible Values 
  • Arial
  • Georgia
  • Lato
  • Proxima nova
  • Roboto
  • Roboto slab


Syntax <text type='Text' value='Hello World' fontFamily='Georgia'/>



  • fontFamily  attribute is optional. Applicable only when a  value  is specified.
  • If no  fontFamily  is specified for a  value , the text acquires the  fontFamily  of the application theme. Each application theme uses a different fontFamily.

9.  size

The  size  attribute defines a font size for the text. 

Possible Values
  • A number from 1 - 9 that defines the size of the text. 

Default Value

  • 4



<text type='Text' value='Hello World' size='8'/>




  • size  attribute is optional.

10.  bold

The  bold  attribute adds a bold font style to the text.

Possible Values
  • true
  • false

Default Value

  • false


Syntax <text type='Text' value='Hello World' bold='true'/>


  • bold  attribute is optional.

11.  italic

The  italic  attribute italicizes the font.

Possible Values
  • true
  • false

Default Value

  • false


Syntax <text type='Text' value='Hello World' italic='true'/>


  • italic  attribute is optional.

12.  color

The  color  attribute specifies a font color for the text.

Possible Values
  • A hexadecimal color value. You can refer  this page  for hexadecimal color codes.


Syntax <text type='Text' value='Hello World' color='#FF00FF'/>



  • color  attribute is optional.

13.  bgColor

The  bgColor  attribute specifies a background color for the <text> element.

Possible Values 
  • A hexadecimal color value. Refer  this page  for hexadecimal color codes.


Syntax <text value='Hello World' bgColor='#047B33'/>



  • bgColor  attribute is optional. Applicable only when a  value  is specified.

14.  padding

The  padding  attribute generates a specified amount of space between all sides of the text content and it's container.

Possible Values 
  • A numeric value in pixels
Syntax <text value='Hello World' padding='20px'/>


  • padding  attribute is optional.

15.  paddingTop

The  paddingTop  attribute generates a specified amount of space between the top of the text content and it's container.

Possible Values 
  • A numeric value in pixels
Syntax <text value='Hello World' paddingTop='50px'/>


  • paddingTop  attribute is optional.

16.  paddingRight

The  paddingRight  attribute generates a specified amount of space between the right of the text content and it's container.

Possible Values 
  • A numeric value in pixels
Syntax <text value='Hello World' paddingRight='20px'/>


  • paddingRight  attribute is optional.

17.  paddingBottom

The  paddingBottom  attribute generates a specified amount of space between the bottom of the text content and it's container.

Possible Values 
  • A numeric value in pixels
Syntax <text value='Hello World' margin='50px'/>


  • paddingBottom  attribute is optional

18.  paddingLeft

The  paddingLeft  attribute generates a specified amount of space between the left of teh text content and it's container.

Possible Values 
  • A numeric value in pixels
Syntax <text value='Hello World' margin='20px'/>


  • paddingLeft  attribute is optional

19.  margin

The  margin  attribute generates a specified amount of space between all sides of the text container and it's parent. 

Possible Values 
  • A numeric value in pixels


Syntax <text value='Hello World' margin='50px'/>



  • margin  attribute is optional

20.  marginTop

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