Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are the means for tracking and managing response and resolution times in support tickets. For instance, your business may guarantee a 3-hour resolution to a downtime report, but as many as 3 days to resolve a low priority issue. So far, so good. But, how do you know how well you are meeting your SLA policies. Being able to monitor the actual results is just as important as setting the correct policies. That's where the SLA dashboard in Zoho Desk comes handy!
- Please keep in mind that the results on this dashboard are calculated both on a per-ticket basis and on a per-instance basis. For example, the SLA Violated Tickets are calculated on per-ticket basis while the SLA Violations are calculated on a per-instance basis.
Components of SLA Dashboard
The SLA dashboard is made up of the following components:
- SLA Overview
- SLA Violated Tickets
- Achieved vs. Violated Tickets
- Achieved vs. Violated Count
- Violations by Agent
- Violations by SLA
- Violations by Time
- Violations by Status
- Violations by Channel
SLA Overview Report
This report provides an overview of the SLA health at a glance that summarizes the findings. It consists of the following significant metrics that can help you pick up on compliance problems early.
- SLA Violated Tickets: This is the number of tickets that violated the SLA's target time. As a help desk manager, you must keep a real-time check on this number and intervene at the right time if required.
SLA Violations: This is the number of instances where the SLA's target time was violated. For example, Ticket A violates the SLA target twice, and Ticket B violates it thrice. In this case, the occurrence of SLA violations is considered as 5.
Residual Time: This is the average amount of time left to fulfill the SLA target after achieving it. Let's consider a scenario where a ticket opened at 9 AM is set to be resolved at 12 PM the same day. If you achieve this target by 10 AM, the residual time is calculated as 2 hours (i.e., 12 PM - 10 AM).
Violation Time: This is the average amount of time by which the SLA target time is violated. Let's consider a scenario where a ticket opened at 9 AM is set to be resolved at 12 PM the same day. If you achieve this target by 2 PM, the violation time is calculated as 2 hours.

The SLA Violated Tickets widget enables you to view the number of tickets that breached SLA targets over the chosen period. It should help you handle tickets approaching violations effectively by moving them to different teams, reassigning them to a different agent, or by resetting their priorities and due times.
Achieved vs. Violated Tickets
Achieved vs. Violated Tickets widget provides the percentage of tickets that violated the SLA target out of the total number of tickets processed by it. In addition to the percentage, you can also view the number of tickets that achieved the target and of those that violated.
Achieved vs. Violated Count
Achieved vs. Violated Count widget provides the percentage of violated instances for the SLA target out of the total number of instances processed by it. In addition to the percentage, you can also view the number of achieved instances and violated instances for the SLA target.
Violations by Agent
The Violations by Agent report displays the number of instances where the SLA target was applied, violated and achieved on tickets by each agent. You can use this report to analyze how each agent is meeting your SLA goals compared to others.
Violations by SLA
The Violations by SLA report displays the number of instances where the SLA target was applied, violated and achieved on tickets by each policy. You can use this report to identify which SLA policies are not being met in your help desk.
Violations by Time
The Violations by Time report displays a trend line graph showing the number of violation instances at every hour of a day for a chosen period of time. This report enables you to pinpoint hours of operations where you might need to increase efficiency or staffing.
The example above shows a typical violation pattern for one day. Taking a closer look at the trend, we can see that violations happen between 11 AM to 5 PM and reaches a peak at 5 PM.
Violations by Status
The Violations by Status report displays the number of instances where the SLA target was violated in each status. You can use this report to pinpoint the status that contributes to the maximum violations and see if you could use the On Hold state for better compliance.
Violations by Channel
The Violations by Channel report displays the number of instances where the SLA target was violated by each channel.
Using the SLA Dashboard
By default, the SLA dashboard will display metrics for all SLA policies, violations, and agents. You can drill-in to view underlying violations in each policy by selecting them from the drop-down list available at the top of the dashboard. Besides SLA policies, you can filter dashboard data by violation type (i.e., response or resolution), agent name, and date range.
Accessing the SLA Dashboard
The SLA Dashboard can be accessed from under the Dashboards tab in your help desk account.
To access the dashboard:
- Click the Analytics module.
- In the Analytics Overview page, click the Dashboards tab from the left panel.
- On the Dashboards List page and under the Popular Dashboards folder, click SLA Dashboard.