FAQs: Creating Guided Conversation Flow

FAQs: Creating Guided Conversations Flow

What is the difference between Response Blocks and Action Blocks?

Response Blocks and Action Blocks are the two fundamental categories of blocks in the GC flow builder. All the blocks are grouped under Response Blocks and Action Blocks. The former is mainly to show messages to users or collect inputs from user whereas the latter is to perform an action in the GC flow. Here is a detailed explanation for the various blocks in each category.

Response Blocks
These blocks are used to display messages or receive inputs from users. These blocks are used only to interact with users in the front-end. Response blocks can be used to greet the user, ask questions and provide choices. There are three main components in Response Blocks: Message Blocks, Question Blocks, and  Choice Blocks.
  1. Message Blocks are used to display information. They can be used when you want to greet the user or display an error or show a product specific information. Example: Your customer is visiting your website and you would like to greet them with a welcome message. Then you wish to showcase your bestselling products with images and details to your customers. Use Message Blocks in such instances. 

  2. Question Blocks are helpful to collect inputs from the users. Example: You can use Question Blocks to ask questions and collect input like, "Can you please enter the order number?" or "Please enter your email address".

  3. Choice Blocks, as the name implies, are used to provide users with a set of choices from which they can choose their answer. For example, you can use Choice Block while asking for customer's feedback, or you can let the customer pick what they want by displaying your latest collections.

Action Blocks
These blocks are used to perform back-end processes. They can help convert a simple Q&A flow to a more powerful one. They can perform operations, change the course of the flow, and even connect with third-party applications. There are four main components in Action Blocks: JumpForkOperation, and Webhook.
  1. Jump Block can help you move forward or backward within the same flow or switch between different flows. For example, after placing an order, you might ask the user if they wish to place another order. If they say yes, you need to start the questions from the order block again. If they say they want to cancel the order, you need to redirect them to a separate flow where you take care of cancels and refunds. Jump Block can be used for all of these purposes.

  2. Fork Block can separate the path of a flow into two or more individual paths. For instance, say you need to have separate sets of questions for users who belong to different age groups. For this you can use Fork Block to separate the path based on the criteria you provide.

  3. Operation Block can perform arithmetic operations on the data collected. For example, the user has completed the order and you have to display the total bill amount they need to settle. Here you need to use mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. This can be done using Operation Block.

  4. Webhook Block can provide integration with Zoho applications or any third-party applications using API. You may wish to display the best-selling products to your customer. These products might change frequently, so you need to get the list of products from your database everyday. This can be done by connecting your product database to your GC using Webhook Block.

What is the purpose of message blocks?

Message blocks are used to display information. They can be used when you want to greet the user or display an error or show a product specific information. Message Blocks cannot collect any input from users. There are two types of Message Blocks: Text and Info Card.

Text Block
This block is used when you want to convey simple messages to the user in the form of text. For example, when you want to greet or thank a user.

Info Card
This block is used to display information in the form of cards. This is an effective way to convey information because you can include title, subtitle, image, and description to your data. You can also add additional card details, if required.
These cards can be either Static or Dynamic.
  1. Static Card: This card is used to display predefined data. They are fixed information and do not change once you publish the flow. For example:
    1. Info cards containing the details of doctors working at a hospital
    2. Info cards displaying the images and contact details of a company's branches
    3. An info card to exhibit the image, cost and features of a product

  2. Dynamic Card: These cards are used to display information that is fetched during runtime. They are used when the displayed data is susceptible to change. For example:
    1. Info cards comprising the last five orders made by a user
    2. Info cards to display the recent tickets raised by a customer
    3. Info card to show the order summary of products purchase

What type of data can I collect from users via Question Blocks?

Question Blocks help you collect various types of details such as an image of the product, email address of the customer, bill amount in currency, the order number, etc. The following options are available in a Question Block: Text, Image, Video, Audio, File, Slider, Email, URL, Currency, Calendar, and Number.

Below you can view some of the question types implemented using Question Block elements:


When should I use Info cards and Choice cards?

Info Card is a part of the Message Block and can be used to display information in the form of cards. This is an effective way to convey information, as you can include title, subtitle, image, and description to your data. You can also add additional card details, if required. These cards can be either static or dynamic. For example, the user has requested to view the last five orders they made. This information can be neatly presented with product image, product name, purchase date and amount paid in the form of Info Card.

Choice Card on the other hand, is a part of the Choice Block and are used when information is presented as choices. Similar to Info Card, these cards include title, subtitle, image, description, and additional card details. These cards can also be either static or dynamic. You can have single or multi-select option in a Choice Card. For example, the user wants to view products with special offers. When this is presented as a Choice Card, the user can select one or multiple products to send to their shopping cart.

Can I validate the data being collected from users?

To collect accurate and clean data, you need to make sure that the right type of question block is used to collect input from the user. The question blocks will cover the basic data validation when used. For example, to collect an email address, the Email Question Block should be chosen. This will allow the user only to enter details in a standard email format. In the same way, the Number block allows only numbers and the URL block allows only valid URLs. So based on the question block, the corresponding type of values entered can be validated. As of today, there is no option to set any validations manually in GC.

Can I enable multiple selections when Choice Blocks are used?

Yes, it is possible to make multiple selections with Button, Dynamic Button and Choice Card under Choice Blocks.

To add a Choice Block and enable multiple selection
  1. Go to Setup > Self ServiceGuided Conversations.
  2. Select the Flow in which you want to add the Choice Block.
  3. On the Guided Conversations builder, click  (the Add Block icon).
    The Add Block panel will appear on the right.
  4. On the Add Block panel, click Response Blocks and select one of the Choice Blocks.
  5. Fill in the necessary details like Block NameQuestionButton List, and Card List.
  6. Under Button Selection Type, select Multiple Buttons.
  7. Click Save.

Can I redirect my users from one flow to another?

Yes, you can redirect the users by making the conversation jump from one flow to another flow. After finishing the flow you jumped to, the conversation will return back to the parent flow automatically. If there are any remaining blocks in parent flow, they will be completed.

What are Input and Output Variable Mapping, and when do I use them?

Input and Output Variable Mapping comes into play when you try to jump between flows.

Input Variable Mapping:
This is used when you want to send data collected from your current flow to another flow during jumping. For example, you are in a flow called Reception. You are trying to jump to a block called view rooms in another flow called Room Booking. This view rooms block has two other blocks, say, name and address preceding it. When you are jumping you have to carry the data for name and address block variables present in Room Booking. This is called Input Variable Mapping. After adding the Jump Block to Reception, enter the following details in the block panel:
  1. Block name: Enter a name for the block. Example: Jump to view Rooms
  2. Jump-to Flow: Select the flow you want to jump to. Example: Room Booking
  3. Jump-to Block: Select the desired block from the list. Example: View Rooms
  4. Input Variable Mapping: The variables required by the other flow will be listed here. You have to map the variables of current flow to the new flow.
  5. Click Save.
Output Variable Mapping:
This is used when you try to get values from another flow to your current flow after jumping. For example, after executing Room Booking flow, the GC will return automatically to your parent flow, Reception, to finish the remaining blocks present. You are expecting the flow to bring data like Room details from Room Booking to Reception. To get this variable you have to do Output Variable Mapping in your 'Jump to View Rooms' Block. After completing Input Variable Mapping by following the above-mentioned steps from 1 to 4, enter the following details:
  1. Output Variable Mapping: Select the variable you want to fetch from the Room Booking flow.
  2. Map it to a new variable in the current flow.
  3. Use Add Mapping to create and map more variables.
  4. Click Save.

Is there any option for the user to skip the block without answering the question?

Yes, the user can skip the questions if the blocks are enabled with the Skip Block option. This option is available for Question Blocks and Choice Blocks.

To make a block optional:
  1. In the GC builder, go to the required block.
  2. Under Advanced Settings at the bottom of the editor, enable the Skip Block toggle.
  3. Click Save.
Note: Skip block options are not provided to Message Blocks and Action Blocks. In Choice Blocks, if separate paths are created for each choice, then the skip block option is not enabled.

What are block variables, local variables, global variables, and session variables?

Variables are nothing but placeholders for values. They are classified into different types based on their scope. Scope defines the area where the variable is valid or visible. The variables will be accessible only within their scope. Here we use four types of variables: block variableslocal variablesglobal variables, and session variables.

Block Variable:
The data received in a block is stored inside block variables. These variables can be used only within the flow. For example, the name of the user received from a question block is a block variable.

Local Variable:
In order to store some predefined values, we can create a local variable and store them in it. These variables can be used anywhere throughout the flow. However, they cannot be accessed outside the flow. For example, if you have a local variable called "coupon" in a flow called Bookings, you can use the variable in any block within the same flow. However, you cannot use "coupon" in another flow called Grievances.
To create a local variable
  1. Go to Setup > Self ServiceGuided Conversations.
  2. Select the Flow in which you want to add the local variable.
  3. Select the icon on the left side.
    The Add Variable dialog box opens.
  4. In the dialog box, select the variable type as local variable.
  5. Select Add Local Variable.
  6. Provide the variable name, data type and variable value.
  7. Click Save.

Global Variable:
Global variables are common for all the departments. They can be used inside any conversation flow of your organization. For example, you can create a global variable for your support email address and use it across all GC flows in your organization. You can create a global variable within or outside the flow.

To create a global variable
  1. Go to Setup > Self ServiceGuided Conversations > Global Variable.
  2. Select the variable type as global variable.
  3. Select Add Global Variable.
  4. Provide a variable name, data type, and variable value.
  5. Click Add/Save.

Session Variable:
Session variables store information in the memory of a web browser. They will be available until the user closes the browser. The customer's user ID, user name, and email using which they have logged in are available as session variables in your GC. They can be added to your conversation flow as local variables. To do so:
  1. Go to Setup > Self ServiceGuided Conversations.
  2. Select the Flow in which you want to add the local variable.
  3. Select the icon on the left side.
    The Add Variable dialog box opens.
  4. In the dialog box, select the variable type as local variable.
  5. Select Add Local Variable.
  6. Click on the @ icon present in the variable value field and select the desired session variable from the drop-down.
  7. Click Save.

When can I use Fork Block?

The Fork Block should be used when you want to split the course of your conversation flow based on the user's response.

For example, you can use Fork Block when you want to split the path into two, one for people 60 years or older and the other for people younger than 60 years.

How many paths can I fork in a single time?

You can fork up to 50 paths using a single Fork Block. Can I join separated paths into a single one? No, it is not possible to join forked paths.

Can I join separated paths into a single one?

No, it is not possible to join forked paths.

When a user enters an incorrect value, is it possible to correct it without having to repeat the same path again?

It is not possible for the user to go back and correct their response. They have to start over the conversation using the restart conversation option provided in GC widget.

How is the Operation Block used?

Operation Block is used to perform arithmetic operations on the data collected. For example, the data needs to be multiplied or added when you have to show the total amount the customer has to pay for the order. Operation block is handy in such cases. You can use the Operation Block, to add, subtract, multiply and divide.

Can I add any new operations to the Operation Block?

It is not possible to add new operations to the Operation Block. You can only choose from the already available operations, namely, add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

What are the some of the use cases of Webhook Block?

Webhook Blocks help to provide a connection between your GC and an application using API. They can be used to fetch, create, update, or delete data.

Example 1: You have a website for your clothing store and the user tries to make an order using the GC in your website. To register the order details to your database, you have to use the POST API method in webhook block and update it.

Example 2: Your customer wants to view the details of their last order through your GC. Now you need to connect to your database and fetch the customer's last order details. This can be done using the GET API method in webhook block.

Example 3: When the customer wants to cancel their last order, you can use webhook blocks and delete the order from your database through the DELETE API method.

How do I choose the right API method while using Webhook Block?

There are 5 API methods listed in the Webhook Blocks. Among them you can choose the one that is appropriate for your purpose. Following are the details:
  1. GETUsed to fetch data from resource
  2. PATCHUsed to update a part of existing data
  3. POSTUsed to insert or update data
  4. PUT Used to overwrite an existing data
  5. DELETEUsed to delete data

How do I make a connection with a service through Webhook Block?

You can make a connection with any third party service or Zoho service in Webhook. Only when you make a connection, you will enable GC to interact with your application. To make a connection, you need an account with that service. Inside your Webhook Block editor, you will be asked to select a Connection. Follow the below steps to establish a connectio:
  1. In the Guided Conversation builder, go to the Webhook Block.
  2. Click the Add link for the Connections field.
    The DRE page will open on a new tab.
  3. Click  (the Add Connection icon).
  4.  Under Pick Your Service, you can select any of the third party services or Zoho OAuth.
  5. Provide a Connection Name. For example: Get_Ticket.
  6. Provide a Connection Link Name. For example: get_ticket_link
  7. Choose the Scope from the drop-down.
    This sets the permission for your connection.
  8. Click Create and Connect.
  9. Click Accept in the pop up that appears. This allows the DRE to access data in your Zoho account.

We hope that this list of frequently asked questions about Creating Guided Conversation Flow is informative. If you still have questions that haven't been addressed, please let us know. We will be happy to discuss them with our subject matter experts and add them in the future. And please don't forget to share your rating below!

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