This page covers about the functionality, customization, and optimization of form buttons in Zoho Creator, answering key questions and providing insights for enhancing user experience.
Form buttons in Zoho Creator are interactive elements present in forms that allow users to perform specific actions, such as submitting, updating, or resetting form data.
- When submitting a record:
- The Submit button adds a new entry to the database.
- The Reset button clears form data, providing a fresh start if needed.
- When updating a record:
- The Update button saves changes to the existing record.
- The Cancel button allows users to undo modifications and revert to the original record.
Yes, you can change the display names of form buttons. The display name can include letters from any language, numbers, and special characters, up to a maximum of 200 characters.
Clicking the Submit button triggers form submission, including field-level validations, execution of On Validate actions in form workflows, creation of a record, and triggering of other actions in form workflows for record creation. Learn more on
submit button.The Reset button clears the data entered by the user in the form, reverting them to their default values. It is displayed next to the Submit button and removes user-entered data.
The Reset button is not displayed on phones or tablets. Users can reset the form on these devices by tapping the Back button and re-accessing the form.
When accessing a form to update an existing record, the Update button replaces the Submit button. Clicking Update triggers all field-level validations and On Validate actions in form workflows related to record editing. Additionally, it updates the record and triggers any other relevant actions configured for record updates.
The Cancel button is shown alongside the Update button when updating a record. It allows users to discard changes and close the form, which may result in lost changes before clicking Update.
How do I add a button to a Zoho Creator page?
- Edit your app and navigate to the required page's Design view.
- Click Open Page Builder.
- Select Button from the Page Elements menu.
- Choose a button type.
- Configure its label.
- Set the click action.
- Style the button.
Can buttons be customized on Zoho Creator pages?
Yes, buttons added to pages in Zoho Creator can be customized with specific label names, click actions, and styles to suit your application's needs.
Are there any limitations to the length of the button label?
The label for a form button can contain up to a maximum of 200 characters, including letters from any language, numbers, and special characters.
Yes, buttons can be used to link to related application components like forms or reports, or to execute custom functions when clicked. Learn
how to configure a button.
You can configure actions for a button, such as defining what should happen when the button is clicked, which can include submitting a form, running custom scripts, or navigating to other components.
How can I add a button to a specific page in my Zoho Creator app?
To add a button to a specific page, edit your app, navigate to the Design view of the desired page, click Open Page Builder, select Button from the Page Elements menu, and configure its properties.
The Reset button is not displayed on phones or tablets. Users can reset the form on these devices by tapping the Back button and re-accessing the form.
Tapping the Back button after entering data on a form from a phone or tablet will prompt users to return to the app's dashboard, where shared components are listed.
Can buttons be added to pages for specific devices in Zoho Creator?
Yes, buttons can be added to specific device views (e.g., web browser, mobile, tablet) in Zoho Creator's Page Builder. Learn
how to add buttons.
Yes, the Cancel button allows users to undo changes made to an existing record and close the form before clicking the Update button.
Yes, the appearance and style of form buttons can be customized to match the design and theme of your Zoho Creator app.
Yes, form buttons can be used to trigger specific form workflows and actions, such as validations and custom scripts, depending on the user's interaction.
Yes, form buttons are supported in various types of Zoho Creator forms, including those used for adding or updating records.
Buttons enhance the user experience by providing clear and intuitive options for submitting, updating, or resetting form data based on the user's actions and needs.
Yes, buttons can be used to implement specific behaviors or functionalities within a form, such as triggering validations, executing custom actions, or navigating to different sections of the app.
Buttons should be labeled clearly to indicate their purpose, and their actions should align with user expectations and interactions within the form. If not, it might confuse users about the buttons and their respective functions.
- Understand form buttons
Related FAQ Pages
- Forms
- Properties of form