What are flows?

What are flows?

Flows are a series of constructed blocks that define the GC bot's conversational journey. Each block represents a step in the conversational flow, and the entire flow guides how the bot responds to end-user inputs, automates tasks, and displays information.

By creating flows, you can:

  • Support your customer queries around the clock.
  • Handle repetitive customer queries, providing quick and consistent answers without human intervention.
  • Improve customer onboarding experiences with step-by-step guides.
  • Flows of different sizes catering to different business scenarios will ensure the bot meets specific business needs and user expectations no matter the size of your organization.
  • Streamline support processes, guiding users through troubleshooting steps or gathering necessary information before escalating to a support rep.
  • Offer personalized recommendations based on customer interactions.
  • Collect customer feedback and insights.
  • Help support reps by automating their workflow to improve efficiency by implementing agent widget. 
Agent widgets can be utilized only by agents as chosen by the admin. 

Flow controls 

1. Sub tabs for published flows,  draft flows, flows, and deleted flows.
2. Creating a new flow
3. Editing a flow
4. Deleting flow


Design unique flows to meet your business needs. Automate support processes to save time and increase efficiency for your support reps.

You can see details about who created the flow and by what time it was created.


View and manage flows you have published. These flows can be associated with a widget for end-user interaction.
You can filter out the flows created by you by choosing Flows Created By Me.


Modify the conversation paths and responses to improve accuracy and user experience anytime.

You can see details about who modified the flow and by what time it was modified.


Save your work-in-progress flows as drafts. Resume and complete them whenever you require it.


Duplicate any GC flow to create a copy of that flow, then edit it as needed. The duplicated flow is saved separately from the original.


Manage flows that are no longer needed by moving them to the deleted flows section. Deleted flows can also be retrieved if required as they will not be permanently deleted until you choose that option.

How to  associate flows?

Associating flows to widgets with a bot means linking published conversational flows to widgets that end users can interact with.
What is the display name?
The name that will be displayed to the end user when the widget is launched.

Paths in a flow: 

Example of a path

Paths are the direction in which the conversation is designed to flow. The path taken by the customer depends on their responses, and depending on what they reply or the option they choose at each stage, they are led to the most helpful information.

For example, consider the case at Zylker Craft Furniture. The furniture outlet provides two options:

  • The customers can directly buy a product of their choice from the website.
  • They can choose to customize their product.
In both cases, the conversation flows will differ from each other, so two separate paths should be built. Each path will comprise different sets of questions and options to provide self-assistance to the customers.

What are  flow metrics?

GC flow metrics offer detailed insights into every step of the customer journey and help businesses identify necessary adjustments for optimal bot performance. You can measure the performance of your flow and make changes required accordingly, if any.

The flow metrics count is crucial in figuring out how a bot interacts with users, ensuring that the bot provides relevant, efficient, and context-aware assistance.

Provides block-by-block count on:

  • Total count of visitors 
  • Total count of users who dropped 
  • Count of users who jumped to different blocks 

Learn more about flow metrics

Points to remember 
  1. Only a maximum of 25 flows can be created in one department. Inclusive of the published, deleted flows and drafts.
  2. Only users with the appropriate permissions can create, edit, and delete GC flows.
  3. A single flow can be associated with multiple widgets if needed.
  4. If you edit a published flow, you must re-publish it for the changes to take effect.
  5. Deleting a flow hides it from users but keeps it in GC. It moves to the deleted flows tab and can be restored anytime.
  6. Deleted flows remain listed permanently until manually removed.
  7. After deleting a published flow, re-publish the flow to reflect the changes.
  8. If only one flow is associated to the widget and the widget has been deleted, the widget will cease to exist once the user restarts the conversation.

If the deleted block has dependencies, such as given below, errors will be displayed.

Path below the block:

If the deleted block was used to jump to a different flow:

If only one flow has been associated to a widget, during an active session, if the flow is deleted, the widget will be deleted too.

Getting started with GC Flow

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