The Survey Comparison dashboard is extremely helpful for marketing exercises and
also for improving your products/services based on customer feedback.
If you want to analyze customer feedback specifically from surveys and draw insights
by comparing a set of surveys and
responses, this dashboard is for you. Zia makes an
analysis of survey responses and provides you with details on the underlying sentiment
and intent of those responses.
In addition to this, Zia also gives you snapshot of competitor mentions and customer
trend (promoters vs detractors) based on survey responses.
You will also have detailed insights on the keywords that may have contributed to a high
or low score on your NPS surveys and the underlying sentiments of those keywords so
you have a quick picture of what predominantly let you down or made you win — high
cost, great service, hospitality, good UI and so on and so forth.
The dashboard gives an overview of customer feedback on various surveys (upto three surveys) and allows to compare them.
1. Frequently Used Keywords in Surveys
The keywords that have been frequently used by the customers in their feedback in individual surveys along with the positive, negative, neutral, and overall sentiment.
2. Overall Top Keywords
A tabular chart will display sentiment for each keyword and the survey in which it was mentioned. It will also show the increase or decrease in the occurrence from one survey to another. For example, if price was mentioned by 5 customers in survey 1 and 10 customers in survey 2 then under survey 2 the keyword will be displayed with a green arrow facing upwards. Filter the keyword analysis by survey name to view results for a specific survey.
3. Top Positive Keywords
The tabular charts will show the top 10 keywords that showed positive sentiment in the surveys.
4. Top Negative Keywords
The tabular charts will show the top 10 keywords that showed negative sentiment in the surveys.
5. Top Common Keyword Buzz
A bar graph shows a comparison of the number of customers who mentioned a particular keyword across multiple surveys.
6. Sentiment in Surveys
A bar graph shows the number of customers that have shown positive, negative or neutral response in each survey. The analysis will consider customers responses for each question and take the average sentiment to compute the overall sentiment.
7. Intent in Surveys
Likewise, a bar graph will show the number of customers that have shown a particular type of intent for a survey. The intent that will be captured as query, complaint, or suggestion.
8. Competitor Mentions Analysis in Surveys
This gives you an insight into
the number of customers who
mentioned each of your
competitors in each survey that
is up for comparison.
9. Survey-wise Keyword Responsible For Lead Conversation
This chart gives you information regarding keywords mentioned by customers in multiple surveys after which they were converted successfully, over a specific timeframe.
10. Customer Trends in Surveys
A bar graph that shows whether the customer has moved from promoter to detractor or vice-versa by analyzing their feedback from each survey. The graph will show the number of customers that became a promoter, detractor, promoter to detractor or vice-versa for individual surveys. The timeline will be calculated from the time they have been doing business with you.
11. Survey Keywords Quadrant
In this chart, you can view the number of customers that have shown used certain keywords with positive, negative or neutral sentiment in each survey. The graph will be plotted by the amount of time the customers have worked with your organization against their total revenue. The chart can be viewed in a tabular format where a detailed insight will be displayed.
12. Survey Sentiment Quadrant
Similar to the above chart, here you can view the number of customers that have shown certain sentiment in a survey. The graph will be plotted by the amount of time the customers have worked with your organization against their total revenue. On hovering over the bubble, you can view the total number of customers that showed certain sentiment for which survey.
13. NPS Score Reasoning Cloud Chart
14. NPS Reasons by Survey Heat Map analysis