FAQs on Tagging

FAQs: Tagging

1. What are the benefits of tagging records in Zoho CRM?

The primary objective of tagging in Zoho CRM is to help you categorize and prioritize records so that you can fetch them easily. For example, you can tag certain records as "Big deals" or "Tradeshow leads from Australia" or "Junk leads from referrals" and so on. When you categorize them based on the type of records, or activities associated to them, or the potential profits from the deals - is entirely up to you.
Consider tags as labels for records. They simply offer you an easy way to fetch a certain bunch of records and work on them. Here are some quick points on tagging in Zoho CRM:
  • You can add tags manually or assign tags on import of records or those created via APIs.
  • You can also automate the assignment of tags to records via workflow rules.
  • You can filter records on Global Search and via Advanced Filters based on tags.
  • You can create reports based on tags for a module.

2. How do tags work differently from a multi-select picklist field?

The thin line that separates tags from multi-select picklist values is the purpose that both of these solves. 
While tags are meant to help you categorize and prioritize records, multi-select picklist fields are part of the record information. For example, multiple tags for a lead can be "New lead", "Tradeshow lead" and "Australia leads". All these can be attached to a single record. Notice the range of tags - one talks about the type of lead, another about lead source while the last one denotes a territory/area.

However, a multi-select picklist field for the same lead might be something like "Products Interested In" which would be something like "A, B and C". This is part of the record information and not a label. You cannot have a range of values as seen in tags, as that is not the purpose. To solve this using fields, you might have to create three custom fields. Instead of that, you can create tags and save custom fields for a real need. 

Apart from the difference in purpose, note that users need to be administrators to add multi-picklist values. It’s not possible to automate the addition, removal or replacement of options within a multi-select field. However, with Tagging, you can select a Tag from the cloud or create a new Tag and associate it to records. You can also append/overwrite tags on mass update of records.

3. I am not able to add tags to records. Why?

These could be the reasons why you're unable to add tags to records:
  1. You don't have the permissions to add tags. Make sure permissions to add Tags is enabled under Other Permissions in your user profile.
  2. Your CRM organization account has exceeded the tag limits for the module, so you are not able to add a tag afresh.
  3. You are not part of a Zoho CRM paid edition. Note that tagging records is available for the Standard Edition and above.

4. Can I add tags via API?

Yes, you can add tags to records via APIs.

5. How can I search for records based on tags added?

You can search for records on Global Search as well as Advanced Filters based on the tags. 
In Advanced Filters, simply select criteria as "Tag is _____" and enter the tag name. You will be able to fetch relevant records. You can also create custom views in a module based on tags.

6. Are there logical operators while you search for tags? If so, will it be possible to search for [Tradeshow leads] AND [Australia Leads]?

Currently this is not possible via search. However, you can achieve the same using custom views for a module. When you create a custom view for a module, you can add criteria using the AND logical operator and save the view.

7. Can I push out tags from Zoho CRM to other third party applications such as MailChimp via APIs?

Currently, this is not possible. Watch this space for updates.

8. Where are all the tags for a module maintained?

Tags for a module are maintained under the Manage Tags section. Go to the required module, click on the More icon in its list view and click Manage Tags.

9. Can a lead tag be carried over to a contact tag?

Yes, you can carry over lead tags on conversion, to a contact, account and deal.

10. Can I use the tags created by other users?

Yes, you can share tags with other users as long as they have the permissions to access your records.

11. Can I automatically replace tags? For example, if a customer's Contact Status is updated to Contacted, can the To-be-contacted be replaced with the Contacted tag automatically?

You can overwrite tags in bulk automatically via workflow rules as well as automated actions in Blueprint. Note that ALL tags associated to the record will be replaced with the new tag and not a specific one alone.

12. Is it possible for me to merge similar tags? If so, how?

Yes. You can merge similar tags. Simply go to the Manage Tags section of a module and Edit a tag. When you update the tag name to an existing tag, CRM will throw an alert, "Tag already exists. Do you want to merge this Tag?"
Click Yes, Merge. The two tags will be merged and reflected across associated records in the module.

13. What happens when I delete tags associated to a bunch of records? Will I be able to delete tags used by others?

When you delete a tag, it will be dissociated from all the records on which it has been applied. Please note that if a tag is associated as part of criteria in workflow rules, reports, custom views etc (wherever criteria are applicable in CRM), you will be prompted to first remove the association in the relevant sections before deleting the tag. You must have Administrator privileges to delete a tag.

14. Can I add tags via the CRM mobile app?

No, currently you cannot add tags via the CRM mobile app.

15. Can I import specific tags and attach them to records?

Currently there is no "Import Tags" option in CRM. However you can assign tags to a bunch of records upon import.

16. Can I use tags as a parameter to generate reports using Advanced CRM Analytics?

Currently, tags do not sync with Advanced CRM Analytics. This is on our roadmap. However, you can generate built-in reports in Zoho CRM (Reports module), with tags as part of the report criteria.

17. Can I overwrite existing tags?

Yes, you can overwrite tags. This can be either using the Add Tags option from the [Module] List View or via workflow rules/Blueprint.

18. Can I only add tags to records that I own?

By default, you can add tags to records you own. You can also add tags to records for which you have the Add/Edit permission.

19. Can tags be exported?

No. Currently, you do not have an option to export tags separately. However, when you export records from a module, the corresponding tags are exported as a column in the spreadsheet.

20. How do I flag or group contacts, so as to see them all listed on one page?

You can use tagging to group all contacts relevant to a specific project on one page. Learn more about tagging here.

You can use the tagging feature to flag the right contacts for any project related activity. Read more about tagging here.

22. What is auto-tagging and why should I enable it?

Auto-tagging is a feature by which Google appends a GCLID (Google Click Identifier) at the end of the destination URL. The destination URL is nothing but the landing page that the ad leads the user to when they click it.

When you enable auto-tagging, Zoho CRM will be able to track,
  1. All the AdWords keyword that brought a lead/contact to your site
  2. The campaign that keyword was used in
  3. The cost of that click
This is important in order to track what happens on your website after a user clicks on your ad.
Here is an example of a GCLID>> URL: http://www.example.com/?gclid=TeSter-123.
To know more about GCLID and auto-tagging, visit: Auto-tagging

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