Returns the absolute value of the numeric value.
Name |
Description |
num Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric value from a column or an expression that returns a number. |
Function |
Result |
abs(-1) |
1 |
Performs floating-point division. Returns a decimal value.
Name |
Description |
numerator Decimal |
Parameter must be a number, a numeric column or an expression that returns a number. |
denominator Decimal |
Parameter must be a number, a numeric column or an expression that returns a number. |
Function |
Result |
div(3,2) |
1.5 |
Returns param1+param2. Performs numeric addition.
Name |
Description |
num1 Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric value or a Number column. |
num2 Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric value or a Number column. |
Function |
Result |
add('3', '2') |
5 |
Performs numeric subtraction. Returns param1 - param2.
Name |
Description |
param1 Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric value. |
param2 Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric value. |
Function |
Result |
sub('3', '2') |
1 |
Performs numeric multiplication.
Name |
Description |
param1 Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric value. |
param2 Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric value. |
Function |
Result |
mul('3', '2') |
6 |
Returns the average value in a numeric column or list
Name |
Description |
list Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric column, or a list of numbers |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
avg(ticket_count); |
60 |
Returns the minimum value in a list of numeric values
Name |
Description |
num Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric column or a list of numeric values |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
min('ticket_count'); |
30 |
Returns the maximum value from a numeric column
Name |
Description |
num Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric column |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
max('ticket_count'); |
90 |
Returns the maximum date value from a date or a date-time column.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Parameter must be a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
06 Dec 2018 |
17 Nov 2019 |
20 Oct 2020 |
Function |
Result |
max_date(Data column) |
20 Oct 2020 |
Returns the minimum date value from a date or a date-time column.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Parameter must be a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
06 Dec 2018 |
17 Nov 2019 |
20 Oct 2020 |
Function |
Result |
min_date(Data column) |
06 Dec 2018 |
Returns the sum of the values in the given column
Name |
Description |
num Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric column, or a list of numbers |
marks |
45 |
33 |
56 |
70 |
Function |
Result |
sum(marks) |
205 |
Returns the most occurring value in the column
Name |
Description |
num Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric column |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
30 |
60 |
30 |
80 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
mode('ticket_count'); |
30 |
Returns the total number of values in the column. Null values (empty cells) are ignored.
Name |
Description |
col Text |
Parameter must be a column |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
count(ticket_count); |
7 |
Returns the total number of values in the column including null values (empty cells).
Name |
Description |
col Text |
Parameter must be a column |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
50 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
count_wb(ticket_count); |
7 |
Returns the variance calculated from values of a group in a number format.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric group of values such as a Number column. |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
variance("ticket_count") |
466.66 |
Returns the standard deviation calculated from the input values.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric value or a Number column. |
Score |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
Function |
Result |
stddev(Score) |
18.70 |
Returns the binary representation of a number.
Name |
Description |
param Number |
Parameter must be a numeric value or a numeric column or an expression that returns a number. |
Function |
Result |
bin('111') |
1101111 |
Returns the cube root of the number.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Parameter must be a number, or a numeric column or an expression that results in a numeric value. |
Function |
Result |
cbrt('27') |
3 |
Returns the smallest integer value that is bigger than or equal to a number.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Parameter must be a number, or a numeric column or an expression that results a numeric value. |
Function |
Result |
ceil('25.75') |
26 |
Returns the ASCII character having the binary equivalent to the parameter. If n is larger than 256 the result is equivalent to char(n % 256).
Name |
Description |
param Multiple |
Parameter must be a number, a numeric column, or an expression that returns a number. |
Function |
Result |
char('65') |
A |
Returns the concatenated text of the given parameters. Returns null, if any one of the parameters is null.
Name |
Description |
params Text |
Accepts any number of parameters. Parameters must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
concat("NOW", "HERE") |
Returns the concatenated text of the given parameters along with the separator. Returns null, if any one of the parameter is null.
Name |
Description |
params Text |
The first of the params is considered as the separator, using which the rest of the parameters will be concatenated. All parameters must be Text, Text columns, or expressions that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
concat_ws('_', 'NOW', 'HERE') |
This function converts the number from 'from base' to 'to base'.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a number or a number column, or an expression that returns a number. |
from_base Decimal |
The base value to be converted from. |
to_base Decimal |
The base value to be converted to. |
Function |
Result |
conv(100, 2, 10) |
4 |
Returns the current date as a date value. Function accepts no parameters.
Function |
Result |
current_date() |
09/21/2019 |
Returns the current timestamp as a date-time value. Function accepts no parameters.
Function |
Result |
current_timestamp() |
09/19/2019 19:18:55 |
Converts the date-timestamp to the format specified in the parameter.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column to change the format. |
format Text |
Specifies the format in which the date should be returned by the function. |
Data column |
2017-06-15 |
Function |
Result |
date_format(Data column, "dd MMM, yyyy") |
15 June, 2017 |
Returns the day of month of the date.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
2009-03-24 |
Function |
Result |
day_of_month(Data column) |
24 |
Returns the day of the week for the given date. [1=Sunday, 2=Monday, 3=Tuesday, 4=Wednesday, 5=Thursday, 6=Friday, 7=Saturday]
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
06-12-2018 |
Function |
Result |
day_of_week(Data column) |
5 |
Returns the day of the week from the given date
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Parameter must be a date column or a date-time column |
Data column |
06 Dec 2018 |
Function |
Result |
weekday(Data column); |
3 |
Returns the day of the week (as name) for the given date.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
06 Dec 2018 |
Function |
Result |
day_of_week_name(Data column) |
Thursday |
Returns the day of year (in number) of the date/timestamp.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
25-03-2009 |
Function |
Result |
day_of_year(Data column) |
84 |
Returns the decoded value of the first argument using the second argument character set (UTF-8, ASCII, UTF-10, etc.).
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
charset Text |
Specifies the character set such as UTF-8, ASCII, UTF-10, etc. |
Function |
Result |
decode("ABC", "UTF-8") |
Converts radians to degrees.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Specifies the angle in radians. |
Function |
Result |
degrees(3.141592653589793) |
180.0 |
Returns the encoded value of the first argument using the second argument character set (utf-8, ascii, utf-10, etc.).
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
charset Text |
Specifies the character set. 'US-ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-16' are the supported character sets. |
Function |
Result |
encode("ABC", "UTF-8") |
Returns the exponential value of the given number. This value is the exponent (e) raised to the power specified as the parameter.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Parameter must be a number or an expression that returns a number. |
Function |
Result |
exp(1) |
2.718281828 |
Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the given parameter.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Parameter must be a number or an expression that returns a number. |
Function |
Result |
floor(-0.1) |
-1 |
Returns the largest value from a group of values.
Name |
Description |
params Decimal |
Supports multiple parameters, The parameters must be a number column, or a list of numbers or an expression that returns a list of numbers. |
Function |
Result |
greatest(10, 9, 2, 4, 3) |
10 |
Returns the hexadecimal value of the given parameter.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter can be any value or a column of Number, Text or Boolean type. |
Function |
Result |
hex(17) |
11 |
Returns the hour component of the timestamp.
Name | Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies a Time or a Datetime column. |
Data column |
2009-03-07 20:18:34:543 |
Function | Result |
hour(Data column) | 20 |
If the condition is true, then returns param1; otherwise returns param2.
Name |
Description |
condition Boolean |
An expression that returns a Boolean. |
param1 Text |
Parameter can be any value or a column of any type. |
param2 Text |
Parameter can be any value or a column of any type. |
Function |
Result |
if(1 < 2, 'a', 'b') |
a |
Function |
Result |
if(1<3, if(1<2, 'a', 'b'), 'c') | a |
Function |
Result |
if(3<2, 'a', if(3<4, 'b', 'c')) | b |
Returns param2 if param1 is null, returns param1 otherwise.
Name |
Description |
param1 Text |
Parameter can be any value or a column of any type. |
param2 Text |
Parameter can be any value or a column of any type. |
Function |
Result |
if_null(null, 'b') |
b |
Returns the text with the first letter of each word in uppercase. All other letters are in lowercase. Words are delimited by white space.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
initcap('zoho one is an operating system for your business') |
Zoho One Is An Operating System For Your Business |
Returns true if the expression or column value is null or empty
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter can be a column, or an expression |
Function |
Result |
is_null(null) |
true |
is_null('A') |
false |
Returns true if the column value or expression is not null or empty
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter can be a column, or an expression |
Function |
Result |
is_not_null(null) |
false |
is_not_null('A') |
true |
Applies the NOT logical operation on the column. Returns the opposite value of the Boolean value specified.
Name |
Description |
param Boolean |
Specifies a Boolean value on which the not logical operation is to be applied on. |
Function |
Result |
not(5 > 3) |
false |
Returns the last day of the month mentioned in the given date.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a datetime column. |
Data column |
2016-04-09 |
Function |
Result |
last_day(Data column) |
2016-04-30 |
Returns the least value of all, skipping the null values.
Name |
Description |
params Decimal |
The parameters must be a number column, or a list of numbers or an expression that returns a list of numbers. |
Age |
[20, 21, 24, 45, 46, 54, 60, 61, 63] |
Weight |
[123, 145, 160, 155, 200, 50, 134, 55, 60] |
Function |
Result |
least('Age', 'Weight') |
20, 21, 24, 45, 46, 50, 60, 55, 60 |
Returns the leftmost 'length' of characters from the first parameter, if the length is less than or equal to 0 the result is an empty text.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
length Number |
length must be a number or a column of Number type. |
Function |
Result |
left("NOWHERE", 3) |
Returns the character length of the text parameter.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
length("NOWHERE") |
7 |
Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of the given parameter.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Parameter must be a number, a numeric column or an expression that returns a number. |
Function |
Result |
ln('1') |
0 |
Returns the logarithm of parameter given. This function also accepts custom base value for the logarithm.
Name |
Description |
base Decimal |
Indicates the base of the logarithm function. Parameter must be a number, a numeric column or an expression that returns a number. |
param Decimal |
Parameter must be a number, a numeric column or an expression that returns a number. |
Function |
Result |
log(10,100) |
2 |
Returns the logarithm (base 10) of the parameter given.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Parameter must be a number, a numeric column or an expression that returns a number. |
Function |
Result |
log10('10.0') |
1 |
Returns the logarithm (base 2) of parameter given.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Parameter must be a number, a numeric column or an expression that returns a number. |
Function |
Result |
log2('2.0') |
1 |
The LOWER function returns the given text with lower case for each character.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Specifies the Text that needs to be converted with lower case for each character. The parameter can be a text value, a text column or an expression that results in a text value. |
Function |
Result |
lower("Zoho, Your Life's Work, Powered By Our Life's Work!") |
zoho, your life's work, powered by our life's work! |
Removes the leading white space characters from the text.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
ltrim(" Zoho") |
Zoho |
Returns the minute component of the timestamp.
Name | Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies a Time or a Datetime column. |
Data column |
2009-07-30 12:58:59 |
Function | Result |
minute(Data column) | 58 |
Returns the minute component of the day from the timestamp.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies a date-time column. |
Data column |
2009-07-30 12 58 59 |
Function |
Result |
minute_of_day(Data column) |
778 |
Returns the minute component of an hour from the timestamp.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies a date-time column. |
Data column |
2009-07-30 12 58 59 |
Function |
Result |
minute_of_hour(Data column) |
58 |
Returns the millisecond of a day from the timestamp.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies a date-time column. |
Data column |
2009-07-30 00 03 00 |
Function |
Result |
millisecond_of_day(Data column) |
180000 |
Returns the millisecond of a second from the timestamp.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies a date-time column. |
Data column |
2009-07-30 12 58 59 850 |
Function |
Result |
millisecond_of_second(Data column) |
850 |
Returns true for a leap year and false otherwise.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column . |
Data column |
2016-04-09 |
Function |
Result |
is_leap_year(Date column) |
true |
Returns the remainder after performing numeric division on two numbers.
Name |
Description |
param1 Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric value which is the numerator used in the numeric division. |
param2 Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric value which is the denominator used in the numeric division. |
Function |
Result |
mod('7','5') |
2 |
Extracts month from the date/timestamp.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
Nov 04 |
2016 |
Function |
Result |
month(Data column) |
11 |
Returns the month's name of the date/timestamp.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
1997-02-28 |
Function |
Result |
month_name(Data column) |
February |
Returns the month name of the date/timestamp along with the year.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
1997-02-28 |
Function |
Result |
month_year(Data column) |
February, 1997 |
Returns the number of months between the two specified dates.
Name |
Description |
date1 Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column from which the difference in months is to be determined. |
date2 Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column from which the difference in months is to be determined. |
Data column 1 |
1997-02-28 |
Data column 2 |
1997-10-28 |
Function |
Result |
months_between('Data column 1', 'Data column 2') |
8 |
Returns the negated value of the number mentioned in param.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Specifies a number value that is to be negated. |
Function |
Result |
negative('1') |
-1 |
Returns the Pi value. The number π is a mathematical constant. It is defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
Function |
Result |
pi() |
3.1415926536 |
Raises a number to the power that is specified by a number.
Name |
Description |
param1 Decimal |
Specifies the number which is to be raised to a certain power. |
param2 Decimal |
Specifies the number which represents the power that the number is to be raised to. |
Function |
Result |
pow('2', '3') |
8 |
Extract quarter of the year, in the range 1 to 4 from the date.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
2016-08-31 |
Function |
Result |
quarter(Data column) |
3 |
Extract quarter of the year, in the range 1 to 4, with the name of the year from date.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
2016-08-31 |
Function |
Result |
quarter_name(Data column) |
Q3 |
Extract quarter of the year, in the range 1 to 4, with the year from the date.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
2016-08-31 |
Function |
Result |
quarter_year(Data column) |
Q3, 2016 |
Converts angle in degrees to radian on the column.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
angle in degrees |
Function |
Result |
radians(180) |
3.1415926536 |
Generates a random integer value, between the given numbers, in the column.
Name |
Description |
num1 Decimal |
Specifies the starting number for the range from which a random number is returned. |
num2 Decimal |
Specifies the ending number for the range from which a random number is returned. |
Function |
Result |
random('0', '4') |
3 |
Extracts a group that matches regex expression.
Name |
Description |
str Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
regexp Text |
Parameter must be a regular expression pattern passed as a Text. |
groupIdx Number |
[Optional] Paramter must be an integer which indicates the index of the group that needs to be extracted. |
Function |
Result |
regexp_extract("100abc", "\\d+" , 0) |
100 |
regexp_extract( "100-abc" , "(\\d+)-([a-zA-Z]+)" , 2) |
abc |
Replaces all the subtexts of a text 'str' that matches the regex with the text mentioned in 'replace_with'.
Name |
Description |
str Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
regex Text |
Parameter must be a Text specifying the regular expression. |
replace_with Text |
Parameter must be a Text specifying the regular expression. |
Function |
Result |
regexp_replace("100-200", "(\\d+)", 'num') |
num-num |
Replaces all occurrences of search with the provided replacement text.
Name |
Description |
str Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
search Text |
A Text expression. If search is not found in str, str is returned unchanged. |
replace Text |
A Text expression. If replace is not specified or is an empty text, nothing replaces the text that is removed from str. |
Function |
Result |
replace('ABCabc', 'abc', 'DEF') |
Returns the reversed version of the given text.
Name |
Description |
str Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
reverse('Zoho One') |
enO ohoZ |
Returns the rightmost length `len` of characters from the text `str`. If the length is less than or equal to 0 the result is an empty text.
Name |
Description |
str Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
len Number |
Specifies the number of characters from the right of the Text to be returned. |
Function |
Result |
right('Zoho One', '3') |
One |
Returns a decimal number rounded to a specified number of decimal places using HALF_EVEN rounding mode.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Specifies the number column or the exact decimal number to be rounded off to the nearest value. |
d Number |
Specifies the number column or the exact number of decimal places that the number should be rounded off to. |
Function |
Result |
round_num('2.5', '0') |
2 |
round_num('5.5', '0') |
6 |
round_num('3.2', '0') |
3 |
Removes the trailing space characters from the provided text value.
Name |
Description |
str Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
rtrim('Zoho One ') |
Zoho One |
Returns the seconds component of the date time. The function also supports unix timestamp in milliseconds as the input.
Name | Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies a Time or a Datetime column. |
Data column |
2009-07-30 12:58:59 |
Function | Result |
second(Data column) | 59 |
Returns the second component of a day from the timestamp. The function also supports unix timestamp in milliseconds as the input.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies a date-time column. |
Data column |
2009-07-30 00 11 00 |
Function |
Result |
second_of_day(Data column) |
660 |
Returns a sha1 hash value as a hex text of the param.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
sha('Zoho One') |
a74457c58f9d3e564bf534d96e1d85d6e513dac4 |
Returns the Soundex code of the text values in the column.
Name |
Description |
str Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
soundex('Miller') |
M460 |
Returns the square root of the values on the column.
Name |
Description |
param Decimal |
Parameter must be a number or an expression that results in a numeric value or a Number column. |
Function |
Result |
sqrt('64') |
8 |
Returns the subtext of the sentence text that starts at a position index and is of a given length.
Name |
Description |
sentence Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
pos Number |
Parameter must be a number representing the index of the starting position of the text to be extracted. |
len Number |
[Optional] Parameter must be a number representing the length of the text to be extracted from the 'sentence' |
Function |
Result |
substr('Zoho One', '4', '1') |
o |
Removes the leading and trailing space characters from the text values in the column.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter can be a column of any datatype. |
Function |
Result |
trim(' Zoho One ') |
Zoho One |
Returns a text with all of the characters changed to uppercase.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
upper('Zoho One') |
Returns the week of year (in number) from the date or timestamp (a week is considered to start on a Monday and week 1 is the first week with more than 3 days).
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
startDay Number |
[Optional] Specifies the starting day of the week. The value range from 1 to 7 in this order. [1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday, 4 = Wednesday, 5 = Thursday, 6 = Friday, 7 = Saturday]. The default value is 1. |
week_mode Number |
[Optional] Week mode determines how the function works. Values allowed are '1' (ISO Week Mode - Minimal 4 days), '2' (week starts from January 1st of the calendar year). The default value is 1. |
Data column |
06/12/2018 |
Function |
Result |
week_of_year(Data column, 1, 1) |
49 |
Returns the week of the month of the given date.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies the date or a date-time. |
Data column |
06/13/2018 |
Function |
Result |
week_of_month(Data column) |
Week 2 |
Returns the week of the year with year from the given date
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Parameter must be a datetime type column |
startDay Number |
[Optional] Specifies the starting day of the week. The value range from 1 to 7 in this order. [1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday, 4 = Wednesday, 5 = Thursday, 6 = Friday, 7 = Saturday]. The default value is 1. |
week_mode Number |
[Optional] Week mode determines how the function works. Values allowed are '1' (ISO Week Mode - Minimal 4 days), '2' (week starts from January 1st of the calendar year). The default value is 1. |
Data column |
06 Dec 2018 |
17 Nov 2019 |
Function |
Result |
week_of_year_with_year(Data column, 1, 1) |
Week 49 2018, Week 46 2019 |
Returns the year from the given date
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Parameter must be a date or a datetime column |
Data column |
06 Dec 2018 |
17 Nov 2019 |
Function |
Result |
year(Data column) |
2018, 2019 |
Returns the century of the given date or the date-time input.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Parameter must be of date type or a date-time type. |
Data column |
06 Dec 2018 |
17 Nov 2019 |
Function |
Result |
century(Data column) |
21 |
Returns the date part from the given date column, or a date-time column.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Parameter must be of datetime type or an expression that returns a datetime. |
Data column |
2009-03-17 20 18 34 543 |
Function |
Result |
extract_date(Data column) |
2009-03-17 |
Returns the time part from the given date-time column.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Parameter must be of datetime type or an expression that returns a datetime. |
Data column |
2009-05-07 12 03 34 |
Function |
Result |
extract_time(Data column) |
12:03:34 |
Adds the specified number of years to the given date-time value.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies the date-time column to increment. |
num_of_years Decimal |
Specifies the number of years by which to increment the timestamp value. |
Data column |
03/25/2009 |
Function |
Result |
add_years(Data column, '3') |
03/25/2012 |
Subtracts the specified number of years from the given date-time value.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies the date-time column or the exact date to decrement. |
num_of_years Decimal |
Specifies the number of years by which to decrement the timestamp value. |
Data column |
06/12/2018 |
Function |
Result |
sub_years(Data column, '3') |
06/12/2015 |
Returns the number of years between startDate and endDate.
Name |
Description |
startDate Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column, the exact start date or an expression that results in a date value. |
endDate Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column, the exact end date or an expression that results in a date value. |
Data column 1 |
2013-08-10 |
Data column 2 |
2009-03-07 |
Function |
Result |
diff_in_years(Data column 1, Data column 2) |
4 |
Adds the specified number of weeks to the given date-time value.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies the date-time column to increment. |
num_of_weeks Decimal |
Specifies the number of weeks by which to increment the timestamp value. |
Data column |
03/25/2009 |
Function |
Result |
add_weeks(Data column, '2') |
04/08/2009 |
Subtracts the specified number of weeks in the given date-time value.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies the date-time column or the exact date to decrement. |
num_of_weeks Decimal |
Specifies the number of weeks by which to decrement the timestamp value. |
Data column |
06/12/2018 |
Function |
Result |
sub_weeks(Data column, '2') |
11/22/2018 |
Returns the number of weeks between startDate and endDate.
Name |
Description |
startDate Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column, the exact start date or an expression that results in a date value. |
endDate Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column, the exact end date or an expression that results in a date value. |
Data column 1 |
2009-08-10 |
Data column 2 |
2009-09-17 |
Function |
Result |
diff_in_weeks(Data column 1, Data column 2) |
7 |
Adds the specified number of months to the specified date value
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column |
num_of_months Decimal |
Specifies the number of months to add to the date value |
Data column |
2009-11-25 |
Function |
Result |
add_months(Data column, `3`) |
2010-02-25 |
Subtracts the specified number of months from the given date value.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
num_of_months Decimal |
Specifies the number of months by which to decrement the date. |
Data column |
19/12/2016 |
Function |
Result |
sub_months(Data column, '3') |
19/09/2016 |
Returns the number of months between startDate and endDate.
Name |
Description |
startDate Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
endDate Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column 1 |
2009-08-17 |
Data column 2 |
2009-03-10 |
Function |
Result |
diff_in_months(Data column 1, Data column 2) |
5 |
Adds the specified number of days to the specified date value.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column to increment. |
num_of_days Decimal |
Specifies the number of days by which to increment the dates. |
Data column |
12/25/2009 |
Function |
Result |
add_days(Data column, `30`) |
01/24/2010 |
Subtracts the specified number of days from the specified date value.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column to decrement. |
num_of_days Decimal |
Specifies the number of days by which to decrement the date. |
Data column |
2009-12-25 |
Function |
Result |
sub_days(Data column, '5') |
2009-12-20 |
Returns the number of days between startDate and endDate.
Name |
Description |
startDate Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
endDate Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column 1 |
2009-03-10 |
Data column 2 |
2009-03-07 |
Function |
Result |
diff_in_days(Data column 1, Data column 2) |
3 |
Adds the specified number of hours to the given Time column or a Datetime column.
Name | Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies the Datetime column to increment. |
num_of_hours Decimal |
Specifies the number of hours by which the value will be incremented. |
Data column |
12/08/2018 07:58:59 |
Function | Result |
add_hours(Data column, '3') | 12/08/2018 10:58:59 |
Subtracts the specified number of hours from the given date value.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies the date-time column to decrement. |
num_of_hours Decimal |
Specifies the number of hours by which to decrement the timestamp value. |
Data column |
1965-07-27 11 58 59 |
Function |
Result |
sub_hours(Data column, 3) |
1965-07-27 8:58:59 |
Returns the number of hours between startDate timestamp and endDate timestamp.
Name |
Description |
startDateTimestamp Datetime |
Specifies a date-time column. |
endDateTimestamp Datetime |
Specifies a date-time column. |
Data column 1 |
2009-03-07 23 20 40 600 |
Data column 2 |
2009-03-07 20 18 34 543 |
Function |
Result |
diff_in_hours(Data column 1, Data column 2) |
3 |
Adds the specified number of minutes to the given Time or a Datetime value.
Name | Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies the Time or a Datetime column to increment. |
num_of_minutes Decimal |
Specifies the number of minutes by which to increment the timestamp value. |
Data column |
12/08/2018 11:58:59 |
Function | Result |
add_minutes(Data column, '2') | 12/08/2018 12:00:59 |
Subtracts the specified number of minutes from the given date-time value.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies the date-time column to decrement. |
num_of_minutes Decimal |
Specifies the number of minutes by which to decrement the timestamp value. |
Data column |
2018-07-18 00 10 00 |
Function |
Result |
sub_minutes(Data column, 2) |
2018-07-18 00:08:00 |
Returns the number of minutes between startDate timestamp and endDate timestamp.
Name |
Description |
startDateTimestamp Datetime |
Specifies a date-time column. |
endDateTimestamp Datetime |
Specifies a date-time column. |
Data column 1 |
2009-03-07 20 20 34 600 |
Data column 2 |
2009-03-07 20 18 34 543 |
Function |
Result |
diff_in_minutes(Data column1, Data column 2) |
2 |
Adds the specified number of seconds to the given Time or a Datetime value.
Name | Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies the Time or a Datetime column to increment. |
num_of_seconds Decimal |
Specifies the number of seconds by which to increment the timestamp value. |
Data column |
03/25/2009 11:58:49 |
Function | Result |
add_seconds(Data column, '10') | 03/25/2009 11:58:59 |
Subtracts the specified number of seconds in the given date-time value.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Specifies the date-time column to decrement. |
num_of_seconds Decimal |
Specifies the number of seconds by which to decrement the timestamp value. |
Data column |
06/12/2018 00 03 00 |
Function |
Result |
sub_seconds(Data column, '10') |
06/12/2018 00:02:50 |
Returns the number of milliseconds between startDate timestamp and endDate timestamp.
Name |
Description |
startDateTimestamp Datetime |
Specifies a date-time column. |
endDateTimestamp Datetime |
Specifies a date-time column. |
Data column 1 |
2009-03-07 20 20 36 600 |
Data column 2 |
2009-03-07 20 20 34 543 |
Function |
Result |
diff_in_seconds(Data column 1, Data column 2) |
02 |
Returns the text with all case inverted i.e. upper case is converted to lower case and vice versa.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
invert_case('Zoho One is an Operating System for your Business') |
Returns a text with alternate lower and upper case for each character of the input text starting with lower case for the first character.
Name |
Description |
string Text |
Specifies the Text that needs to be converted with alternate case for each character. |
Function |
Result |
alternate_case("Zoho, Your Life's Work, Powered By Our Life's Work!") |
zOhO, yOuR LiFe's wOrK, pOwErEd bY OuR LiFe's wOrK! |
Returns a text of the values in the columns after applying the sentence case to it.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
sentence_case('welcome to the united states of america') |
"Welcome to the united states of america" |
Returns the text after applying the camel case to it.
Name |
Description |
string Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
camel_case("Zoho one is an operating system for your business") |
ZohoOneIsAnOperatingSystemForYourBusiness |
Returns a text of the values in the columns after applying the title case to it. Title case means that the first letter of each word is capitalized, except for certain small words, such as articles and short prepositions
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
title_case('united states of america') |
United States of America |
Returns a text value where the new lines are converted to spaces.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
lines_to_space('Zoho\nOne') |
Zoho One |
Returns a text value where the spaces are converted to new lines.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
space_to_lines('Zoho One') |
Zoho\nOne |
Returns a text value where the tabs are converted to spaces.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
tab_to_space('Zoho\tOne') |
Zoho One |
Returns a text value where the spaces are converted to tabs.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
space_to_tab('Zoho One') |
Zoho\tOne |
Returns a text with multiple spaces into a single space.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
to_single_space('Zoho Office Suite') |
Zoho Office Suite |
Returns a text with multiple tab spaces into a sinlge tab space.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
to_single_tab('Zoho\t\t\tOffice\tSuiteSQL\tOrg') |
Zoho\tOffice\tSuiteSQL\tOrg |
Removes all the empty lines in the column
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
remove_empty_lines('Zoho\n\n\nOffice\n\nSuite') |
Zoho\nOffice\nSuite |
Truncates a given number of characters from the input text value.
Name |
Description |
param1 Text |
Parameter can be a column of any datatype. |
param2 Number |
Specifies the number of characters to be removed from the Text. The value of the parameter should be smaller than the length of the Text. |
Function |
Result |
truncate_char(Zoho One, 4) |
Zoho |
Truncates a given number of words from the input text value.
Name |
Description |
param1 Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
param2 Number |
Specifies the number of words to be removed from the Text. The value of the parameter should be smaller than the number of words in the Text and greater than 0. |
Function |
Result |
truncate_words('Zoho One', 1) |
Zoho |
Removes all the spaces in the column.
Name |
Description |
str Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
remove_space(' Zoho One ') |
"ZohoOne" |
Returns the UNIX timestamp of the given date time values.
Name |
Description |
date Datetime |
Specifies a date column or a date-time column. |
Data column |
06/12/2018 00 03 00 |
Function |
Result |
to_unix_timestamp(Data column) |
1544034780 |
Returns true for missing values, false otherwise.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter can be a column of any datatype. |
Sales |
11 |
12 |
' ' |
67 |
Function |
Result |
is_missing(Sales) |
[false, false, true, false] |
Returns true for valid values; false otherwise.
Name |
Description |
param1 Text |
Parameter must be a column conforming to any one data type. |
param2 Text |
Data type to verify if param1 is valid. It can be one of these values: text, date, number, datetime, decimal, currency, length, temperature, boolean, email, URL, list, map and custom data types |
Column1 |
"ABC" |
"DEF" |
"GHI" |
Function |
Result |
is_valid(`Column1`,'text') |
Returns true for invalid values; false otherwise.
Name |
Description |
param1 Text |
Parameter must be a column conforming to any one data type. |
param2 Text |
Data type to verify if param1 is invalid. It can be one of these values: text, date, number, datetime, decimal, currency, length, temperature, boolean, email, URL, list, map and custom data types |
Column1 |
"ABC" |
"DEF" |
"GHI" |
Function |
Result |
is_invalid(`Column1`, 'Number') |
Returns the size of a list. Returns -1 if null.
Name |
Description |
param List |
Parameter must be a column of type List, or a group of values as a list. |
Function |
Result |
size(['b', 'd', 'c', 'a']) |
4 |
Returns a list that contains all the elements in the first list followed by all the elements in the second. The two input lists must contain items in the same data structure format.
Name |
Description |
param1 List |
Specifies the first of the two lists to concatenate. |
param2 List |
Specifies the second of the two lists to concatenate. |
column1 |
[1,2,3,4,5] |
column2 |
["A","B,"C","D","E" ] |
Function |
Result |
list_concat(column1, column2) |
["1","2","3","4","5","A","B","C","D","E"] |
Filters the list by removing duplicate entries from it. Returns the filtered list.
Name |
Description |
param List |
Parameter must be of type list or a List column. |
list |
[30, 40, 50, 30, 70, 30, 90] |
Function |
Result |
list_unique(list) |
["40", "50", "70", "90"] |
This function compares the values of two lists, and returns only the matching elements. The two lists must contain items in the same data structure format.
Name |
Description |
param1 List |
The list to compare from. |
param2 List |
A list to compare against. |
list1 |
[1,2,3,4,5] |
list2 |
["A", 1, "B" ,2, "C", 3, "D", 4, "E"] |
Function |
Result |
list_intersect(list1, list2) |
["1", "2", "3", "4"] |
Converts two unidimensional list columns into a multi dimensional list.
Name |
Description |
param1 List |
Parameter must be of type list or a List column. |
param2 List |
Parameter must be of type list or a List column. |
list1 |
["A","B","C"] |
list2 |
["D","E","F"] |
Function |
Result |
list_zip(list1 , list2) |
[["A","D"],["B","E"],["C","F"]] |
Splits the text around occurrences that match the regular expression.
Name |
Description |
str Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
regex Text |
Parameter must be a Text mentioning the regular expression that returns a Text. |
Function |
Result |
split('oneAtwoBthreeC', '[ABC]') |
["one","two","three",""] |
Collects the distinct values from a column as a list.
Name |
Description |
param Text |
Parameter must be a column conforming to any one data type. |
Column1 |
"Australia" |
"United States" |
"Australia" |
"Canada" |
"Canada" |
Function |
Result |
collect_set(Column1) |
["Australia","United States","Canada"] |
Returns true if the text string1 contains string2
Name |
Description |
string1 Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
string2 Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
num Number |
Parameter must be a numeric value. Using '0' will make the search case-sensitive in finding the Text. Using any other number will render the search case-insensitive. |
Function |
Result |
contains("Pineapple", "Apple", 0) |
True |
Compares two text columns and returns true if the text string1 starts with string2.
Name |
Description |
string1 Text |
Specifies Text values or a Text column. |
string2 Text |
Specifies Text values or a Text column |
number Number |
Specifies if the comparison should be case-sensitive (input '1') or non case-sensitive (input '0'). |
Function |
Result |
starts_with('Sunday', 'Sun', '1') |
True |
starts_with('Sunday', 'Mon', '0') |
False |
Returns true if the text string1 ends with string2.
Name |
Description |
string1 Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
string2 Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
num Number |
Parameter must be a numeric value. Using '0' will make the search case-sensitive in finding the sting. Using any other number will render the search case-insensitive. |
Function |
Result |
ends_with("Newyork","york", 0) |
True |
Returns the date component from date column in the given format.
Name |
Description |
datetime Date |
Parameter must be a date column or a date-time column. |
format Text |
Specifies the format in which the date should be extracted by the function. |
Data column |
2009-05-17 |
Function |
Result |
extract_date_with_format(Data column, 'dd-MM-yyyy') |
17-05-2009 |
Returns the time component from datetime column in the given format.
Name |
Description |
datetime Datetime |
Parameter is mandatory and it must be a date-time type column. |
format Text |
Parameter is mandatory and it must be a Text representing the time format to extract. |
Data column |
2009-05-07 12 03 34 433 |
Function |
Result |
extract_time_with_format(Data column, 'hh:mm:ss:SSS') |
12:03:34:433 |
Returns the keywords present in the column.
Name |
Description |
string Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
maxKeywordLength Number |
Maximum number of words in a single keyword set. For example, for the sentence, 'Operating Systems' key length can be at most two. |
topElements Number |
Pick top N elements from results. |
model Text |
Three models are supported. They are namely, ONLY_VALID_KEYWORDS, RANKED_KEYWORDS, RANKED_KEYWORDS_WITH_INDEX. |
Function |
Result |
keyword_extraction(`A room without books is like a body without a soul.` , '1' , '4' , 'ONLY_VALID_KEYWORDS') |
('room','books','body','soul') |
Detect language from the given text. Supports 71 languages.
Name |
Description |
string Text |
Parameter must be a Text or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text. |
langType Text |
Parameter must be either be 'code', or 'name'. Code will display the language code as a result, whereas name will display the name of the language. |
Function |
Result |
lang_predict('மதிப்புரைகளைப் படிக்கவும்' , 'name') |
Tamil |
lang_predict('மதிப்புரைகளைப் படிக்கவும' , 'code') |
ta |
Returns the min value on satisfying the given condition
Name |
Description |
num Decimal |
Parameter must be a Number column |
condition Boolean |
Condition must return a Boolean value based on which the function is calculated |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
min_if(ticket_count, ticket_count!=30) |
40 |
Returns the max value on satisfying the given condition
Name |
Description |
num Decimal |
Parameter must be a Number column |
condition Boolean |
Condition must return a Boolean value based on which the function is calculated |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
max_if(ticket_count, ticket_count!=90) |
80 |
Returns the average value on satisfying the given condition
Name |
Description |
num Decimal |
Parameter must be a Number column |
condition Boolean |
Condition must return a Boolean value based on which the function is calculated |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
avg_if(ticket_count, ticket_count!=30) |
65 |
Returns the sum of the values on satisfying the given condition
Name |
Description |
num Decimal |
Parameter is mandatory and must be a numeric column or value |
condition Boolean |
Condition must return a Boolean value based on which the function is calculated |
marks |
[90, 85, 95, 65] |
grade |
[A, B, A, D] |
Function |
Result |
sum_if(marks, `grade`=='A') |
[185, 185, 185, 185] |
Returns the mode value on satisfying the given condition
Name |
Description |
num Decimal |
Parameter must be a Number column |
condition Boolean |
Condition must return a Boolean value based on which the function is calculated |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
30 |
40 |
30 |
80 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
mode_if(ticket_count, ticket_count!=30) |
40 |
Returns the population standard deviation of the given column after applying the specified condition.
Name |
Description |
number Decimal |
Parameter must be a numeric column's value or an expression that returns a number. |
condition Boolean |
Condition must return a boolean value based on which the function is calculated. |
Country |
India |
Germany |
Movie |
Avatar |
Inception |
Avatar |
Rating |
9.432 |
1.0 |
2.0 |
Function |
Result |
stddev_if(Rating, `Movie`=='Avatar') |
5.2552175978 |
Returns the variance of the values on satisfying the given condition
Name |
Description |
num Decimal |
Parameter is mandatory and must be a numeric column or an expression that returns a list of numbers |
condition Boolean |
Condition must return a Boolean value based on which the function is calculated |
sales_amount |
9.432 |
1 |
2 |
country |
India |
India |
Function |
Result |
variance_if(sales_amount, 'country'=='India'); |
27.6173124, 27.617312, 27.617312 |
Returns the total number of values on satisfying the given condition
Name |
Description |
col Text |
Parameter must be a column |
condition Boolean |
Condition must return a Boolean value based on which the function is calculated |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
count_if(ticket_count, ticket_count!=30) |
6 |
Returns the total number of distinct values in the column
Name |
Description |
col Text |
Parameter must be a column |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
30 |
60 |
70 |
60 |
90 |
Function |
Result |
count_distinct(ticket_count); |
5 |
Returns the total number of distinct values satisfying the given condition
Name |
Description |
col Text |
Parameter must be a column |
condition Boolean |
Condition must return a Boolean value based on which the function is calculated |
ticket_count |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
30 |
80 |
40 |
Function |
Result |
count_distinct_if(ticket_count, ticket_count!=30) |
4 |
Computes an array of integers beginning from 'startNum' to 'stopNum' having an interval of 'stepNum' between consecutive integers in the range. If the function generates more than 1000 values for a cell, the output is a null value and the 'stopNum' is excluded from the output. 'StepNum' must always be a positive integer. If 'startNum' is greater than 'stopNum', steps are automatically converted to negative values and the output will be a decrement range.
Name |
Description |
startNum Number |
Parameter must be a Number column or a number. Decimal values are not supported. |
stopNum Number |
Parameter must be a Number column or a number. Decimal values are not supported. |
stepNum Number |
Specifies the step value for the range. Decimal values are not supported. |
Function |
Result |
range('2','14','2') |
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12] |
range('14','2','2') |
[14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4] |
Returns the position of the first occurrence of the text 'string1' in 'string2' after the 'position' given
Name |
Description |
string1 Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column or an expression that returns a Text |
string2 Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column or an expression that returns a Text |
position Number |
[Optional] Specifies the position after which 'string2' should be located. |
Function |
Result |
locate('bar', 'foobarbar') |
4 |
locate('bar', 'foobarbar' , 5) |
5 |
Returns the 'string' text left-padded with a 'padString' for the 'length' specified. Padding will be applied only when 'length' value is more than the length of the text, if not the output text is shortened to the 'length' parameter.
Name |
Description |
string Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column or an expression that returns a Text |
length Number |
Specifies the total length of the output Text |
string2 Text |
Specifies the Text that must be added to, or replaced in the 'Text1' value |
Function |
Result |
lpad('abcd', 3, 'A') |
Aab |
lpad('abcd', 7, 'A') |
AAAabcd |
Returns the 'string' text right-padded with a 'padString' for the 'length' specified. Padding will be applied only when 'length' value is more than the length of the text, if not the output text is shortened to the 'length' parameter.
Name |
Description |
string Text |
Parameter must be a Text column or an expression that returns a Text |
length Number |
Specifies the total length of the output Text |
string2 Text |
Specifies the Text that must be added to, or replaced in the 'Text1' value |
Function |
Result |
rpad('abcd', 5, 'A') |
abcdA |
rpad('abcd', 7, 'A') |
abcdAAA |
Converts the given parameters to a list
Name |
Description |
params Text |
All parameters must be a Text, or a Text column, or an expression that returns a Text |
Function |
Result |
nest_as_list('Arjun', 'Zip code: 308-242-0670', 'Status: New resident') |
["Arjun", "Zip code: 99501", "Status: New resident"] |
Converts the given parameters to a map. The first value will be the key, and the second will be the value in making each key-value pair.
Name |
Description |
params Multiple |
All parameters must be a column |
details |
['Name', 'Arjun', 'Zip code', '308-242-0670'] |
Function |
Result |
nest_as_map(details) |
{'Name' : 'Arjun', 'Zip code' : '308-242-0670'} |
Returns the text value available at the index number specified in the first argument
Name |
Description |
num Number |
Parameter must be a numerical value, a numerical column or an expression that returns a number |
string Multiple |
All parameters must be a Text column or an expression that returns a Text |
Function |
Result |
elt('5', 'Zoho', 'is the', 'operating system', 'for your', 'business') |
business |
Searches the value in the first argument with all the rest of the arguments and returns the position of the argument where the first match is found
Name |
Description |
string1 Text |
First parameter must be a Text, a Text column or an expression that returns a Text |
string2 Multiple |
Each parameter from the second must be a Text, a Text column or an expression that returns a Text |
Function |
Result |
field('as','has','as','have') |
2 |
Inserts the text string2 in string1 at the index 'position' for the specified 'length'
Name |
Description |
string1 Text |
Parameter must be a Text, a Text column or an expression that returns a Text |
position Number |
The position where the 'Text2' parameter must be inserted |
length Number |
The length of the Text |
string2 Text |
Specifies the Text that must be added to, or replaced in the 'Text1' value |
Function |
Result |
insert('abcddb', 3, 2, 'efgh') |
abefghdb |
Repeats the given 'string' text for the specified number of times and returns the constructed text.
Name |
Description |
string Text |
Parameter must be a Text column or a Text, or an expression that returns a Text |
num |