If you've been using the WhatsApp channel to communicate with your customers, you're likely aware that every WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) needs a verified phone number specifically dedicated to that IM channel for the current WhatsApp Business Platform. Log in here for more information:
Facebook Business Manager Account.
Great news! We are now supporting multi-WABA for businesses on the Instant Messaging platform.
To register as a WhatsApp Sender and send or receive messages on WhatsApp using the IM platform, you need to have a WABA. All WhatsApp Messages and Templates must be associated with a selected WABA.
Let's consider a business with multiple departments. For example, a company may have sales, marketing, human resources, finance, and customer service departments. Each department has its specific functions and responsibilities within the organization.
In this scenario, each department may have unique needs and requirements for tools and software to carry out their functions effectively. The sales department may need customer relationship management (CRM) software, the marketing department may require marketing automation tools, the human resources department may need an employee management system, the finance department may require accounting software, and the customer service department may need a help desk or ticketing system.
With multi-WABA support, businesses can create as many channels (mapped to their active departments) as required and link the team to the messaging channel. These will include a centralized communication platform and shared access to customer data to ensure a seamless flow of information and operations across the organization.
In this article, we will guide you through the process of changing a WABA for a configured channel on the Desk application.
Migrating a phone number from one Embedded WABA to another Embedded WABA
- Click the Setup icon (
) in the top bar.
- Under Channels, click Instant Messaging.
- In the Integrations list, select WhatsApp. The list of configured channels will be displayed.
4. In the Channel Info form, select Change WABA.
5. Select the WABA from the List of WhatsApp Business Accounts under the channel.
6. Select the registered business number from the list of numbers for the chosen WABA.
The list will show the numbers you configured. You can then choose one of the available numbers to be reconfigured with the channel and click Save.
7. If there are no configured numbers are
listed for the chosen WABA, click
Add Number and follow the steps
mentioned in this
help document.

The WhatsApp Template messages will be created, submitted and categorized based on the selected WABA. Refer to this
help doc for details.