How to change data type of a column?

Change data type

Zoho DataPrep automatically identifies the data type of each column in your dataset during the time of import.

Sometimes due to multiple errors in the dataset, DataPrep may not correctly identify the data type, in which case you can manually override to change the data type of the column using the Change data type transform.

To change the data type of a column

1. Right-click the column name and select the Change data type  option from the context menu. 
2. The Select datatype dropdown in the Studio panel shows a list of datatypes with match accuracy.

Match accuracy is the percentage of data volume in the selected column that conforms to a data type.

3. DataPrep supports the following data types:
  1. Text
  2. Number
  3. Decimal
  4. Timestamp
  5. Positive number
  6. Date
  7. Date time
  8. Time
  9. Duration
  10. Currency
  11. Length
  12. Temperature
  13. Boolean
  14. Email
  15. URL
  16. List
  17. Map
  18. Percentage 
4 After selecting the datatype, choose the desired format from the available options. Click here  to know more about the format options.

Zoho DataPrep uses the format specified by the user to identify if the column data conforms to the data format specified and marks the column data as valid or invalid.

5. Enable the Add constraints toggle to set constraints and determine valid values in a column. The values that do not follow the constraints you have set will be categorised as invalid values in the column. However, they will not be removed. Click here to know more about constraints. 

6. If you want to set a column as mandatory, y ou can select the  Set as mandatory (not null)  checkbox.

7. You can also apply this transform along with constraints on multiple columns. Select the required columns using the  icon under  Columns to apply

8. Choose a datatype from the listed types and click Apply .

9.  You can also create your own data type by choosing Create custom data type  option.

Format options

  The following table covers the available format options for all the data types:








Thousands separator

None, Comma (,), Dot (.)


Thousands separator

None, Comma (,), Dot (.)

Decimal separator

Comma (,), Dot (.)


Time format

Click here to know the supported time formats.


Date format

Click here to know the supported date formats.

Date time

Date time format

Click here to know the supported date time formats.





Thousands separator

None, Comma (,), Dot (.)

Decimal separator

Comma (,), Dot (.)

Select unit

Click here to know the units supported for currency datatype.


Thousands separator

None, Comma (,), Dot (.)

Decimal separator

Comma (,), Dot (.)


Thousands separator

None, Comma (,), Dot (.)

Decimal separator

Comma (,), Dot (.)

















Duration format

Click here to know the supported duration formats.

Positive number






To add a constraint

1. Enable the Add constraints toggle.

2. Select an option from the constraints section and enter the string.  The options are displayed based on the data type of the first column you have selected in the  Columns to apply  field. 

The following table lists all the available constraint options for these base data types:

Data type








Doesn't contain



Starts with



Doesn't start with



Ends with



Doesn't end with






Not in






Is not








String length comparators

Length greater than(>)



Length greater than or equal to(>=)



Length equal to(=)



Length not equal to()



Length lesser than(<)



Length less than or equal to(<=)



Length range


String length values




Not in



Greater than(>)



Greater than or equal to(>=)



Equal to(=)



Not equal to()



Less than(<)



Less than or equal to(<=)





Individual values




Not in



Greater than(>)



Greater than or equal to(>=)



Equal to(=)



Not equal to



Less than(<)



Less than or equal to(<=)





Individual values




Not in




Date, Date time


Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4



January to December



Week 1 to Week 53



Date & time




0 to 23


Day of the week

Sunday to Saturday


Day of the month

1 to 31







3. When you add more than one constraint, the logical operators, AND or OR appear next to the constraints. You can click to toggle the logical operator between AND and OR.

Criteria expression

Using the logical operators, you can combine the constraints and apply logic to determine the rule of precedence. The final expression is displayed in the Criteria expression box. You can click Edit to alter the default expression using logical operators and parenthesis to specify the precedence or the sequential order as to which constraint should be evaluated first. Click Save after making the required changes. 

4. Click Apply .

If you select the Date, Datetime or Time types

You can select the required tiles and construct the Date, Datetime or the Time format. 

1. Click to select the different date and time components to build your custom format.

2. You can choose the 24-Hour format by selecting the hour-format icon which would appear at the right end when you hover your mouse over the text box.

3. You can click on the grip portion of the tile (grip icon that appears on hovering your mouse over) and move around the tiles to rearrange them.

4. A live preview of your date, datetime or a time column is shown as you build your format.

The date, datetime or the time format constructed is invalid if one or more of the following conditions are not met:
  1. You have to choose at least one tile from the Day, Month, and Year tiles.
  2. You can use the characters, 'Z' and 'T' only once in a datetime and a time format.
  3. The tiles that follow the character, 'T' must be related to time such as Hours, Mins, Sec.
  4. A datetime and time format must contain an Hours tile.
  5. In a datetime format, you can use either the character, 'Z ' or any one of the tiles.
  6. You can use any one of the tiles in a time format.
  7. You can choose only one format from the Day, Month, Year, Hours, Mins, and Sec tiles.
DataPrep allows only the following delimiters while constructing a date or a date-time format.

Date and Datetime delimiters
/ : - , . \s T Z
Time delimiters
/ : - , . \s Z

Note: \s denotes a single whitespace. Please provide an actual space when you provide the input. 

If you select the Duration data type

You can select a predefined format from the Duration only or Duration with days sections, choose to modify it, or construct formats using available format strings and delimiters. You can use the modulo % symbol to separate the format strings. Click here to know more about duration formats.

For example, %D.%H:%m:%s.%SSSSSS where %D is number of days, %H is number of hours, %m is number of minutes, %s is number of seconds, and %SSSSSS is number of microseconds.

A duration format is invalid if one or more of the following conditions are not met:
  1. The format cannot be empty. 
  2. You can use a string only once in a format. 
    1. For example, in the duration format, 301.201.21:12:00, the duration is repeated twice which makes it an invalid duration format. 
  3. You can use either microsecond or millisecond in a duration format and not both.
    1. For example, in the duration format, 12 days 1 hours 2 minutes 1.911 seconds 1.910001 seconds, both microseconds and milliseconds are used which renders it an invalid duration format.

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