Zoho DataPrep allows you to manage all user activities and user access in your organization using the Audit tab under the Compliance tab in the Settings page. You can also export and download these audit logs.
DataPrep provides you with the below audit trials:
To enable the Audit settings
To enable the audit settings,
1. Choose the Compliance tab in the Settings page and click Audit.
2. Toggle the Activity audit or Access audit as required.
3. This enables the tracking of audit logs. The access and activity actions will be logged starting soon after you enable them.
4. Similarly when you disable audit logs, the tracking will be stopped immediately. Likewise, when you enable again, access and activity actions will be logged from that point in time and those logs that were previously tracked will be retained.
5. The maximum retaining period of audit logs is two years. When you export audit logs, the audit file includes events from the last two years until one hour before you click the Export button in Zoho DataPrep. The duration is measured from the moment the administrator enabled the audit.
Note: The Audit settings is mandatory for HIPAA-compliant organizations. Therefore, it is enabled by default if the HIPAA compliance is enabled for your organization. However, you can enable or disable this option when the HIPAA compliance is disabled. Learn more.
To export Activity audit
1. Choose the Audit tab under the Compliance tab in the Settings page. Click the Activity audit toggle.
Enabling the Activity audit option allows you to monitor and log all the user activities such as data import, create, update, delete, share, export, data catalog, schedule, configure etc., performed in your organization. Using Activity Logs, you can identify the users responsible for every action, along with the time and location from where the account was accessed to execute these activities.
The audit logs can be exported from the time the activity audit is enabled and not from the time when the organization was created.
2. Click Export to export the Activity logs data.
3. You will receive a download link to your email address when the data is ready. This link will be active for 7 days.

4. Click the Download button in the email to download the logs.
5. The activity audit logs will be exported as a compressed zip file. Upon extracting the zip file, you will find CSV files with the logs data that was recorded on an hourly basis. This file documents instances of all completed activities.
The Activity log data you export includes events from the last two years until one hour before you click the Export button in Zoho DataPrep. This duration is measured from the moment the administrator enabled the audit.
Note: You can export logs thrice a day only. Since logs are generally big data, it could cause severe load on the server side to take, encrypt, and compress data when the user initiates it multiple times.
The exported activity logs contain the following data:
Below is a snapshot of an exported Activity audit log,

To export the Access audit
1. Choose the Audit tab under the Compliance tab in the Settings page. Click the Access audit toggle.
Enabling Access audit option allows you to monitor and log the details of the users who accessed entities within your organization, along with the time and location of access.
The audit logs can be exported from the time the access audit is enabled and not from the time when the organization was created.
2. Click Export to start exporting the Access logs data.
3. You will receive a download link to your email address when the data is ready. This link will be active for 7 days.

4. Click the Download button in the email to download the logs.
5. The access logs will be exported as a compressed zip file. Upon extracting the zip file, you will find CSV files with the logs data that was recorded on an hourly basis.This file documents instances of all accesses.
The Access log data you export includes events from the last two years until one hour before you click the Export button in Zoho DataPrep. This duration is measured from the moment the administrator enabled the audit.
Note: You can export logs thrice a day only. Since logs are generally big data, it could cause severe load on the server side to take, encrypt, and compress data when the user initiates it multiple times.
The exported access audit logs contain the following data.
Below is a snapshot of an exported Access audit log,

HIPAA compliance in Zoho DataPrep.
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