Feeds allow you to share your views and discuss matters with team members to speed up the customer support process. Additionally, Feeds will also provide updates about important customers and tickets that you follow. However, if you think your Feeds section is getting too busy with all kinds of updates, you can choose the modules that you wish to receive updates from. For example, if you want only to see updates on Tickets and not Tasks, you can uncheck Tasks specific events from the Feeds Preference settings. This will block out all Feeds related to the Tasks module.
- There's currently no way to manage feeds related to calls and events.
- Feeds Preference is a department-specific setting and applies to all users of a chosen department.
To modify Feeds Preference:
- Go to Setup ( )> Customization > Notifications.
- In the Notifications page, click Feeds Preference from the left panel.
- In the Feeds Preference page, select a department for which you want to modify Feeds Preference.
- Modify the actions under the Tickets and Tasks module.
Your preference will be saved instantaneously.
You can also choose to disable the entire Feeds feature. Please note that this option applies to all departments tied to your account.
To disable Feeds:
- Click the Setup icon ( ) in the top bar.
- In the Setup Landing page, click Notify under Automation.
- Go to Setup ( )> Customization > Notifications.
- In the Notifications page, click Feeds Preference from the left panel.
- In the Feeds Preference page, turn the toggle at the top of the page to Off.
- Click Disable to confirm your action.
Once disabled, the Team Feeds tab will be removed from the Tickets module.