Frequently Asked Questions on CRM for Everyone

Frequently Asked Questions on CRM for Everyone

Zoho CRM for Everyone is available on the Early Access mode for customers upon request. Request access here.

Are Zoho CRM and CRM for Everyone the same CRM or is it a new CRM from Zoho? 

We are introducing an upcoming upgrade to your existing Zoho CRM, which we've titled "CRM for Everyone." This isn't a new CRM, but a significant enhancement to the user interface and functionality you're familiar with in your current CRM.


 What's New?   

  1. Interactive User Interface: Experience a smoother, more engaging way to navigate your CRM.
    Learn more about the Next Gen UI here.
  2. Team Modules: Team Modules in Zoho CRM are designed to streamline collaboration within your team by creating team specific modules separate from the Organization modules. Learn more about team modules here.
  3. Chart Views: This view transforms your raw data into intuitive charts, enhancing decision-making by identifying patterns and trends, and helping to optimize sales strategies within your CRM modules. Learn more about chart view here.
  4. Teamspaces: A new addition that provides customized spaces for different team needs.
    Learn more about teamspaces here.
  5. Interactions Tab: This centralizes all customer interactions in one chronological view, enabling personalized service by providing a comprehensive history for each contact or lead. Learn more about the Interactions tab here.
This upgrade, retains the core functionality of your current CRM. It will present your familiar CRM in a fresh, more efficient format.

What can I compare CRM for Everyone to? 

CRM for Everyone (CRM4E) can be compared to your existing Zoho CRM setup or other CRM systems offered by competitors. Typically, CRM systems are designed primarily to support sales teams by enhancing sales activities, customer journeys, onboarding, nurturing, and closing deals. However, CRM4E expands beyond this traditional focus.

Traditionally, CRMs primarily support the sales team, and most competitor offerings are aligned with this approach. Zoho CRM, however, is redefining this approach by integrating functionality to support various other customer-centric teams. These include the marketing, legal, payments, accounts, products, onboarding, pre-sales, training, and customer support teams, among others.

CRM4E facilitates collaboration across these diverse teams by providing dedicated teamspaces and team modules within the CRM. This setup significantly reduces the time spent on coordination across different communication channels, which was a common challenge in the past. With CRM4E, each team can operate within its own module while also being able to request resources or information, such as legal documents or quotes, from other teams. This ensures efficient and streamlined operations across the entire customer lifecycle.

Furthermore, CRM4E introduces a next generation user interface designed for ease of navigation and collaboration. It includes features like chart views for visualizing data through pie charts, bar charts, funnel charts, and more. It also offers detailed timelines showing precise records of all actions taken. These enhancements make CRM4E a robust platform that supports a wide array of teams beyond sales, living up to its name by being a CRM solution truly designed for everyone.

What can I do with CRM for Everyone that I could not do with CRM?

CRM for Everyone introduces several new features that expand the functionality beyond what traditional CRM systems typically offer, particularly in terms of collaboration and customization:
  1. Inclusion of Diverse Teams: Unlike traditional CRM systems that focus mainly on sales, CRM for Everyone allows integration of various customer-centric teams within the same CRM environment. Teams such as marketing, product development, pre-sales, legal, and others can now be part of the CRM ecosystem, each with their own dedicated spaces.
  2. Custom Team Modules: You can create specific modules for different teams within your organization. These modules are accessible only to members of that team unless access is explicitly granted to others. This feature enhances security and relevance by ensuring that team members see only the data and tools pertinent to their roles.
  3. Enhanced Collaboration: CRM for Everyone facilitates improved collaboration by enabling team members from different departments to request access to or input from other teams directly within the CRM. For example, a marketing team member can send a request to the product team right through the CRM.
  4. Organized Teamspaces: You can organize your team-specific modules into folders within your teamspace, making it easier to navigate and manage different projects and tasks. This structured approach helps keep related information and tools neatly organized and readily accessible.
  5. Next Generation User Interface: We have now a next-generation user interface designed for ease of navigation. This makes it more intuitive for users to find what they need quickly, enhancing productivity and user experience.
Overall, CRM for Everyone significantly broadens the scope of traditional CRM systems by incorporating these features, which are designed to support a more diverse range of functions and teams within a unified platform.

How does CRM for Everyone work with my existing tech stack?

CRM for Everyone (CRM4E) is designed to complement your existing CRM system without requiring significant changes to your current technology setup. It enhances your CRM capabilities by allowing you to onboard various teams and collaborate more effectively within the same platform. The primary adjustments you'll need to make involve setting up team modules for different teams and assigning team administrators in CRM4E. Aside from these changes, upgrading to CRM4E with your existing tech stack does not necessitate extensive technological alterations. This approach ensures a smooth transition and minimal disruption to your current operations.

You provide CRM for Everyone, CRM Plus, and Zoho One. Which one do I pick for my organization?

Understanding which business scenario fits with each Zoho product (CRM4E, CRM Plus, and Zoho One) is key to selecting the right tool. Here's a detailed breakdown with examples to help you decide:
CRM for Everyone (CRM4E):

Ideal for: Businesses that focus primarily on sales processes and require a robust customer relationship management system to support customer-facing teams.

  1. A startup tech company: This company might have a small but agile sales team that needs to track leads, manage customer interactions, and close deals efficiently. CRM4E provides the necessary tools for these tasks without the complexity of additional features that the team might not use.
  2. A real estate agency: Agents need to maintain strong relationships with potential and current clients. CRM4E allows them to manage their interactions, schedule viewings, and follow up on leads and opportunities, all within a focused environment. 

CRM Plus:

Ideal for: Larger organizations with diverse needs spanning multiple departments including sales, customer support, project management, and marketing.

  1. A mid-sized e-commerce company: This business requires integration of customer service (to handle inquiries and issues), sales (to manage leads and track conversions), and marketing (to drive campaigns and analyze customer data). CRM Plus bundles tools like Zoho Desk for customer service, Zoho CRM for sales management, and Zoho Campaigns for email marketing, offering a comprehensive solution.
  2. A consulting firm: Such a firm might manage numerous projects at different stages and need to maintain excellent client relationships. CRM Plus integrates Zoho Projects for project management and Zoho CRM for client relationship management, ensuring seamless transitions between different stages of client engagement.

Zoho One:

Ideal for: Large or diverse businesses that operate across multiple domains and require a wide array of integrated applications for comprehensive operational control.

  1. A multinational corporation: With operations in different countries, departments, and industries, such a corporation needs everything from sales CRM, HR management, financial tools, to email marketing under one roof. Zoho One provides an all-encompassing suite that includes all of these functionalities, which can be customized and scaled according to specific regional and departmental needs.
  2. A healthcare network: This network might include multiple clinics and specialized services requiring patient management, appointment scheduling, billing, and internal communications. Zoho One integrates all these needs into a single system, facilitating better coordination and data sharing across the network. 
Each of these Zoho products is designed to meet specific business needs, from streamlined sales-focused interfaces in CRM4E, through more comprehensive organizational tools in CRM Plus, to a full suite of business applications in Zoho One. By evaluating your business's size, scope, and specific needs, you can select the most appropriate Zoho product to enhance efficiency and growth.

Is there an additional cost if I decide to upgrade to CRM for Everyone?  

Upgrading to CRM4E does not incur additional costs beyond your current Zoho CRM pricing. It retains the same editions and pricing structure. However, adding users to the team module requires a team user license, which is available at a minimal cost.

For more detailed information, please visit this feature comparison page and the team license document.

How can I upgrade to CRM for Everyone? 

To upgrade your CRM to CRM4E, simply fill out this form after clicking on this link.
Also, you can learn more about CRM4E and it's features in detail by visiting here.

What will happen to my current CRM data once I upgrade to CRM for Eeryone? 

When you upgrade to CRM for Everyone, all your CRM data will remain intact, and you'll gain access to additional tools to enhance your business processes within CRM. There will be no loss of data or records, including your accounts and automations. Upgrading to CRM4E is similar to updating the software on your phones, laptops, and TVs—it's simply an enhancement of your existing CRM system.

Can I revert to my old CRM from CRM for Everyone? 

Yes you can go back to your old CRM UI from CRM4E just with a click. Simply click on your profile icon located in the upper left corner, where you'll find the option to 'Switch to old Version'.

You can leave us feedback about your overall CRM experience and how we can improve it further via Write your feedback option from the profile icon sidebar.

What is the price for the CRM license and subscription for the CRM for Everyone and how does it work?

The licensing for CRM for Everyone aligns with the existing CRM licenses, depending on your edition, from Standard to Ultimate.

For example, if you have a subscription to the Professional edition, you will retain that edition when you upgrade to CRM for Everyone. If you wish to add more team module users specifically for the team modules in CRM for Everyone, you can purchase a separate team user license.

Learn more about Team Modules here.
Learn more about Team user license here.
Learn more about the CRM4E - Availability Information here.

When you switch back to your old CRM from CRM for Everyone:
  1. The Next Gen UI will revert to the old CRM UI.
  2. Teamspaces created in the New UI will not be visible in the old UI; instead, the existing tab groups will be displayed.
  3. Team modules created in the Next Gen UI will also be shown in the old UI.
  4. Chart Views created in the Next Gen UI will be available in the old UI as well.

What If I don't want team modules in my CRM as I am running a small business with less users? 

If team modules are not relevant to your business, there's no need to configure them in your CRM4E. It's similar to opting out of certain modules in your CRM that you don't find useful. Without setting up the team module, you can still fully utilize CRM4E, taking advantage of its other features. This includes the new and interactive user interface, the interactions tab, chart view, and other enhancements.

Is it compulsory to upgrade to CRM For Everyone? 

Upgrading to CRM4E is currently optional. You can try CRM4E to see how it benefits your business and if it aligns with your needs. If you find that it doesn't suit your requirements, you have the flexibility to revert to your previous CRM interface. However, please note that over the next few months, we will be gradually transitioning all users to CRM4E, which features new enhancements like the next-generation user interface. If you do not require team modules or teamspaces, there's no need to configure them, they will simply remain inactive, much like any other modules you currently do not use in your CRM system.

Is the CRM for Everyone the same for CRM standalone and bundled CRMPlus, and Zoho One?  

We are introducing an upcoming upgrade to your existing Zoho CRM, which we've titled "CRM for Everyone." This isn't a new CRM, but a significant enhancement to the user interface and functionality you're familiar with.
This upgrade, retains the core functionality of your current CRM. It will present your familiar CRM in a fresh, more efficient format. Whether you use CRM as a standalone product or bundled in CRMPlus or Zoho One, the features and user interface remain consistent. The main change you’ll notice is a shift of some features from the sidebars to the topband in the dashboard UI.

For detailed information on the UI updates across CRM, CRMPlus, and Zoho One, please click here.

How AI plays a role in CRM for Everyone? 

Zia, Zoho CRM's AI assistant, offers numerous benefits to enhance data management and productivity:

  1. Data Enrichment:
    1. Automatic Completion: Fills in missing customer data, providing a complete and accurate dataset.
    2. Enhanced Segmentation: Uses enriched data for better customer segmentation and personalized experiences.
  2. Productivity Boost:
    1. Workflow and Macro Suggestions: Identifies repetitive tasks and suggests automation to streamline workflows.
    2. Similarity Recommender: Provides personalized product recommendations based on customer preferences.
  3. Improved Data Quality:
    1. Image Validation: Ensures the authenticity and quality of uploaded images using AI.
  4. Enhanced Customer Engagement:
    1. Best Time to Contact: Analyzes communication patterns to recommend the optimal times to engage with customers.
    2. Email and Call Intelligence: Analyzes sentiments and intents in communications for better customer interaction strategies.


Zia's intelligent features help users manage their CRM more effectively, automate tasks, and provide deeper insights for improved decision-making and customer interactions. For more information, you can refer to the Zia Overview in Zoho CRM.

You can bring multiple teams in CRM for everyone for close collaboration.

 Set Up Team Modules: 

  1. Assign Profile Permissions: Ensure users have the Create Team Module permission to allow them to create team modules within their teamspaces.
  2. Choose the Right Edition: Determine the edition that fits your needs based on module and field limits:
    1. Standard: 10 team modules, 25 custom fields each.
    2. Professional: 20 team modules, 50 custom fields each.
    3. Enterprise/Zoho One: Custom modules based on user licenses, up to 200 modules.
    4. Ultimate/CRM Plus: More extensive customization, up to 500 modules.
  3. Create Team Modules: Within a teamspace, users can create team modules and add custom fields as per their edition limits.
  4. Manage Team Module Admins: You can assign up to 5 admins per team module to manage and organize the module efficiently.
  5. Add Users: You can add up to 2000 users to a team module, ensuring widespread collaboration within the CRM.

Configure Teamspaces:  

  1.  Assign Permissions: Grant the Manage Teamspace permission to users who need to create, edit, and delete teamspaces.
  2. Determine Edition Limits: Ensure you understand the limits based on your edition:
    1. Standard: 5 teamspaces can be created
    2. Professional: 10 teamspaces can be created
    3. Enterprise: 25 teamspaces can be created
    4. Ultimate: 25 teamspaces can be created
Additionally Each teamspace can have up to 50 folders for housing all the modules relevant to the particular aspect of the team's work.

Whether the central Admin again has to create all these teamspace and teammodules?

No, Central Admin need not create all the teamspaces or team modules in CRM for Everyone.

Any user with relevant permissions to Manage Teamspaces and Create Team Modules can can manage teamspaces and team modules respectively independently, eliminating the need for the Central Administrator to set them up in CRM for Everyone. They can delegate routine administrative tasks, boosting team productivity and collaboration. This means the Central Administrator doesn't need to handle every task within each team module or teamspace. Instead, these responsibilities can be assigned to capable users within the team.

Users with the Manage Teamspace permission can create, edit, and delete all teamspaces. Similarly, users with the Create Team Module permission can create and manage team modules in any teamspace they are part of, with their actions dependent on their team module profile.

Note: The Central Administrator retains all organization-wide administrative rights and can appoint or remove any Team Module Administrators, ensuring they are not the sole authorities and cannot bypass the Central Administrator's decisions.

Whether CRM for everyone can be extended to real estate usage? How can buyers/sellers (portal users) be part of it?  

CRM for Everyone can be extended for real estate usage. Please read this document to get an idea of how real estate businesses can leverage CRM for Everyone to close deals.

However, Portals are not supported in Team Modules as of now, It will be supported in the upcoming updates to CRM4E.

 How is record security managed when sharing data in CRM for Everyone? In product or service life cycle management, it's crucial to gather data from a 360-degree perspective while ensuring that the right information is accessible to the right people at the right time. Can you explain how CRM for Everyone addresses this? 

Privacy and security are fundamental to all our products. To ensure user data security, CRM for Everyone incorporates fine-grained access control at the field level, enabling admins to manage data visibility for each user. Each department has a dedicated admin, fostering a democratized and organized system.

CRM for Everyone is designed to empower multiple customer operations teams by organizing data into private Team Modules specific to each department. These modules ensure data is only accessible to designated team members, with permissions further adjustable within the team.

Data management is carefully regulated, ensuring that it is not exposed to irrelevant teams. This setup allows CRM for Everyone to support a wide range of teams while keeping data control in the hands of the customer. Robust security administration based on ACL functionality (roles, profiles, and data sharing) allows CRM admins to grant appropriate access based on user roles within the organization, ensuring security and efficiency.

Overall, CRM for Everyone offers a powerful, secure, and user-friendly system for managing customer relationships across diverse teams, ensuring data integrity and accessibility based on defined roles and permissions.




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