How to authenticate users on your mobile apps with Flutter Apps?

How to authenticate users on your mobile apps with Flutter Apps?

What is user authentication?

We have enhanced the existing mechanism to provide a better, safer, and simpler authentication process. The improved JWT Authentication mechanism verifies the authenticity of your end users and permits them to use the help widget. To access the tickets they submitted, end-users of your app must have an identity to authenticate themselves as a user of the Zoho Desk portal. Zoho Desk makes this authentication possible via the JSON Web Token (JWT).

Zoho Desk supports two types of authentication: Anonymous and JWT.

    •    Anonymous

In this type, end-users are considered guest users. They can only submit tickets, view posts in the User Community, and chat with a customer support agent. They cannot view the tickets they submitted or actively participate in the User Community.

    •    JWT

In this type, end-users are considered authenticated users. In addition to the activities that guest users can perform, authenticated users can also view the submitted tickets and actively participate in the User Community (with rights to perform actions such as following a topic, adding a topic, and commenting on existing posts).

What is JWT Authentication?

JWT (JSON Web Token) is a secure and efficient way of exchanging claims between two parties. It is a compact and URL-safe method of representing data that needs to be transferred. JWT is usually used for authentication and authorization purposes. The token is digitally signed, which ensures its authenticity and integrity. JWT is widely used in modern web applications and APIs to transmit information securely between the client and server.

Learn about the enhanced JWT authentication mechanism.

Authenticating users

To authenticate users in the help widget, include the following code snippet:
  1. import 'package:zohodesk_portal_apikit/zohodesk_portal_apikit.dart' show ZohodeskPortalApikit;
    ZohodeskPortalApikit.login(jwtToken, (isSuccess)
    //Sign in success/failed
In the above code snippet, jwtToken refers to the token passed from your app. Read more on How to generate a jwttoken?

    •    callback that will be called after userFetch is executed.
    •    isSuccess will indicate whether the user authentication was successful or not.

Logging out users from the SDK 

To log users out from the help widget, include the following code snippet:
  1. import 'package:zohodesk_portal_apikit/zohodesk_portal_apikit.dart' show ZohodeskPortalApikit;
    //Sign out success/failed
    •    callback that will be called after userFetch is executed.
    •    isSuccess will indicate whether the user authentication was successful or not.

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