The Zoho Desk Android App simplifies the process of resolving customer issues by transforming each concern into a ticket. In order to ensure that no client inquiry is left unaddressed, this user-friendly app allows agents to manage tickets smoothly. With the easy to use layout and automated features, users can easily navigate through tickets, address customer concerns quickly, and provide exceptional support, all within the flow of their mobile experience.
Create Starred Ticket Views
The starred views category can give you direct accessibility to the views you use the most. When you frequently work with certain list views, you can star them, and they will move to the top of the list under the Starred Views.
To create starred ticket views
- Tap on the Hamburger menu
at the upper-left corner of the home screen.
- Tap on the Tickets module.

- On the Tickets module, tap the Views' list. First, a list of Starred Views, followed by all other list views, is available.

- Tap on the Edit icon in the top-right corner to rearrange views and mark the frequently used views as starred views.
- Tap the Star to mark the ticket view as starred view and save.
Searching for Departments and Tickets
Efficiently locating departments and tickets is essential for seamless navigation and effective issue resolution within the Zoho Desk platform. Whether you're seeking specific departments to ease your workflows or hunting down tickets to address customer concerns promptly, our search functionality simplifies the process, enabling users to locate the information swiftly.
To search a department
- Tap the Hamburger menu
- Tap the Department drop-down list.

- Select the required department from the list.

- Type the characters in the Search Department box to look for a specific department. You can also select All departments to view tickets from all departments.
To search for a ticket
- Go to one of the ticket view pages.
- Tap the Search Icon

- In the Search Tickets box, enter the keyword and tap Enter to search. The matching results will be displayed.
For instance, we have searched zpad as the keyword in the search box and these are the results.
Filtering and sorting tickets
Filters options are a great way to pull out only those specific records that you need to work with. In addition to filtering, users can easily sort tickets in the Zoho Desk Android app to quickly organize and prioritize their workflow. You can filter and view tickets in the mobile application based on the following criteria:
- Department
- Agent
- Status
- Due Date
- Priority
- Channel
- Received In (Time Frame)
To filter the tickets
- Open the Tickets module.
- Tap the Filter & Sort
icon .
- Select Filter.

- Choose the filtering criteria and tap Apply.
- Tap the Mic icon
in the search field of the Tickets module.
- Choose Yes to continue.

Note: This dialog box will only appear for first-time users.
3. Dictate your search text. Once voice input is stopped, the results are displayed.

Adding Tickets
To add a ticket
- On the home screen, tap the Add icon
at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- In the Add Ticket page, tap the More Icon (three dots) at the upper-right corner of the page.
- Select Templates and choose the required template from the displayed list. Some of the fields will be auto-populated based on the template.
4. Enter other details such as Department, Contact name, Account name, email, phone number, subject, description, status of the ticket, Due date, and Priority in the Add Ticket page.
5. Tap the
Attachment icon 
to attach a file to the ticket directly.
6. In the Description field, you can edit your text content using the Rich Text Editor.
7. Select Refresh Layout after tapping the three dots to update the fields as and when you make changes to the fields.
8. Tap the tick mark at the upper-right corner to save the ticket.
Send as Email
If enabled in the web application settings, the Send as Email option in the mobile app allows you to send a copy of the ticket to the customer as an email during ticket creation.

Setting Ticket Due Date
You can set the due date of a ticket while creating it or change it later using the edit option.
To change the due date directly
- Open a Ticket.
- Tap the Set Due Date drop-down list.
- Choose the due date and time for ticket resolution from the calendar.
Setting Ticket Status
You can set the status of a ticket while creating it or change it later using the edit option.
To change the ticket status directly
- Open the ticket
- Tap the status drop-down list.

- Select the required status from the list. This includes all statuses, including custom ones that you have added from the Ticket Status section under Customization in Settings.
Setting Ticket Priority
Assigning a priority level to a ticket is crucial for efficient task management. For instance, you might prioritize urgent issues over less critical ones, ensuring timely resolution and customer satisfaction.
Additionally, Zoho Desk also allows you to create custom priority values tailored to your specific needs. You can set the priority level of a ticket while creating a ticket and change it later using the edit option.
To change the ticket priority directly
- Open the Ticket.
- Tap the priority drop-down list.

- Select the appropriate priority level from the list.
Ticket Actions
You can perform the following action on a ticket using the
More Icon 
on the upper-right corner where you will have options such as:
| Enable you to
Edit ticket
| Edit existing details in the ticket
| Move the ticket from the existing department to another
Apply Macro
| Choose macros that you can apply to a ticket
Revoke Blueprint
| Revoke a blueprint which is already applied to a ticket
| Add other agents as followers to the ticket
| Add an approver or approvers for an action
| Add tags to add more context to the ticket
| View a list of tickets followed in your account
| Reply to the ticket comment
| Forward the ticket to another agent
Share Ticket
| Share tickets with other departments
Share URL
| Share the ticket URL with another agent
| Mark the ticket as spam
| To Delete a ticket
Viewing Ticket Details, History, Articles, and Timeline
You can easily access key ticket details, history, related articles, and timeline to manage and track ticket progress efficiently.
- Open a ticket.
- Tap the Hamburger Icon
next to the due date status.

- Select the Details tab to view ticket details.

- Similarly, tap the History tab to view the chronological history of the ticket.

- Tap Articles to view suggested articles related to the ticket. You can view, copy, paste, and share these articles.

- Tap the TimeLine to view tickets received from customers in the chronological order. If there are no prior tickets, it displays the current ticket.

- Tap the Zoho Desk Marketplace icon to explore and install various extensions and integrations.
Zoho Marketplace is an online store offering a wide range of extensions, custom applications, and industry solutions for Zoho products. It provides a convenient way to expand the capabilities of each Zoho product and seamlessly connect them with other business applications, all without requiring any coding knowledge.
Marketplace can be accessed in the following places on Zoho Desk Android app:
- Hamburger icon in the ticket's detail page
- More option in threads
- Activity bar
- Ticket form
- Module navigation bar
- More option in ticket detail page
Editing Tickets
To edit a ticket
- Open a ticket that you want to edit.
- Tap the More Icon (three dots).
- Select Edit Ticket.

- Edit the required fields.
- Tap the tick mark icon in the upper-right corner.
Deleting a Ticket and Marking as Spam
You can directly mark a ticket as spam or close a ticket using the More Icon (three dots) at the upper-right corner of a ticket.
- Tap the more icon at the upper-right corner of a ticket.
- Select Spam. A pop-up message will appear to confirm if you want to mark only the tickets as spam or mark the contact also as spam. Tap OK, if yes.
To delete a ticket
- Tap the More Icon (three dots) at the upper-right corner of a ticket.
- Tap Delete and then confirm your action.

Deleted tickets will be moved to the recycle bin, which is accessible on the Zoho Desk web.
Sharing URL and Adding Follower
You can share the URL of a ticket with other agents using the Share URL option. Additionally you can add team members as followers using the Followers option to keep them updated on progress. Followers receive notifications about any developments related to the ticket.
To share the ticket URL
- Tap the More Icon at the upper-right corner of a ticket.
- Tap Share URL.
- Choose the medium to share the ticket.
To add followers to a ticket
- Tap the More Icon (three dots).
- Tap Followers.
- Search for agents in the specific department you want to add as followers to the ticket.
Adding Approvals and Applying macro
To add approvers to a ticket:
Tap the More icon at the upper-right corner of a ticket detail page.
Tap Approvals.

- Tap the Add icon
in the approvals page.
- Select the approver, enter a subject line, and provide a description for the approval on the Submit for approval page.

- Tap Done once you enter all the details.
- Tap the filters icon on the upper-right corner of the Approvals page to view either all approvals or pending approvals associated with the ticket.
How to apply a macro for a ticket
Macros are a collection of actions that can be performed on tickets. Sending emails, making tasks, and adding a specific value to a field in the tickets are some examples of these types of operations.
To apply a macro
- Tap the More Icon at the upper-right corner of a ticket detail page.
Tap Apply Macro.
- From the displayed list of macros, select a macro that you want to apply to a ticket.

- Alternatively, tap Search (
)to find a specific macro.
Blueprint for Status
The Blueprint feature in Zoho Desk Mobile helps users understand and manage ticket resolution more effectively. It provides a clear plan for handling tickets, making it easier to track progress and ensure timely resolution. With Blueprint, users can see how tickets are being managed, which accountability in support.
Blueprint for status in Zoho Desk helps users understand how a ticket's status changes over time. It's specifically for tracking status changes and doesn't affect other parts of the ticket.
To see blueprint details
1. Open a ticket.
2. Tap the current status icon on the ticket details page.
3. In the pop-up, you'll see the transitions in the blueprint.
4. Tap Blueprint info.
5. You'll see details about the blueprint.

You can only view this information on mobile; you can't add anything. Use the web application to make changes.
To change transition
- Tap the current state icon on the ticket details view page.
- In the Current state pop-up, you can select a transition, which opens the respective transition information page.
- Select the required options from the displayed list of pick list, multi-select picker, due date, assignee, attachment, and so on based on the transition requirements that you set on the web application.
- Tap Next transitions and select the appropriate transition options that you want to set.
To revoke the blueprint
To revoke a blueprint that is already applied to a ticket
1. Tap on the More icon

and choose Revoke Blueprint.
2. You'll notice that the blueprint options for the ticket vanish, and the status returns to its normal state.

Strict mode in blueprint
When you enable strict mode in the web app for a blueprint, you will not be able to perform any action in the ticket view mode. This is because, all the fields will be locked when strict mode is enabled in web. Refer to the image below.
Closure Notification
To enable closure notification
1. Tap on the More icon (three dots).
2. Turn on the toggle button next to Closure Notification.

When this option is turned on in the web version, you can send a copy of the closed ticket to the end user.
Twitter and Facebook Direct Messages
You can send direct messages to your end user via Twitter or Facebook.
- Open a ticket
- Tap the Twitter logo at the bottom right corner.
- Or, you can tap the More icon and select Twitter Direct Message.
- Enter a message in the Twitter Direct Message
- Tap the Send button.
Facebook messages
- Open a ticket
- Tap the Facebook logo at the bottom-right corner.
- Enter a reply in the Facebook reply page
- Tap Send.
Assigning an Agent
You can assign an agent to a ticket in the following two scenarios:
- Assign an agent when creating a ticket.
- Assign an agent to an unassigned ticket.
How to assign an agent to an unassigned ticket
- Open the unassigned ticket.
- Choose one of these options
1. Tap the Assign Agent/Add Agent icon at the upper-right corner.
Alternatively, tap, hold, and swipe left on the unassigned ticket, then select Assign from the pop-up actions.
2. In the Assign To page, select one of the following.
- Agents - Assign an agent directly to the ticket
- Teams - Select a team to which you want to assign a ticket.
Bulk Actions
You can select a maximum of 50 tickets for the bulk actions such as merge, assign, close, and delete.
You can merge a maximum of five tickets at a time.
To merge tickets:
- Long press a ticket and then tap the other tickets that you want to merge.
- Tap the Merge icon at the top of the page.

- In the Merge Tickets page, select the master ticket out of the selected tickets for merge action.
- Enter a subject for the merged tickets.
- For each ticket field, select the data that you want to retain.
- Once you are done, tap the Done.

- Tap OK in the confirmation message.
You can select all tickets that you want to assign to an agent and then assign them all in one go with just a tap.
To assign multiple tickets to an agent
- Long press a ticket and then select the other tickets that you want to assign.
- Tap the Assign icon at the top of the page.
- Select the agent to whom you want to assign the tickets.
Notice that a confirmation message appears at the bottom of the page.
You can close a maximum of 50 tickets at a time.
Let's say you work in customer support for an online store. During a busy sale, you might get bombarded with questions and requests. Once you've dealt with them, you'd want to close the tickets to clear up your workload. Being able to close up to 50 tickets at once in Zoho Desk helps you quickly clear your queue and stay organized.
To close tickets
- Long press on a ticket.
- Select the other tickets you want to close.
- Tap the more icon in the upper right corner, then tap Close.
- Confirm by tapping OK in the confirmation message.
In any customer service platform, dealing with spam is essential to maintaining efficiency and accuracy in addressing genuine customer inquiries. With the capability to mark up to 50 tickets as spam at once in Zoho Desk, agents can easily identify and filter out irrelevant or unsolicited messages. This allows them to concentrate on quickly resolving genuine client issues.
To spam tickets
- Long press on a ticket.
- Select the other tickets you want to mark as spam.
- Tap the More icon.
- Choose Spam from the options.

- In the Mark Tickets as Spam pop-up, select the Mark the associated contact also as spam to spam the contact.
You can delete a maximum of 50 tickets at a time, these messages will move to recycle bin for 60 days, after which it will be permanently deleted from your help desk account.
To delete tickets
- Long press a ticket and then select the other tickets that you want to close.
- Tap the more actions icon and then select Delete.
- Tap Delete in the confirmation message that appears.

In All Departments view, you cannot merge tickets. Also, you cannot revert to the older version.
You can do several things with related information in a ticket, like adding a resolution, entering the time you spent working on it, and attaching files.
- Time Entry - Tap the Time Entry icon
, and in the displayed Add Time Entry page, enter the required details and then tap Save.
- Attachment - Tap the Attachment icon
and then tap the add attachment icon
at the lower-right corner of the page. Select the required file that you want to attach to the ticket and tap upload.
- Resolution - Tap the Resolution icon
and then, on the displayed Resolution page, enter a resolution for the ticket. You can select the Notify contact checkbox to notify the contact when a resolution is added to the ticket. And once you are done, tap Done at the upper-right corner of the page.
Attaching a file to a Ticket
To attach a file
- Open the ticket and tap the attachment icon.
- On the Attachments page, tap the plus icon at the bottom-right.
- Choose the file you want and tap Upload. You can decide if the attachment should be public or private.
- Tap the More icon at the top-right and select either Public or Private.

- Tap the More icon
next to an attachment, then select an action from the options shown in the image below.
Deleting an attachment
- To delete the attachment:
- Tap and hold the attachment for selection.
- Tap the Delete icon.
Understanding the Different Ticket Views
Zoho Desk allows you to view the conversation details in a ticket in three different ways. You can view the details either as:
- Threads
- Conversation
- Comments.
- Conversation View
The conversation view combines thread exchanges and comments in one place, making it easier to understand a ticket's context. You can read through conversations and related comments without switching tabs. Threads and comments have visual cues to differentiate them. When you first access a ticket, it opens in the Conversation View, but you can switch views.
- Thread View
Email exchanges between you and the end user are grouped into threads, listed chronologically with the latest interaction at the top. You can reply, reply all, forward, and print email messages by tapping the more icon and selecting the desired action.
Comments View
Zoho Desk also has a Comments View where you can see internal team notes and discussions related to the ticket. It helps you understand how your team is working together to solve the customer's issue.
To reply to a thread
- Tap the More icon (
) on the thread.
- Select Reply or Reply All.
On the Compose page, enter your message. Tap the
More icon (

) for additional options to enhance your reply
:- Articles: Select Articles to see suggested articles related to the ticket. These can help you find quick solutions or provide relevant information to the customer.
- Templates: Choose from a selection of email templates to respond quickly with pre-written content that you can customize as needed.
- Snippets: Insert commonly used phrases or information by selecting Snippets to save time and communicate more efficiently.
Once you've finished composing your response, you can:
- Send: Tap the Send button to send your reply immediately.
- Send and Close: From the dropdown, select Send and Close to send your reply and close the ticket at the same time.
- Send and Update Status: Select Send and Update Status to send your reply and update the ticket status (e.g., In Progress, On Hold, Escalated).
How to split a ticket
When a ticket with two requirements comes to an agent, the agent can split it between departments, teams, and agents so that agents can simultaneously work on the ticket to find a resolution soon.
To split a ticket
- Open a ticket that you want to split.
- Tap the More icon
- Tap Split as new ticket.
- Tap Split in the confirmation message that appears.
How to view a draft message
To view a ticket that has a draft message
- Tap the Drafts icon at the lower-left corner of a ticket to edit the draft message directly.
- Or, tap the More icon and choose one of the options displayed in the image below.

- You can tap Send Draft to directly send the message to the recipient without editing the message.
- If required, edit the draft message, and then tap the Send Now button to send the message to the recipient after editing.
Comments keep track of all discussions and updates on a ticket, helping team members collaborate and stay informed about its progress.
- Tap the Comments icon at the upper-right corner of a ticket.

- Type your comment in the Add Comment section.
- Check the Private checkbox if you want to make your comment private, that is, the comment will be displayed only to the support team. The comment will remain public, that is, the comment will be displayed in customer portal, if the checkbox is unchecked.
- Tap Send at the top-right.
- To edit or delete a comment, use the More menu.
Zia Keywords
Zia can help you automatically add tags to tickets. She scans every incoming response and identifies the key phrases from the response. These key phrases are added to the incoming ticket threads. The key phrases from each incoming response are then intelligently grouped into a tag and added to the ticket.
To view zia keywords in a thread
- In the ticket details page, open a thread conversation.
- Tap the # symbol that you see near the time stamp of a thread.
- A pop-up with the thread-level keywords appears at the bottom of the screen.
Sentiment Analysis
Zia scans the content of every incoming customer response and categorizes them into a positive, negative, or neutral tone and shows the keyword aspects that convey this tone. This helps you prioritize the tickets that have a negative tone and tailor your responses appropriately.
You can track the sentiment on tickets from two locations:
- Ticket List - An aggregation of the overall sentiment is displayed alongside individual tickets.
- Ticket Details - The sentiment of every incoming ticket response is displayed along with the keyword attributes.
Ticket views
Ticket views refer to the ways in which support tickets are presented and organized within the system. They provides users with different visual layouts to navigate and manage tickets.
The Zoho Desk Android app supports two ticket views: Classic view and Table view.
Classic view
In the Classic view, tickets are displayed as a list, providing agents with a clear and organized overview of the support request. It displays tickets from selected departments, and users can tap on any ticket to see details like status, priority, due-date, assignee, and more. By swiping left, other actions like move, close, and assign tickets can be performed.
2. Table view
The Table view provides a detailed overview of support tickets in a tabular format. Users can select which fields to include or remove from the displayed list. Changes made in the table view sync instantly with the web interface for consistency across platforms.
Table view streamlines ticket handling, enabling quick access to ticket field details. Users can perform bulk actions like merging, assigning, deleting, closing, marking as spam, and updating tickets in the table view. Additionally, users can customize columns to their preferences, enhancing customization and flexibility in ticket management.
To view ticket details in table view
- Open the Zoho Desk app.
- Tap the Hamburger menu (
- Navigate to a specific department.
- Tap on the More icon (
- Select Table View.
- Swipe left to view details.
To manage columns in table view
- Open the Zoho Desk app
- Tap the Hamburger menu (
- Navigate to a specific department
- Tap on the More icon (
- Select Table View.
- Tap on the Manage columns icon (
). Here, you can add or delete columns and rearrange their order. - Tap the Tick icon (
) In the top-right corner to save your changes.

Users can select a maximum of 15 columns to display in the Table view.

Ticket Work Modes
Work modes help in the organization and prioritization of support tickets, ensuring quick resolution of customer inquiries. Currently, Zoho Desk supports the following work modes:
Status Mode
This mode allows users to categorize tickets based on their status as Open, On Hold, and Closed, ensuring a smooth workflow and timely resolution of customer issues. Apart from this, users can also add custom status.
Handshake Mode
In Handshake Mode, tickets are sorted based on different customer groups: existing Customers, Contacts/Leads, and New inquiries. This segmentation helps the support team address the specific needs of each group more effectively, providing targeted assistance. Keep in mind that Handshake Mode is only available if your Desk account is integrated with CRM (Customer Relationship Management). The categories in CRM are mirrored in Desk as leads, contacts and so on.
Countdown Mode
This mode allows users to see which tickets need immediate attention, helping them prioritize. Agents can prioritize the tickets based on the time remaining for the tickets until they are due. In the countdown ticket columns, a ticket will move from one column to another based on ticket due time.
Priority Mode
In Priority Mode, tickets are categorized based on their level of urgency or importance, such as High, Medium, Low, or Other Priorities. This mode helps support teams prioritize their workload effectively by focusing on resolving critical issues first, ensuring that urgent matters receive prompt attention.
You can swipe left on a ticket to perform the following actions:
- Move - Move the ticket from one department to another.
- Close - Close the ticket.
- Assign - Assign the ticket to an agent.
- Pick Up - Pick up the ticket as an agent.
Managing Activities
Activities comprise tasks that are performed by the agents and events that are conducted for the customer like presentations, product demos, meetings, and more. Tickets can be associated with these Activities. You can add, edit, and delete activities of a ticket and also assign them to agents and teams as required.
To add activities to a ticket
- Go to the Tickets module.
- Open a ticket.
Tap the Activities icon in the sub-tabs.
- Tap the Add icon at the bottom-right corner of the page.
- Choose Events/Tasks.

- In the Add Task/Events page, enter the required details.
- Tap Refresh Layout to sync web updates with mobile.
- Tap Done.
- Go to activities within a ticket.
- Open the activity.
- Inside the Comments tab, tap the Add comment icon
in the bottom-right corner of the page.
- In the Add Comments page, enter the comment.
- Tap Attach File to add an attachment to the comment.
- Tap the send icon to add the comment.
To add attachment to the activity
- Open the activity inside a ticket.
- Select the Attachments tab.
- Tap the Add Attachments icon on the lower-right corner of the page.
- Select a file that you want to attach.
- Tap upload.

Before proceeding, please grant permission to access storage in order to attach the file.
Adding time entry to an activity
The time entry can be added manually in the Time Entry tab. Alternately, the stop watch option can be used to record the time spent and added to activity.
To add the time manually
- Open the activity.
- Select the Time Entry tab.
- Select the add time icon
in the bottom.
- In the Add Time Entry page, fill in the required fields.
- Tap Done.
To use the stop watch
- Open the activity.
- Tap the clock icon on the top.

- Use the start and pause icons to record.
- Tap Stop icon to save the entry.
To assign, delete or complete an activity
- Go to activities within a ticket.
- Swipe the activity to the left to open the actions menu to perform the following:
- Tap Assign to open the Assign To page.
- Tap Delete to delete the activity.
- Tap Complete to mark the activity as Complete.
Filter and sort activities
Following options can be used to filter activities:
- Upcoming activities
- All Activities
- Spam Activities
To apply a filter to activities of a ticket
- Go to the activities inside the ticket.
- Tap the Upcoming Activities drop-down.
- Select the filter to apply.

Sorting of activities can be done based on the following criteria:
- Created Time
- Due Date/ Start Time
- Oldest first
- Latest first
To sort the activities of a ticket
- Go to the activities inside ticket.
- Tap the sort icon
on the top-right corner.
- Select the sort type.
- Tap Done.
- Open the ticket.
- Tap the More Icon (three dots) in the upper-right corner.
- Select Tags.
- Search for a tag and tap to add it.

To create a new tag, tap on Tags, type out your tag, and then tap on Add New Tag.
To share a ticket
- Open the ticket.
- Tap the More Icon in the upper-right corner.
- Select Share Ticket.

- Choose the department.
- Customize access.

- Tap Done (tick mark) in the upper-right corner.
Accounts Module
To add an account in the Accounts module:
1. Tap the Hamburger icon

(top left corner).
2. Choose the Accounts module.
3. Tap the add icon

at the bottom right.
4. Complete the required details.
5. Tap Done to create the account.