This page will help you get started with understanding the basics of creating an application using various app components.
Before proceeding, feel free to learn more about Developer Console.
2. Availability
Only the super admin of an account can create, manage, and submit applications for review in Zoho Marketplace. The super admin can add and share apps privately with clients whereas developers can only send updates to these clients (if they have the required permission).
3. Steps to create an app
If you're signing up for the first time, you’ll need to access the Developer Console by entering the necessary details on the registration page. Make sure you read and understand the terms and conditions, then click SIGN UP FOR FREE or log in using any of the supported federated logins.
For those who already have a Developer Console account, you can jump straight into building your applications after selecting Zoho Creator > Start building.
You'll then be navigated to the home page of your account, where you can start building applications.
1. Click + Create Application.
Note: If you've already created an app, you can further customize it by clicking Edit in the Environments dropdown in the application card.
2. Choose your distribution type—Marketplace application or Private application—from the dropdown that appears.
Marketplace distribution: This met
hod is suitable for applications with broader purposes that can be used by a large community of users. Applications distributed through Zoho Marketplace are accessible to a wide audience, allowing developers to reach more clients and generate revenue. Once the application is listed on Marketplace, clients can
install and start using the application.
Private distribution: This method is ideal for tailored applications designed for specific clients. Developers can share their applications privately with clients who need customized applications that cater to their organization's unique needs.
3. To build the app from scratch, click Create under Create from scratch. Or click Import under Import from file to convert your existing data into an app.
The app creation process is similar to the process employed in Zoho Creator. The following image highlights the various modules in your application builder:
The following links will help you understand the above sections in more detail:
Note: Our comprehensive Zoho Creator documentation can be found here. Please note that not all the pages or features in the Zoho Creator documentation are applicable to Developer Console—the link is provided for general reference. For example, AI fields are not yet supported in Developer Console. Similarly, support for integration forms is also not available in Developer Console at the moment.
4. Managing applications
All your applications will be listed in the Applications tab. To perform more actions on the applications, click the ellipsis in the relevant application card.