The following metrics can be monitored under PageSense Reports when you set up goals in PageSense:
I. Goal Basics
- Visitors: The number of unique visitors who've visited the web page that has the goal in it at least once.
- Conversions: Number of visitors who have achieved the goal.
- Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who've achieved the goal.
Average Time to Convert: Average time elapsed between visit start and achieving the goal.
II. Goal Metrics Over Time
This widget provides a comparison of conversions, conversion rate, and visitors count over time. You can choose from any of these three metrics from the dropdown. You can also change the date range using the date picker.

III. Day-wise and Hour-wise Performance
This widget allows you to find your website's busiest hours by observing hotspots on when customers visit your website the most. Optimize your pages to its efficient best by tracking average conversions and visitors.

IV. Source Type and Visitor Type
This widget allows you to track the sources where your traffic is coming from and what's contributing to your website's performance. You can track the number of conversions, conversion rates, and visitors on the page and see which sources contribute best and which sources need attention. You can also see how many of your visitors are visiting for the first time, and visitors who return to check out your Knowledge Base.
V. Top Webpages
This widget provides a list of web pages that you've included to track in this goal. With each web page, you'll be able to see its visitor count, conversion count, conversion rate, and average time to convert (or average time spent, if you've set up a Time Spent on Page goal).
VI. Device-specific Performance
This widget provides a list of devices that visitors use to access the web pages that you've included to track this goal. With each device type, you can see the visitor count, conversion count, conversion rate, and average time to convert (or average time spent, if you've set up a Time Spent on Page goal).
VII. Top Countries
This widget provides a list of countries from which visitors access the web pages that you've included to track this goal. Against each country, you can see the visitor count, conversion count, conversion rate, and average time to convert (or average time spent, if you've set up a Time Spent on Page goal).
Disabling Goal Metrics Analytics
In some cases, it may be necessary to disable the Goal Metrics and stop monitoring your conversions. If so, follow the steps below:
- Go to Setup (
) > Channels > Help Center. - Select the Help Center in which you want to disable goal metrics.
- Click PageSense under the Help Center sub-menu.
- On the PageSense Integration page, toggle the Goal Metrics for Help Center option to OFF.
Zoho PageSense now stops tracking the conversions on your Help Center. Consequently, the Goal Metrics dashboards are also hidden in Zoho Desk.
Impact of Disabling Goal Metrics
On disabling goal metrics, its corresponding PageSense experiment will be paused. You can unpause a goal experiment to continue tracking its conversions in Zoho PageSense. However, you cannot monitor their metrics from inside Zoho Desk.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who can access the PageSense Reports in Zoho Desk?
The PageSense reports can be accessed by users that are assigned with an administrator role in Zoho Desk. These users will receive an invitation email (on enabling goal metrics) to sign up for access to the Zoho PageSense account linked to your help desk. Upon completing sign up, they can monitor goal metrics from inside the KB module in Zoho Desk. - Why is one of our administrators unable to see the PageSense reports inside Desk?
Access to PageSense reports depends on when your agents became administrators of Zoho Desk. It is only those agents who were administrators before enabling goal metrics will receive an invitation to sign up for the PageSense account. All subsequent administrators will need to be manually invited by you. - What happens if I exceed the visitor count in my plan?
Running experiments will be paused, and you will receive an email notification if this should happen. You can relaunch experiments at the start of the next billing cycle. - Can I increase the number of visitors tracked?
Yes, at any time you like. You'll need to purchase a top-up plan in Zoho PageSense for the number of visitors you want to track. Top-up plan costs are listed below: