The ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension

The ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension

The ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension is only accessible to Paid edition Desk users and is limited to US and India data centers to comply with GDPR regulations. 

In the digital era, customer service is more significant than ever. As more and more businesses transition to online platforms, customers expect quick and efficient support. This is where AI-powered chatbots come in handy, helping businesses, particularly support agents, connect with customers and understand their pain points to provide personalized, empathetic, and contextualized solutions.


The ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension enables agents to provide fast and efficient support to customers through a conversational interface. The extension is designed to understand customer inquiries and provide personalized support within Zoho Desk. By leveraging advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, ChatGPT can accurately interpret and understand customer questions, and provide relevant, timely responses.


Consider a customer who reaches out to a business with a complex issue. The customer writes a lengthy and detailed support request, outlining their issue and concerns. With this extension, ChatGPT's generative AI reads the customer's support request and analyzes the tone and sentiment to predict the customer's mood.

Based on the customer's mood and the key information provided in the message, ChatGPT generates a relevant response that addresses the customer's concerns and provides a potential solution to their issue. The generative AI can also summarize the key points of the customer's message, making it easier for live agents to understand the customer's needs and provide more personalized support. This not only saves time for support agents, but provides customers with a fast and efficient customer service experience.


Key benefits of using the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension


  1. Improved response times: With ChatGPT's generative AI handling common inquiries, response times are improved along with overall customer satisfaction.
  2. Personalized customer support: With its natural language processing capabilities, generative AI can understand and interpret customer questions, providing personalized responses based on the customer's mood and the requests outlined by their ticket.
  3. Increased agent productivity: By automating routine tasks, the extension enables support agents to focus on more complex issues, boosting productivity and helping them provide better service to customers.
  4. Increased availability: The ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension can provide support to customers at any time, reducing the workload on support agents and providing greater convenience to customers.

Working with the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension 

Anlyzing the tone and emotion of tickets   

Ticket Prediction summarizes customer inquiries and detects the underlying emotion. This helps agents address issues more efficiently. Additionally, it gives agents insights into the customer's emotional state, so they can empathize and deliver a personalized response.

See also: Ticket Prediction.


Customer Mood Summary detects the sentiment or emotion behind a customer's inquiry. It works by analyzing the customer's message for specific language patterns, such as positive or negative words, and considering the overall context of the message. The extension then assigns the customer a mood label, such as happy, angry, sad, or frustrated.

Suggesting optimal replies 

Reply Assistance suggests the ideal response to customer inquiries. This saves agents time, ensures consistency, and improves response quality. 

See also: Reply Assistance.


Reply Assistance will function only if Zia is enabled and there are at least 30 articles in the Knowledge Base. 

Generating responses from open domain data 

Enabling Open Domain Data allows ChatGPT to generate a response based on public data when a reply cannot be generated using KB articles.

See also: Working process of Zia and ChatGPT.


Points to remember

  1. OpenAI only utilizes the customer's support request to predict and generate a ticket response.
  2. To generate a ticket response, at least 30 published articles in the knowledge base are required. If the knowledge base contains fewer than 30 articles, and the Allow Open Domain Data option is enabled, ChatGPT can utilize public domain information to find a suitable response.
  3. For authentication you have to enter the API key from your paid OpenAI account. If you don't have an OpenAI API Key, you can generate the same from Creating OpenAI API key
  4. If agents are not satisfied with the ticket prediction and response generated by the extension, they can choose to regenerate. There is no limit to the number of times a response can be regenerated.
  5. The availability of the Ticket Prediction and Reply Assistance options in the Ticket Detail view will depend on the features that were selected during the extension's configuration.
  6. When Reply Assistance is enabled, but the Allow Open Domain Data option is disabled, the extension will attempt to find answers based on your KB articles. If the criteria for the minimum number of articles is not met, no results will be shown.
  7. When the Response Generation Preference is set to Auto-Generated, a ticket summary, mood analysis, and response will be automatically generated. If auto-generation is not enabled, these must be manually predicted by clicking the Predict button for each ticket. 

Installing the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension 

Zoho Desk Administrators can either install the extension from the Zoho Marketplace by searching for the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension, or from within the Desk account. 

To install the extension from your Desk account 

  1. Go to Setup ) > Marketplace > All.
  2. Search for and select the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension.
  3. Click Install.
    A Confirm Installation pop-up window will appear.
  4. From the Confirm Installation window, select the Portal Name, check the necessary terms of service options, and click Install.
  5. Click the General Settings tab and choose Departments and Profiles/Agents from the dropdown list. 
    Note: Only selected departments and profiles can access this extension.
  6. Click Install.
    Once the extension is installed, the Preference tab will be displayed. In the next step, you will have to authorize your Desk account. 
  7. Click Authorize and accept the data access permissions.
  8. Under the Preference tab, enter your OpenAI API key in the OpenAI Authentication section and click Save.
    Note: Check the terms and conditions checkbox and click Proceed on the data privacy notice pop-up. 
  9. Toggle the Ticket Prediction, Reply Assistance, and/or Allow Open Domain Data features, as needed.
  10. Choose a Response Generation Preference option.
    You can choose Auto Generate or Generate on Click.

Accessing the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension 

Once you have installed and configured the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension, you can access it from the Ticket module.  

To access the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension 

  1. In your Zoho Desk portal, navigate to the Tickets module.
  2. Open a ticket in Detail view.
  3. Click on the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk icon (  ) on the left pane.
  4. From the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk window, do the following:
    1. Under the Ticket Prediction tab, click Predict to get the ticket summary and ticket mood analysis of the latest incoming customer inquiry. 
    2. Under the Reply Assistance tab, click Generate Response to get an automated optimum response. Click Paste to Ticket to use the generated response in the ticket.
  5. Click Send when satisfied with the ticket prediction and response.


Accessing Response Summary for a previous message in a ticket thread

 The default behavior of the extension is to generate ticket prediction and reply assistance for the latest incoming thread in a support ticket. However, you can access the More option to use response summary for the previous message in a thread in the ticket.


Both the agent's and customer's response can be used to generate a response summary. When analyzing the agent's response, you can view the tone and a summary of the agent's response. Similarly, for the customer's response, you can access a summary of the customer's response along with the customer mood summary.


To perform Response Summary for the previous thread in a ticket

  1. Navigate to the Tickets module.
  2. Open a support ticket in Detail view.
  3. Select the previous thread in a ticket and click the More option.
    You can either select the agent's or customer's response.
  4. Click Response Summary by ChatGPT.
    The Response Summary window will open on the right pane.
  5. Click Predict to view the response summary.

Accessing ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension in the Radar app 

In addition to accessing the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension through the web portal, both Admins and Agents have the ability to utilize the extension directly from the Radar for Desk mobile application. Once the extension is installed in the web portal, admins or agents can access the same in the Radar app. 

To enable and access the extension in the Radar app 

  1. Go to Setup > Configuration > Radar Store.
  2. Toggle the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk option under Extensions.

  3. Open a support ticket in Detail view.
  4. Click the (  ) icon and select the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk option.
  5. From the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk window, do the following:
    1. Under the Ticket Prediction tab, click Predict to get the ticket summary and ticket mood analysis of the latest incoming customer inquiry. 
    2. Under the Reply Assistance tab, click Generate Response to get an automated optimum response. Click Paste to Ticket to use the generated response in the ticket.
  6. Click Send when satisfied with the ticket prediction and response.


Disabling and uninstalling the extension 

Disabling or uninstalling the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension is a simple process. It's important to note that only Support Administrators have the privilege to disable or uninstall the extension. When you uninstall the extension, all stored data associated with it will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered upon re-installation.


The extension can be enabled whenever necessary, without the need to re-enter your API key or complete the configuration process again. However, past data, such as previous ticket prediction and reply assistance data cannot be retrieved, even if the extension is re-enabled. 

 To disable the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension 

  1. Go to Setup ) > Marketplace > All.
  2. Click the Installed Extensions tab.
  3. Search for and select the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension.
  4. Toggle the Disable option.
  5. Click Disable to confirm the selection.


 To uninstall the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension 

  1. Go to Setup (  ) > Marketplace > All.
  2. Click the Installed Extensions tab.
  3. Search for and select the ChatGPT for Zoho Desk extension.
  4. Click More ) in the top-right corner of the page and select Uninstall Extension.
  5. Click Confirm.


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