This page covers about effectively managing online forms through restrictions on access and availability, including setting maximum entry limits, customizing messages, defining availability durations, and addressing common queries regarding form restrictions.
Setting a maximum number of entries for a form allows you to control the number of submissions it can accept. For example, if you have a job opening and need only 100 applications, you can use this feature to limit the submissions. Once the limit of 100 entries is reached, users will no longer be able to submit entries to the form.
To set a maximum number of entries:
- Click on Properties in the form builder in edit form of the application.
- Navigate to Restrict Form Access.

- Adjust the number of entries after which the form will be disabled for the user.
- A default message has been provided for the error below the number of entries. This message can be customized according to your requirements.

When the maximum number of allowed entries has been reached, users attempting to access the form will not be able to load it. Instead, they will encounter a message informing them that no more entries are allowed.
Yes, until the validation of a field is configured to prevent duplicate data, you can add duplicate entries until the maximum number of entries is reached.
Can I customize the message displayed to users when the maximum entries are reached?
Yes, To customize the message that users see when they attempt to access the form after it has reached its maximum entry limit.
Can I adjust the maximum entry limit after I've already set it?
Yes, you can adjust the maximum entry limit for your form even after it has been set. This flexibility allows you to modify the restriction based on changing requirements.
Is it possible to remove the maximum entry restriction once it's been set?
Yes, you can typically adjust or remove the maximum entry restriction from the form settings if needed. This allows you to resume accepting entries beyond the initial limit if desired.
Restricting a form's availability based on duration allows you to control when users can access and submit entries to the form. This can be useful for time-sensitive events, promotions, or limited-time offers.
To set a specific duration for form's availability:
- Click on Properties in the form builder in edit form of the application.
- Navigate to Restrict Form Availability.

- Select time and date in start and end time.
- Customize message to be displayed to user when they access form beyond time limit.

- You can set a form's availability duration in two ways: by defining both the start time and end time, or by only specifying the end time.
- The form will be accessible only within the defined duration.
If the form is accessed before the start time or after the end time of the specified duration, it will not load. Instead, a message indicating that the form is not yet available or that the form is closed will be displayed to the user.
Yes, To customize the message that users see when they attempt to access the form outside of the specified availability duration:
- Click on Properties in the form builder in edit form of the application.
- Navigate to Restrict Form Availability.
- A default message has been provided for the error below the number of entries. This message can be customized according to your requirements.

You can choose to display the default message or create your own.
Yes, the start time and end time of the form's availability duration are referenced in the time zone set in your app's settings. This ensures that the availability is aligned with the desired time zone.
Can I modify the availability duration after I've set it?
You can adjust the availability duration for the form even after it has been set. This allows you to extend or shorten the period based on changing requirements.
Are there any limitations to this restriction based on user roles or permissions?
Generally, this restriction applies to all users accessing the form, regardless of their roles or permissions. It's designed to control when the form is accessible to everyone.
While the form itself won't load when it's unavailable, you can use the customized message to inform users about the form's availability status and provide relevant information.
- Understand restricting a form's availability
- Restrict form availability