A tag is a word or a combination of words used as an identifier or label for tickets. An efficient ticket tagging system helps to identify the nature of the query and gives more context to the agents at a glimpse.Tags can also be added as a condition in automation and reports to trigger specific actions and filter tickets, respectively.
For example, a customer raised a ticket requesting or suggesting a particular functionality. By tagging the ticket as a 'Feature Request', anyone reviewing the ticket will have clarity about the requirement and process it for the next step without delay. Using the tag, the system can identify the tickets and assign them automatically to the respective department for quick action.
Tags are department-specific. Users can create multiple tags depending on the type of tickets they receive. This can help identify and categorize the tickets into various groups for proper prioritization, effective triaging, and transparency.
In the ticket detail page, users can type the tag name under the Tags field, such as., Feature request, System outage, or Level 3 issue. The system will automatically create a tag and associate it to the respective ticket.
While adding a tag, the auto-complete option suggests matching tags that start with the same character to help agents view similar tags and other relevant tags that they can use instead of creating new or duplicate tags.
For example, imagine an agent wants to tag a ticket as billing inquiry. As the agent starts typing "bill" in the tag field, the system will suggest existing options like "Billing Issue," "Billing Inquiry," and "Billing Support." The agent can simply click on the appropriate suggestion instead of typing the entire phrase. This quick selection helps ensure that the tag is applied correctly and consistently across similar tickets.
To create and use a tag
- Navigate to the Tickets module and open the desired ticket.
- Click Tags in the left pane.
Alternatively, use Shift+T to enter the tags. - Type a tag name.
As you type, existing tags with similar names will be suggested, from which you can choose the appropriate suggestion. - Click the new tag text to associate it with the ticket.

- A tag cannot exceed 50 characters.
- Tags can contain only alphanumeric characters (a-z and 0-9). Special characters are not allowed
- You can save a value in the Tags field only if it contains three or more characters.
While ticket tagging is a method to streamline work and improve efficiency, if the tags are not managed properly, that is when multiple tags are created for same or similar issues, it can lead to confusion. By regularly reviewing tags, you can keep the tags relevant and ensure they're correct. While editing, you have two options: either opt to rename a tag or add an existing tag name.
New Name
When you use a name that is not already used by another tag, it will replace the old one on all associated tickets, including those marked as spam, archived, and moved to the bin. The new tag name will also appear in custom views, reports, and automation rules.
Existing Name
When editing, if you use the name of an existing tag, you will be given the option to delete the edited tag and transfer its tickets to existing tag. For example, if we edit the tag 'websitemalfunction' and change it to 'outage' which already exists, the tag 'websitemalfunction' will be deleted and its tickets will be transferred to 'outage'.
To edit tag
- Navigate to the Tickets module.
- In the Tickets List page, select Tags from the left panel.
- Go to Recent Tags or All Tags and hover on the tag name.
- Click the More icon, then click Edit.
- In the Edit tag popup, enter a tag name.
- Check Transfer tickets from the edited tag to new tag if you have entered an existing tag name.
- Click Save.
You can permanently delete tags that you no longer need. When a tag is deleted, it will be removed from all associated tickets, including those marked as spam, archived, and moved to the bin. Please note that if you have created custom views, reports, or automation rules using the deleted tag, will cease to function.
To delete tags
- Navigate to the Tickets module and click Tags from the left panel. All tags are listed under Recent Tags and All Tags.
- Hover over the tag you want to delete and click the More icon (...) .
- Select Delete from the menu.
- An alert stating the results of the action will pop up. Click Delete.
Viewing Tag
You can view all the tags added to the tickets for a specific department under Tags. Each tag is listed along with the number of tickets associated with it. This information helps agents identify which types of tickets are recurring or commonly created and enables them to prioritize issues.
To view a list of tags
- Navigate to the Tickets module.
- On the Ticket List page, click Tags from the left menu.
- The Recent Tags view in the left menu will display the five most recent tags added.
- The All Tags view in the left menu will display all the tags starting with the most popular ones at the top. You can click on a tag to view their related tickets.
Searching for Tickets by Tag
You can search for tags contained in tickets using the search box on the left pane.
To search tickets by tag
- Navigate to the Tickets module.
- On the Ticket List page, click Tags from the left panel.
- Click the Search icon alongside Tags.
- Enter the name of a tag and Enter.
- The search results will display the tickets that contain the tag.