You can add the existing accounts to a campaign by following the steps given below:
Create a Lookup field for Accounts. A Related List will also be created for the Campaigns.
For example:
Label: Campaign Source (This field will be available for Accounts)
Lookup Type: Campaigns (You will be able to select campaign records from the lookup field)
Related List Label: Accounts (A Related List will be created for Campaigns)
In the Accounts tab, select the record that you want to add to the campaign.
Edit the record and choose the Campaign Source from the lookup. Click Save.
The account will be added to the campaign.
In the Campaigns tab, select the campaign for which the account is added.
The account details will be listed under the Accounts Related List.

5. How do I associate a campaign with other records?
In the Record Details page, the existing campaign details, if any, are displayed.
Follow these steps to associate a campaign with other records:
In the Campaigns Details page, associate the following:
Open Activities: To add tasks and events.
Closed Activities: To display closed tasks and events,
Leads: To display the leads generated through a campaign.
Deals: To display the deals generated through a campaign.
Attachments and Notes: To attach documents and notes to the Campaign.
After creating Campaigns, you may need to associate these campaigns with other records such as tasks, events, attachments, leads, contacts and deals.

6. How many emails can I send per day from Zoho CRM?
The email limit for every organization is calculated based on the total number of confirmed and active users in the account.
In the Free Edition, it is 50 x total confirmed and active users (per day, per organization) for upto 4 users. For accounts with more than 4 users, the limit is 200 emails (per day, per organization). 12 AM to 11.59 PM GMT is considered as one day.
Let's say you have 2 active and confirmed users in your organization's account. In this case, the maximum emails you can send per organization will be 100 (50 x 2) emails. If you have more than 4 active and confirmed users, then the total number of individual emails that can be sent will be 200, which is the fixed limit.
In the Paid Editions, it is 300 x total confirmed and active users (per day, per organization). 12 AM to 11.59 PM GMT is considered as one day. For instance, let's say you have 5 active and confirmed users in your organization’s account. In this case, the maximum number of individual emails that a user can send per day, per organization will be 1500 (300 x 5) emails.
You can send mass emails based on your Zoho CRM Edition. Mass emails per day, per company include Autoresponders, active Email Schedulers, Macros and Mass emails.
You can also increase the mass email limit up to 2250 per day, per organization for an additional cost. Please write to us at if you want to increase your mass email limit.
In Zoho CRM, the number of mass emails that you can send will vary based on your Zoho CRM Edition.
here to know about the features of Zoho CRM Editions.
To send mass emails, refer this

12 AM to 11.59 PM in your organization's time zone is considered as one day, to calculate the email count.
The mass emails per day, per company includes Autoresponders, active email Schedulers, Macros and Mass emails.
You can also increase the mass email limit up to 2250 per day, per organization for an additional cost. Please write to us at to increase your mass email limit.
These are the options by which you can send out bulk emails from Zoho CRM:
First Option - You can increase your mass email limit up to 2250 per day for a reasonable price. Please contact us at to increase your mass email limit.
Second Option - You can send bulk emails in batches. For instance, if you need to send bulk emails to 2000 contacts from USA, you can follow these steps:
Create a custom pick list field for contacts, namely Mail Sent Status. You can specify the values as 'Sent' and 'Not Sent'.
Create a custom list view that filters only those contacts to whom you need to send emails. The criteria can be, Country is USA and Mail Sent Status is Email Not Sent.
You can select different number of contacts from the list view and send mass email depending upon the CRM Edition you have.
Once the emails are sent, you need to use the Mass Update feature to change the Mail Sent Status as 'Sent'. This will exclude the contacts (for which email is sent) from the list view. This way you can make sure that an email is not sent twice to the same contact.
Third Option - You can use the Zoho Campaigns Integration to use the Leads and Contacts in CRM to carry out email campaigns. Additionally, you can track the clicks, bounce rates etc. for the email campaign. See Also Email Marketing with Zoho Campaigns.

8. Is it possible to send two different campaigns from different Email addresses?
Yes, it is possible to send campaigns from different email addresses. However, while creating a template you should select the appropriate email address that should appear while sending campaigns. This works only when you schedule mass emails.

9. While converting a lead, what happens to the multiple campaigns that are associated with it?
A lead may have multiple campaigns associated with it. In such cases, when you convert that particular lead, you will have an option to select one from the associated campaigns. The selected campaign will be associated to the deal as Campaign Source. All the campaigns associated to the lead will then get transferred to the contact.

10. Can a lead be assigned to multiple campaigns?
Yes. You can assign a lead or contact to multiple campaigns. Here is how you can do it: