Zoho DataPrep is now integrated with Creator using Zoho Creator connector. The forms in Zoho Creator are used to collect and store data, serving as the main point of interaction between the created application and users. Zoho DataPrep allows you to seamlessly bring in the data in your Creator forms using the Zoho Creator connector and help you achieve data sync requirements.
Zoho DataPrep is a data pipeline and cleansing tool to bring your data from various data sources, clean and prepare the data before pushing it to your preferred destination. DataPrep offers a comprehensive solution to model, cleanse, prepare, enrich and organize large volumes of data from multiple data sources to serve data analytics and data warehousing, ML, and more with exceptional data quality.
Data Sync
An essential part of importing and updating data from other data sources to Zoho Creator is keeping the data in sync. Zoho DataPrep can not only help you import data from different sources but also help you automate your data pipelines using schedules. This will enable you to have up-to-date data all the time.
Clean, prepare, model, transform, and enrich data using 250+ transforms, based on your needs.
Set and forget: After adding a destination, you may want to try executing your pipeline using a manual run at first. Once you make sure manual run works, you can then set up a schedule to automate the import and export workflows using a pipeline and auto-sync your data. You can learn about the different types of runs here.
Let's look into a few use cases to see how Zoho DataPrep can help you sync data with your Creator application.
1) Zoho CRM ⇄ Zoho DataPrep ⇄ Zoho Creator

An international retail organization utilizes Zoho CRM to manage customer interactions, and Zoho Creator to build custom business applications and automate operations. They want to synchronize data from a custom CRM module with a Zoho Creator app. By combining and analyzing this data in real-time, they can start marketing campaigns and boost sales performance.
Import data from a custom module in Zoho CRM, clean the data, and export data to Zoho Creator, sync the data at regular intervals between Zoho CRM and Creator, and automate the workflow.
How Zoho DataPrep can help you?
Zoho DataPrep can help you fetch the custom modules created in Zoho CRM using the Zoho CRM connector. Once imported, you can prepare data if required and export it to a new form in Zoho Creator. Automate the import and export schedules to auto-sync data in Creator and Zoho CRM.
Note: The current Zoho CRM integration in Creator allows users to choose only from the default list of modules available in Zoho CRM. If users want to fetch data from a custom module that's created in Zoho CRM, users need to code to do that. With the newly introduced Zoho Creator connector in DataPrep, users can easily import custom modules from Zoho CRM , clean and export the data to Zoho Creator.
➤ Set and forget: Schedule a pipeline to import data from Zoho CRM and auto-sync data from Zoho CRM.
➤ Add Zoho Creator as the destination and export the prepared data to Zoho Creator in a new form.
➤ Set and forget: Schedule a pipeline to import data from Zoho CRM and export to Zoho Creator to auto-sync data in Creator.
Note: If you want to sync back your Creator data to the custom module in Zoho CRM schedule a pipeline to import the forms into DataPrep, export to Zoho CRM and this automates the workflow.
2) Zoho Creator → Zoho DataPrep → Zoho Creator

Each division of ABC Enterprises has its own Zoho Creator application that manages specific business activities. For instance, the Sales Division uses one Creator application to track leads and opportunities while the HR Division utilizes another application to handle employees' data and performance reviews, so on and so forth. To ensure data consistency across divisions and streamline operations, ABC Enterprise wants to sync important information with the different Creator applications that it has across divisions.
Import data from the required application in Zoho Creator, clean and export data to Zoho Creator, and automate the workflow.
How Zoho DataPrep can help you?
Zoho Dataprep can help you automate the workflow using import and export schedules to auto-sync the data at frequent intervals.
➤ Create a pipeline and import forms data from the HR division application in Zoho Creator using the Zoho Creator connector.
➤ Filter the contact information and relevant performance feedback from the HR division.
➤ Add Zoho Creator as the destination and export data to the form in the Sales division application in Zoho Creator using the Zoho Creator connector.
3) Other data sources→ Zoho DataPrep → Zoho Creator

An online video streaming platform stores the metadata of a live cricket matches in a cloud database, for e.g., Amazon Athena. The data include the number of viewers watching the match, the number of viewers who skip ads, and the number of viewers who watch ads, the list of the viewed ads. At the end of the tournament, the platform wants to sync the data of millions of users who watch the match into their application in Zoho Creator to draw insights on the users, views, ads, and companies.
Auto sync and import data from the cloud database into Zoho DataPrep, clean data if needed and export it to Zoho Creator. Automate the import and export workflows to keep the data in sync.
How Zoho DataPrep can help you?
Zoho DataPrep can help you import data from cloud databases. Once imported, you can prepare data if required and export it to Zoho Creator using the Zoho Creator.
➤ Create a pipeline to import data from the cloud database e.g. Amazon Athena into Zoho DataPrep.
➤ Set and forget: Schedule a pipeline to import data and auto-sync data from cloud database.
➤ Set and forget: Schedule a pipeline to automate the import and export workflows to auto-sync data in Zoho Creator.