Mass emails can be sent via your SMTP servers using email relay.
To set up email relays, you will have to connect your SMTP server with the Zoho CRM server.
To configure email relay settings
- Navigate to Setup > Channels > Email > Email Deliverability > Email Relay.
- Click + New Server on the Email Relay Settings page.

- Enter the Server Name on the New Server Details page.
- Choose a port number from the dropdown.
- Specify the Maximum Limit.
- Choose one of the Secure Connections: SSL, TLS, or Never.
- Click either Yes or No in Authentication Required.
- If you choose Yes, enter the host's Username and Password for authentication.
- In Advanced Details select the following options:
- Domain in this server: Select a domain from the dropdown list.
- Type of email: Select the type of email from the dropdown list.
- DKIM Authentication: Check Enable to allow Zoho to sign DKIM for the emails routed via the relay server.
- Click Copy to Clipboard and paste the public key into your DNS settings.
- Click Configure.
2. How many mass emails can be sent from a trial account and is there a way to schedule mass emails?
The limit for mass emails varies depending on the trial edition that you are subscribed to:
- You can send up to 20 mass emails per day per organization in the Standard, Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate trial editions.
- You can schedule up to 10 mass emails per module at a time in the Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate trial editions.
Note: It is not possible to schedule mass emails in the Standard trial edition.To schedule mass emails
- Go to the module you want to schedule mass emails for.
- Click Actions and select Mass Email from the dropdown.
- Click +Create Mass Email on the right-hand side of the page.
- Select Schedule Later from the Send Options.
- Specify the date and time and click Schedule.
3. Only a few of my selected recipients have received a mass email campaign. What should I do?
Undelivered emails will be counted as Bounced emails in the email statistics. The possible reasons for an email bounce are:
- The recipient's email address is invalid.
- The email server of the recipient's email address is down due to technical issues.
- The recipient's inbox is full. The recipient's domain name is invalid.
- Emails from your email address have repeatedly been marked as spam by the recipient.
- The Email Opt Out field is enabled in the recipient's record.
- You have reached your mass email limit for the day.
Click here to learn more about the limits in your CRM edition.
To check sent email statistics
- Go to the module you want to check stats for and click Actions.
- Select Mass Email from the dropdown.
- Click on the Sent tab on the Mass Email page.
Select the email you want to check the statistics for from the list of sent mass emails.The Sent Email page will display both email details and email statistics. Statistics like Sent Email, Delivered, Opened, Clicked, Bounced, Unopened, and Not Clicked are displayed as a flow chart.
- Click on Bounced to find the recipients the email was not delivered to.
Find more troubleshooting tips
Every mass email that is sent can be viewed on the Sent tab with its performance statistics.
The Email Details contain information like the recipient addresses, template used, and the sender details. The Email Statistics contain the following insights in a flow chart:
- The total number of emails sent.
- The number of emails that were:
- Bounced: Emails may be bounced because the recipient's address was not valid or the email limit for the day was reached. To learn more about email bounces, refer to this help doc.
- Delivered to the recipient email address.
- Unopened by the recipient.
- Clicked by the recipient.
- Not clicked by the recipient.
Click on an individual metric to open a list of the recipients who that metric applies to. For more information about sent email statistics, refer to this
help doc.
To check email statistics of a sent email
- Go to the module which contains the sent email and click Actions and then Mass Email.
- Click the Sent tab and select the sent email you want to see the stats for.
Both the details and statistics for the email will be displayed.
5. How do I send mass emails to selected records in the Leads module?
You can send mass emails to selected leads in four different ways:
- Manual selection
- Custom view
- Advanced filter
- Criteria on the Mass Email page
Manual selection: Select records manually from the list of records in a module and then select the Send Email option. This is a bulk action which will allow you to send one email to multiple recipients.
Custom view: You can create a custom view in the Leads module based on specific criteria, such as leads from the IT industry, leads interested in buying a laptop, or marketing qualified leads.
Once the custom view is created, you can select it in the To dropdown.
Advanced filter: Advanced filters allow you to filter records using search criteria, select all the records in the results, and click Send Email to send a mass email to all the records which match the search criteria.
Criteria on the Mass Email page: Select recipients on the Mass Email page based on specific criteria, such as prequalified leads or deals that are under review, and send them mass emails.
6. How do I schedule mass emails to be sent at a particular date and time?
Scheduled mass email is available in the Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions.
Administrators or users with permission to send mass email can schedule mass emails. You can schedule up to 10 mass emails per module at a time. The available number of mass emails will reset as soon as the scheduled mass emails are sent or if sending fails. For example, if you schedule two mass emails in your account, only eight more will be left for that module. Once the two emails have been sent successfully, the amount remaining will go up by two, up to a maximum of 10.
To schedule mass emails
- Go to the module which contains the records you want to schedule mass emails to.
- Click Actions and select Mass Email from the dropdown.
- Click +Create Mass Email on the right side of the page.
- Select Schedule Later under Send Options.
- Specify the date and time and click Schedule.
7. I am subscribed to the Free edition of CRM, can I send mass emails?
No, mass email is only available in the paid editions: Standard, Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate. Mass emails can be scheduled in the Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions of CRM.
- In the Standard edition, you can send 250 mass emails per day per organization.
- In the Professional edition, you can send 500 mass emails per day per organization.
- In the Enterprise edition, you can send 1,000 mass emails per day per organization.
- In the Ultimate edition, you can send 2,000 mass emails per day per organization.
You can schedule up to 10 mass emails per module at a time in all editions that allow scheduled mass emails. The available number of mass emails will reset as soon as the scheduled mass emails are sent or if sending fails.
For example, if you schedule two mass emails in your account, only eight more will be left for that module. Once the two emails have been sent successfully, the amount remaining will go up by two, up to a maximum of 10.
8. Can I send mass emails from custom modules?
Yes, you can send mass emails from custom modules in the same way as from standard modules like Leads, Contacts, Vendors, and Deals.
To send mass emails from a custom module
- Go to the module which contains records you want to send mass emails to.
- Navigate to Actions > Mass Email > + Create Mass Email.
- Select Mass Email and then + Create Mass Email.
- In the New Mass Email page, enter the email details in the To, Template, From, Send Options, Follow-up Action, and Follow-up Emails fields.
- Click Send.
9. What are mass emails used for?
Mass emails allow you to send one message to a group of prospects or customers at the same time. For example, you can send announcements, newsletters, or transactional emails to prospects, or send follow-up emails to customers whose deals are in review.
To send mass emails
- Go to the module which contains the records you want to send mass emails to.
- Navigate to Actions > Mass Email > + Create Mass Email.
- In the New Mass Email page, enter the email details in the To, Template, From, Send Options, Follow-up Action, and Follow-up Emails fields.
- Click Send.
For more information about sending mass email, refer to this
help doc.
10. Can I add multiple From addresses for outgoing mails?
Yes. You can add multiple From addresses for outgoing emails. Please note that these are only email addresses that would be displayed to the recipients. The actual outgoing email will be the one that you have originally configured.
By default, individual emails will be sent from your primary email address. In this case, it will be
However, you can setup POP/IMAP configurations to send individual emails from a different email address. Let's say Amelia, who is the CEO of Zylker Inc, wants a common organisation address to be displayed to her customers. For other specific marketing purposes, she wants the email address to be Keep in mind that when it comes to sending mass emails, they can only be sent from the primary email address
To add multiple FROM addresses:
Click Setup > Personal Settings > Email Settings.
Log into your Zoho mail account and setup a POP or IMAP account. Click here to setup POP account.
- Enter the email address and click Add.
You can send bulk emails in batches and still keep track of the leads/contacts to whom you have sent the mails. Suppose you need to send bulk emails to contacts from USA, follow these steps:
Create field - You need to create a custom pick list field for contacts, namely, Mail Sent Status. You can specify the values as 'Sent' and 'Not Sent'.
Create a custom list view - You need to then create a custom list view that filters only those contacts to whom you need to send emails. The criteria can be:
Country is USA
Mail Sent Status is Not Sent
Send mass emails - Select the leads/contacts from the list view that you created and send mass emails.
Mass update - Use the Mass Update feature to update the Mail Sent Status field value as 'Sent' for all the leads/contacts records to whom the emails have been sent. Doing so will exclude the contacts (for which email is sent) from the list view. This way you can make sure that an email is not sent twice to the same contact.
12. Can I increase the mass email limit in my account?
Yes, you can increase the limit for bulk emails up to 2250 emails per day on request.
Please send the details of your requirement to to increase your mass email limit.Blocked emails don't get listed in the bounced emails category. So you won't be able to see the blocked emails in reports. Through advanced filters, you can filter records of the blocked emails in the list view. We will be supporting this in future.
17. Is it possible to send drip campaign emails to a specific group of people in CRM?
Yes, you can send a series of mass emails at regular time intervals using the autoresponder feature in Zoho CRM.
Read more in detail about autoresponders here.
You can prevent duplication by enabling a duplicate check for the email address as a unique field. Follow these steps to enable the duplicate check:
Go to Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields.
Select the Leads module.
Go to the Email Address field, click More [...] and select Do not allow duplicate values.
Click Save.
You can now avoid duplicate email addresses.