Whenever a dataset export is done, a copy of the exported data is stored in DataPrep as part of processing history data for audit purposes. You can export processed data as a file.
To access, export and delete processing history
1. Click the numbered link against the Processing history header under the Dataset overview section of your dataset.
2. Otherwise, you can also select the Processing history icon that appears when you hover over a dataset under the Datasets tab of the Workspace details page.
3. On clicking the Processing history option, the side pane will open up listing all the processed data IDs available for the dataset, along with the generated time.
Note : You may choose to delete or export individual processed data directly from the list without having to get into the processed data ID section.
4. Click on the required processed data listing to view the details including a summary, number of rows processed, dataset quality, and the column details.
To Export processed data: To export this particular processed data, click on the export icon.
To Delete processed data: To delete this particular processed data, click on the delete icon. By deleting large processed data you can clear out and regain some storage in your DataPrep organization.
5. You can choose to automatically clear the processed data that are older than a certain period. This way you can automate clearing of old processed data regularly and try to stay within the storage limit of your plan. Click on the menu icon at the top of the Processing history side pane and configure.
Note : If you are the Account admin or the Organization admin in DataPrep, you may choose to clear processed data of all datasets available in your organization from the Settings page > Clear processing history .
6. Hover your mouse over the required processed data and click the export icon next to the Data quality to export the processed data. You can choose the file format, the row separator, and the text qualifier of the file to be exported.
7. Click Export.