Assigning Tickets using Workflow and Assignment Rules - Online Help | Zoho Desk

Assigning Tickets using Workflow and Assignment Rules

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Users who have the Help Desk Automation permission enabled in their profile can create workflows and assignment rules.

Assigning tickets using Workflows

While creating a workflow rule, you can decide whether the ticket should be assigned during creation or upon edit. Using criteria, tickets of a certain kind can be identified, and when the condition is met, the ticket is auto-assigned to the predefined agent, team, role, etc.
To assign tickets using workflows
  1. Navigate to Setup > Automation > Workflow Rules.
  2. Click Create Rules.
  3. Select the Tickets module from the drop-down and enter the Rule Name.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select Execute On, Create, Edit, or Customer Reply, then click Next.
  6. Select a Criteria if needed, then click Next.
  7. Under Actions, select Assign Ticket.
  8. In the Assign Ticket page, enter the Name and select an Assignee (Agent, Team, or Agent in a team).
  9. Click Save.

Assigning tickets using Assignment rules

Assignment rule can be set in two ways:

Direct assignment

Using direct assignment, tickets can be assigned to an agent or team directly. The tickets can also be moved to another department if needed. For example, if a ticket requesting implementation assistance is submitted to any department, then you can use this rule to define the department it should be moved to.
To create a direct assignment rule
  1. Go to Setup > Automation > Assignment Rules > Direct Assignment.
  2. Click New Direct Assignment.
  3. Enter the Rule name and Description, then select Execute Rule on Ticket Create and/or Ticket Update.
  4. Click Add Target.
  5. Under Tickets coming to, select any department or a specific department.
    By default, the department in which you are creating the rule will be displayed here. You can change this, if necessary.
  6. Enter a Criteria.
  7. Under Move Ticket To, select a department, if needed.
  8. Assign To an Agent, or leave the ticket unassigned.
  9. Click Save

Round-robin assignment

This method ensures tickets are assigned to agents in a circular fashion, maintaining an orderly approach. The round-robin method is divided into three types:
  1. Load based - This rule optimizes the ticket load of each agent. Tickets are assigned to the least loaded agent first. The load balancing will continue until all of your agents are assigned an equal number of tickets. After that, tickets are distributed to agents in the round-robin fashion.
  2. Sequential - Tickets are assigned to agents in the order in which they are added during the configuration. For example, if John, Ben, and Amy are added to a rule in this order, then the tickets will be assigned first to John, then Ben, and subsequently to Amy. If all agents or a team are chosen, then the agents will be assigned tickets in alphabetical order (Amy, Ben, then John).
  3. Skill based - Agents with domain expertise, language proficiency, or negotiation abilities can be assigned tickets based on their skill sets. This will ensure that the customers get the best service from the experts.  

Types of Round-robin rules

Load based rule

Despite adapting effective triaging and routing methodologies, support teams can feel overwhelmed when a large volume of tickets arrive. Every customer request requires a dedicated response from the agent, and it's important for the business to maintain a high quality of standard. To prevent burnout and ensure ticket resolution guidelines are adhered to, orgs can consider distribution of tickets through load management.

Load balancing ensures every agent has tickets within the threshold limit at any point in time. The remaining tickets are added to the backlog and will again be assigned in the round-robin manner to agents as they continue closing the existing tickets. 

Sequential rule

This rule ensures that tickets are assigned to agents following the sequence in which they were added to the rule during configuration.
For example, if John, Ben, and Amy are added to a rule in this order, then the tickets will be assigned first to John, then Ben, and subsequently to Amy. If all agents or a team are chosen, then the tickets will be assigned to the agents in alphabetical order (Amy, Ben, then John).

Sequential assignments can be helpful for teams that are specialized in handling specific types of issues. The senior team members and SMEs added at the beginning will ensure that customer problem are inferred correctly and the proper solution is provided. 
  1. Adding or removing agents - If any modifications are made to the list of agents in the "Assign Tickets To" field by adding or removing, then the round-robin sequence will reset. It will start assigning tickets from the first agent on the list. Note that this reset does not apply when the tickets are assigned to teams.  
  2. When choosing all agents or a specific team, in cases where agents share identical names, then the user IDs (auto-generated by the system when a user is added to Zoho Desk) will be used as unique identifiers. The agent who was added first to the Desk account will be first in the sequence followed by other agents. After that, the alphabetical order will be followed.
  3. When agents transition between online and offline status, or when they reach a predetermined threshold leading to their exclusion from sequential assignment, they are marked as "SKIPPED" and positioned at the end of the queue. This decision is made by administrators who choose not to assign tickets through sequential assignment in scenarios where agents are offline or have met a specified threshold.

Skill based rule

Agents may have expertise in a particular domain, fluency in specific languages, or be a subject matter expert with good analytical and problem solving skills. Agents who have these skills can be associated with specific skill sets, which will ensure tickets are routed to the right team and the resolution is provided quickly.
Organizations can add a list of skill sets based on the ticket history, customer requirements, or business perspectives. For example, some skill sets that can be added are:
  1. Language expertise - French, German, Japanese.
  2. Domain expertise - Data science, Designer, Programming language
  3. Business skills - Finance, Marketing, Sales, Engineering
  4. Leadership skills - Critical solution provider, planning and strategic thinker, information gathering and research
Agents can be associated with each of these skills. Once a ticket is categorized based on the skill set, they will be assigned to the respective team or agent automatically. This significantly reduces the time spent in understanding the requirement, routing it to the right team, and providing a relevant solution. 
The system can identify the skills based on the criteria that is provided in the configuration, the system will match the criteria in the incoming ticket and ascribe the relevant skills to it. You can also assign skills manually or via workflows.

To add skills and skill sets
  1. Navigate to Setup (    ) > Automation > Skills.
  2. On the Skill Types tab, click Add Skill Type on the upper-right corner.
  3. Enter the Skill type and Save.
  4. Enter the Skill name and select Skill Type from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter Description, if needed.
  6. Define the Criteria by selecting fields that will identify the skill in the ticket.
  7. Select the agents from the available list.
  8. Click Save.
Skill preferences
Allows to define whether skills should be added automatically to the tickets when they are created or edited. If this is toggled, then skills would be added manually or via workflows. Under preferences, admins can choose where and how the new skills will be displayed within the tickets:
Skills can be positioned:
  1. Top of the list
  2. Bottom of the list
  3. Order in which they are added during settings
To add skill preferences
  1. Go to Setup > Automation > Skills.
  2. Click the Skill Preference icon ( ).
  3. Toggle Auto-add skills to tickets.
  4. Choose the location where the skills can be viewed within the ticket from the available options.

Creating round robin rules

Points to remember
  1. Round robin rules are department specific. 
  2. You can associate up to five targets per round-robin rule.
  3. If a ticket owner is already assigned via other automations, such as workflow or direct assignment or macro, then the round-robin rule will not reassign owners to those tickets.
  4. By default, tickets are assigned to agents who are online in the email channel. However, offline agents can also be included while setting the round-robin preferences.
  5. Unassigned or Backlog tickets will only be assigned in a round-robin manner if the ticket has received a customer response within 30 days.  
  6. The tickets will be assigned in the following sequence when all the automations are active: Direct assignment > Workflow > SLA > Round robin (sequential > load balancing > skill based) > Blueprint > Notifications.
To create a round robin rule
  1. Navigate to Setup > Automation > Assignment Rules > Round-robin.
  2. Click New Round Robin Assignment.
  3. Specify the Rule name and Description.
  4. Select when the rule should be executed: Ticket Create, Ticket Update, or both.
  5. Click Add target and do the following:
    1. Specify the Criteria for the rule.
    2. Select the round-robin method: Load balancing, Sequential, or Skill-based.
    3. Under Assign To, select agents or teams.
    4. Check Exclude agents from this assignment, if required, then select the agent.
  6. Click Save.

Setting up round robin preferences

The preferences allow you to set further criteria for the assignment rules:

Assign tickets to offline agents

By default, only agents who are online on the email channel are assigned tickets. Organizations can include the offline agents in the round-robin queue to manage various tickets. 

Department-wise threshold

The total number of open tickets the agents in a department can have at any point will ensure a balanced approach. The admin can set a department-wise threshold for the tickets. For example, if the admin sets the threshold as 10 tickets for a department, then all the agents in that department will have only 10 open tickets, and the subsequent tickets will be assigned to the agent who has fewer than 10 tickets.

Agent level threshold

The admin can set a threshold for specific agents in specific departments. For example, if you want experienced agents to handle more tickets, then specify the agents' names and set a ticket count threshold such as 20 tickets.
  1. If both department and agent thresholds are defined, then the agent level threshold will take precedence, and the department wise threshold value will be overridden. 
  2. A maximum of 1500 agents can be assigned agent-level thresholds.

Assigning backlog

When the agents are offline or have reached the ticket threshold, tickets are held in the backlog. The backlog limit lets you decide the maximum number of backlog tickets that can be assigned to the agent in bulk. So, if the backlog limit is set to 10, each agent will be assigned 10 tickets from the backlog at a time. Once the department threshold limit is reached, no other tickets will be assigned. 
If ticket threshold is enabled, then the tickets from the backlog will also be assigned according to the threshold limits. 

Incoming ticket assignment

When there are new incoming tickets, we have to ensure that it is assigned to the right agent for quick resolution. These new tickets can either be assigned to agents until they reach the threshold limit, or can be pushed into the backlog from which they are assigned. When the agent closes a few tickets, the new tickets will be assigned again based on the threshold limit.

To set round robin preferences
  1. Navigate to Setup > Automation > Assignment Rules > Round Robin.
  2. On the Round Robin page, click the More icon ( ) in the top-right corner.
  3. In the Round Robin Preferences menu, do the following:
    1. Toggle Assign tickets to offline agents.
    2. Toggle Department-wise threshold and select a value from the drop-down.
    3. Toggle Agent Level Threshold. Enter the names of the specific agents you want to set a threshold for and select a ticket count from the drop-down. 
    4. Click + to add multiple rows. 
    5. Toggle Assign Backlogs and select a value for the Backlog Limit and the choose Assign Based on Due Date or Created Time.
  4. Click Apply to set the preferences.   

Reordering round-robin rules and targets

When there are multiple rules and targets, the system will check the criteria for the first rule and target in the order they are listed. By default, the rules are listed in chronological order, with the first rule created at the top of the list. If a ticket meets the criteria of more than one rule entry, it will enter the first rule that it matches.
To reorder rules and targets

  1. In the Round Robin page, the rules for the department will be listed.
  2. Hover on a rule and click the Reorder icon ( ) corresponding to it.
  3. Drag and drop the rules on the order that you want.
  4. Click Save order.

Deactivating round robin rules  

You can deactivate the rules that are not used anymore. If you enable the rule again, the targets will remain unchanged. Deactivated rules are listed under the Inactive list.
To deactivate a rule
  1. In the Assignment Rules page, click Round Robin from the left panel.
  2. In the Round Robin page, hover your mouse pointer and click the Deactivate icon ( ) corresponding to the rule.
    Click the Activate icon ( ) to reactivate an inactive rule.
To disable all rules
  1. In the Assignment Rules page, click Round Robin from the left panel.
  2. Toggle Round Robin Rules from the top panel.

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