In Zoho Directory:
- Organization Owner or Admin in Zoho Directory
In G Suite:
- Admin account with the same email address used in Zoho Directory
- User address should be updated in the below given format to ensure successful user import
<Street>,<City>,<State>-<Postal/Zip Code>,<Country>
Install Zoho Directory in G Suite
- Sign in to Google Admin Console, then click Apps in the left menu.
- Click Google Workspace Marketplace apps, then click Apps list.
- Search for Zoho Directory and open the app installation page.
- Click Admin install, then click Continue. The application will be installed within 24 hours for all users in your organization.
If you have already installed Zoho Directory from Google Marketplace, you must enable the required scope for Zoho Directory in G Suite. To do this,
- Sign in to Google Admin Console
, then click Apps in the left menu. - Click Google Workspace Marketplace Apps, then click Apps List.
- Under Domain-installed apps, click Zoho Directory.
- Under Data Access, click OAuth Clients and copy the ID number.

- In the left panel, click Security, then click Access and data control, then click API Controls.
- In the Domain-wide delegation section, click MANAGE DOMAIN WIDE DELEGATION.
- Click Add new next to API clients.
- Under Client ID, paste the ID copied in Step 4.
- Under OAuth scopes, enter both the values given below as separate entries.

You can now proceed to configure G Suite directory store for Zoho Directory.
Add Store
- Sign in to Zoho Directory
, then click Admin Panel in the left menu. - Click Directory Stores and click Add under GSuite.

Under FIELD MAPPING, map the fields in Zoho Directory with the corresponding fields in G Suite. During user import, user data from G Suite will be updated in Zoho Directory fields based on the configuration in this section.
You can choose to map fields from G suite with a hard-coded value in Zoho Directory. For example, you can configure the work location for all users synced from G Suite to be 'India' in Zoho Directory. To do this:
- Hover over the field you wish to configure a hard-coded value and click Edit.
- Select Hardcoded value and enter the value to update.
- Click OK.
In a similar way, you can choose to map fields from G Suite to contain a custom GSuite attribute.
Click Save and Next once you have configured field mapping.
In this section, you can configure user settings, such as password notification.
- Under Password Notification, choose how new users can access their accounts.
- You can choose to send an OTP via email to the user or the admin, which can be used to access the account and reset the password.
You can choose not to notify anyone and send the user invitation manually.

Password Notification can be configured only for users whose email address has a verified domain name.
- Click Save and Next.
- Under Status Sync, choose how the change in user status in G Suite should be reflected in Zoho Directory.
- Click Save and Next.
- Under Criteria, choose how you want to sync users from G Suite. You can either sync all the users or few users based on criteria in Zoho Directory.
- To set criteria, select a criteria from the options, choose a relationship, and enter the criteria's value as needed.
- You can also set multiple criteria. To add more than one criteria, click beside the criterion 1, enter your condition (whether OR or AND), and define the next criteria.

- Once done, click Save and Close.
Import Users
This section lets you configure the user import process from G Suite to Zoho Directory. Users in G Suite who meet the chosen criteria will be listed as follows:
- New Users - G Suite users who do not have an account in Zoho Directory will be listed here. During user import, users you select here will be added to Zoho Directory.
- Update Users - G Suite users who are already added to Zoho Directory will be listed here. During user import, the details of the users you select here will be updated in Zoho Directory.
- Users to Activate - This section lists G Suite users who are part of Zoho Directory but are inactive. During user import, users you select here will be activated in Zoho Directory.
- Users to Deactivate - This section lists users who are deactivated in G Suite but are active in Zoho Directory. During user import, the users you select here will be deactivated in Zoho Directory.
To configure user import,
- Select the required users and click Next.
- Click Import Users.

If the user count is more than 200, the import will happen as a staged process and might take time.
User information in G Suite and Zoho Directory will be synced once the user import is complete.