Validation rule provides businesses a way to ensure that the data entered by the customers and the employees is correct and meets their standards. It helps maintain data authenticity. When customers submit tickets or agents create tickets on behalf of the customers, they enter certain values into the fields. Businesses can ensure the entered values are accurate by setting a validation rule. Likewise, when agents enter data, such as product code, serial IDs, and customer details, these values can be authenticated using a validation rule.
Benefits of the Validation rule include:
- Ensuring data accuracy - The data entered meets the business requirement, thereby ensuring the accuracy of the information provided.
- Advanced validation with regex - Regex is used in a validation rule to check the given input against a pattern used to match and search text based on specific patterns.
- Reduces manual tasks - When a validation rule is set up and the data entered adheres to the specified criteria, the users do not have to manually verify the information provided.
- Customer experience - By setting a validation rule, clear guidelines or requirements can be communicated to the users filling out a form, thereby facilitating a smoother experience in entering their information.
Let's explore how validation rules are used in the Banking department to ensure accuracy and security.
- Credit Card Transactions: When you make a purchase with your credit card, validation rules can check if the transaction amount is within your credit limit and if the card number is valid before approving the payment.
- Net banking User ID: When you set up a new password for net banking, there could be a criteria that only your Customer Id or mobile number must be used as the User ID. Setting up a validation rule ensures that the provided value meets this criteria.
- Online Banking Passwords: When you set up a new password for online banking, validation rules may require a minimum/maximum length including special characters, or a combination of letters and numbers to ensure that the password is strong enough to protect your account.
- Account Numbers: When you enter your account number for payments, validation rules verify that the value entered matches the bank's standard and that the account exists before processing the transaction.
These rules help maintain the integrity and security of your financial transactions, providing a reliable and safe banking experience.
Based on the example above, let's create a validation rule that the account number can only have numeric values.
In this way, if there are no numbers entered or if there are any alphabets entered, an alert is displayed that they should enter only the numeric values.
The validation rule could be a combination of multiple conditions. You can limit the data provided by using the logical operators (and/or) and Regex expressions as well.