This document pertains explicitly to help widgets created using the updated ASAP Setup 4.0 Version. Please note that if you are using an older version of ASAP, the help widgets will be read-only. To utilize the new ASAP widgets on your App, use the latest ASAP SDK 4.0.
Once you have established the ASAP SDK, the next step is to integrate it using Maven.
Include the following code in the root-level build.gradle file to integrate the SDK with your app.
The ASAP SDK was developed using Android Architecture Components. Therefore, the app code must include
Next, include the dependency required for the SDK.
Include the dependency code required in the dependencies section of the app-level build.gradle file.
1. ‘com.zoho.desk:asap:4.0.1' - ASAP SDK with default UI. (KB, Community and Tickets)
2. ‘com.zoho.desk:asap-api:4.0.1 - ASAP SDK without UI. Serves as the API provider.
3. ‘com.zoho.desk:asap-siq:4.0.1 - ASAP SalesIQ SDK
4. ‘com.zoho.desk:asap-chatkit:4.0.1 - ASAP SDK Chat Kit SDK. (GC, BM, and Answer Bot)
- dependencies { implementation 'com.zoho.desk:asap:4.0.1' }
Add the following line to include the SalesIQ dependency if the app shows SalesIQ chat.
- dependencies { implementation 'com.zoho.desk:asap-siq:4.0.1' }
Add the following line to include the Chat Kit dependency if the app shows any of the modules from the chat kit. (GC, BM and Answer Bot)
- dependencies { implementation 'com.zoho.desk:asap-chatkit:4.0.1' }
Replace the X with the latest version of ASAP SDK. Refer to the release notes for all the versions.
You have successfully integrated the SDK with your app.
The configuration details of the ASAP SDK are as follows:
• compileSdkVersion - 33
• targetSdkVersion - 33
• minSdkVersion - 23
• org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.8.0
How to initialize the SDK on your Android App
Once the SDK integration is completed, you must initialize the ASAP SDK on your app.
The following three keys are crucial for the initialization:
• Org ID
• App ID
• Data Center
The values of these keys appear under the Install your widget on a website or mobile app section on the setup page of the ASAP help widget in Zoho Desk.
To initialize the SDK in your app, add the following code snippet to a subclass of the Application class.
import com.zoho.desk.asap.api.ZohoDeskPortalSDK;
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public static ZohoDeskPortalSDK apiProvider;
public void onCreate() {
apiProvider = ZohoDeskPortalSDK.getInstance(getApplicationContext());
apiProvider.initDesk(orgId, appId, datacenterValue);
Data Centers (DCs), according to the deployment types:
CN - ZDPDataCenter.CN
EU - ZDPDataCenter.EU
US - ZDPDataCenter.US
IN - ZDPDataCenter.IN
AU - ZDPDataCenter.AU
JP - ZDPDataCenter.JP
SA - ZDPDataCenter.SA
CA - ZDPDataCenter.CA