DKIM Configuration | Zoho Forms - User Guide

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)

DKIM is a security mechanism that validates an email, checking if emails were sent from a valid source and not tampered with during transit. DKIM ensures that emails will be delivered to the inbox of its intended recipient since the validity of the email has already been verified.

unique identity

Configuring DKIM

Before you send emails using an authenticated domain from Zoho Forms, you must add your domain and get it verified under Control Panel.

To configure DKIM,
  1. Log in to Zoho Forms and click the   icon on the left in the forms listing page to access the Control Panel.

    Navigate to Control Panel

  2. Click DKIM Configuration under Notification Settings.

    Click DKIM Configuration
  3. To add a new domain, click Add New Domain.  
  4. In the popup, enter your Domain Name (for example, and choose the required Key Size in Bits, then click Add. 

    Info: The DKIM Key Size refers to the length of the cryptographic key used to digitally sign your emails. This signature helps verify the sender's identity and prevent email spoofing. A longer key generally offers stronger security, similar to how a longer and more complex password is more secure.

    Configuring Domain Name and Key Size

    • Both 1024 bit and 2048 bit offer good options. 1024 bit is the current standard offering a solid choice. For stronger security, consider 2048 bit.

    • While modern domain providers support 2048 bit size, some old domain providers might not support 2048 bit size. Hence, check with your domain provider before choosing 2048 bit size. Regardless of your decision, consult your DNS administrator to ensure compatibility with your setup.

  5. The domain status will be listed as Pending.
  6. Hover over the added domain and click View details.

    View details of the added domain
  7. Copy the Host name and Host value generated.
  8. Go to your DNS settings and add the Hostname and Value as TXT record. Learn about the steps to configure DKIM in DNS settings of various domain provider.
  9. Once done, in the DKIM configuration tab in Zoho Forms, hover over the domain again, and click Verify.
  10. The status will be changed to Verified

    Verified domain

Steps to add DKIM in various domain providers


To add the DKIM details of your domain in GoDaddy, follow the below steps:
  1. Log in to your GoDaddy account and navigate to Domain Control Center.
  2. Select your domain to access the Domain Setting page.
  3. Under Additional Settings, select Manage DNS.
  4. Select Add under the records table.
  5. Under Type, select TXT.
  6. Enter the following information:
    1. Type: Select TXT as the type of record to be added.
    2. Host: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    3. TXT Value: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
    4. TTL: Enter how long the server should take to cache the information.
  7. Click Save.


To add the DKIM record for your domain in Cloudflare, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your Cloudflare account.
  2. Click the appropriate Cloudflare account for the domain where you will add records
  3. Click DNS app.
  4. Click Add record.
  5. Enter the following information:
    1. Type: Select TXT as the type of record to be added.
    2. Host: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    3. IPv4: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
    4. TTL: Enter how long the server should take to cache the information.
  6. Click Save.


To add the DKIM record for your domain in JustHost, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your JustHost account.
  2. Go to the Domains menu at the top and click the Zone Editor sub menu.
  3. Select your domain from the drop-down.
  4. Click Add DNS Record at the top of the zone editor.
  5. Enter the following information:
    1. Name: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    2. TTL: Enter how long the server should take to cache the information.
    3. Type: Select TXT as the type of record to be added.
    4. TXT Value: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
  6. Click Add Record.


To add DKIM record for your domain in HostMonster, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your HostMonster account.
  2. Go to the Domains menu at the top and click the Zone Editor sub menu.
  3. Select your domain from the drop-down.
  4. Click Add DNS Record at the top of the zone editor.
  5. Enter the following information:
    1. Name: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    2. TTL: Enter how long the server should take to cache the information.
    3. Type: Select TXT as the type of record to be added.
    4. TXT Value: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
  6. Click Add Record.


To add the DKIM record for your domain in Ipage, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your Ipage account and go the Domains tab in the dashboard.
  2. In the card view, click Manage on the domain for which you are updating the DKIM record.

  3. In the list view, click the Settings icon.

  4. Click DNS & Nameservers in the left pane.
  5. Click DNS Records on the DNS & NAMESERVERS page.
  6. Click Add DNS Record to add a new DKIM record.
  7. Enter the following information:
    1. Name: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    2. TTL: Enter how long the server should take to cache the information.
    3. Type: Select TXT as the type of record to be added.
    4. TXT Value: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
  8. Click Add Record.


To add the DKIM record for your domain in Wordpress, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your WordPress account.
  2. From the navigation toolbar, click My Site.
  3. Under the Manage section, click Domains.
  4. Click the domain for which you want to add the text record.
  5. Scroll down and click Name Servers and DNS link.
  6. Click DNS Records to add new text records.
  7. Enter the following information:
    1. Type: Select TXT as the type of record to be added.
    2. Name: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    3. Text: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
  8. Click Add New DNS Record.


To add the DKIM TXT record for your domain in Wix, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your Wix account.
  2. Navigate to the Domains page.
  3. Click the Show More icon next to the relevant domain and select Manage DNS Records.

  4. Scroll down to the TXT (Text) section and click Add Record.

  5. Enter the following information:
    1. Host Name: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    2. TXT Value: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
    3. TTL: Enter how long the server should take to cache the information.
  6. Click Save.


To add the DKIM TXT record for your domain in eNom, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your eNom account.
  2. From the navigation toolbar, choose Domains and click My Domains.
  3. Click Add TXT record.
  4. Choose Add DKIM Record from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter the following information:
    1. Host Name: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    2. TXT Value: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
    3. TTL: Enter how long the server should take to cache the information.
  6. Click Save.


To add the DKIM record for your domain in Squarespace, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your Squarespace account.
  2. Open Advanced DNS Settings for the domain.
  3. Scroll down to Custom Records.
  4. In the Record field of a blank row, select TXT from the drop-down.
  5. In the Host field, enter the DKIM host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account. (Example: 2232._domainkey)
  6. Leave the Priority field blank.
  7. Copy the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account. Paste it in the Data field.
  8. Click Add to save the DKIM record.


To add the DKIM TXT record for your domain in Eurodns, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your Eurodns account.
  2. From the navigation toolbar, choose Domain Names.
  3. Locate the domain you want to manage and click Manage.
  4. Under the DNS Zone section, click Manage Zone.
  5. Click the New Record button at the bottom of the page.
  6. Enter the following information:
    1. Type: Select TXT as the type of record to be added.
    2. Host: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    3. Text: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
    4. TTL: Enter how long the server should take to cache the information.
  7. Click Save Record.
  8. Finally, click Save Zone to confirm.


To add the DKIM TXT record for your domain in Register, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your Register account.
  2. Click Manage Account.
  3. Under Account Dashboard, choose Domains and click Manage.
  4. Locate your domain and click the Manage link.
  5. Under Advanced Technical Settings, click the Edit TXT Records link.
  6. Enter the following information:
    1. Host Name: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    2. TXT Record: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
  7. Click the Continue button.

Network Solutions

To add a DKIM TXT record for your domain in Network Solutions, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your Network Solutions account.
  2. Click Manage Account on the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Under My Domain Names, click Edit DNS link.
  4. From the list of domains displayed, select the domain for which you want to add the record and click the Edit DNS button.
  5. Under the Advanced DNS Manager section, click the Manage Advanced DNS Records button.
  6. Scroll down. Under the Text (Text Records) section, click the Edit TXT Records button.
  7. Enter the following information:
    1. Host: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    2. Text: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
    3. TTL: Enter how long the server should take to cache the information.
  8. Click Continue to confirm.
  9. Finally, click Save Changes.


To add the DKIM TXT record for your domain in BlueHost, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your BlueHost account.
  2. Go to the Domains menu at the top and click the Zone Editor submenu.
  3. Select your domain name from the drop-down.
  4. To add a new DKIM record, enter this information under Add DNS Record at the top of the Zone Editor:
    1. Type: Select TXT as the type of record to be added.
    2. Name: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    3. TXT Value: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
    4. TTL: Enter how long the server should take to cache the information.
  5. Click Add Record.


To add the DKIM TXT record for your domain in Namecheap, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your Namecheap account.
  2. Click Domain List on the left pane.
  3. Click the Manage button next to your domain.

  4. Under the Advanced DNS tab, click the Add New Record button.

  5. Enter the DKIM TXT records provided by Zoho Forms.
    1. Type: Select TXT as the type of record to be added.
    2. Host: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    3. Value: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
    4. TTL: Enter how long the server should take to cache the information.
  6. Click the Save all changes button.


To add the DKIM record for your domain in HostGator, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your HostGator account.
  2. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Manage Orders and click List/Search Orders.
  3. Click on your domain from the list displayed.
  4. Under the DNS Management section, click Manage DNS.
  5. First click the TXT Records button to add the DKIM TXT record and then click the Add TXT Record button displayed below it.
  6. Enter the following information:
    1. Host Name: Paste the Host name displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.(Example:"2232._domainkey")
    2. Value: Paste the Value of your domain displayed in the DKIM Configuration's View Details screen of your Zoho Forms account.
    3. TTL: Enter how long the server should take to cache the information. The ideal TTL is 86400 (1 day). It can't be set to less than 14400 (4 hours).
       7. Click Add Record.

  1. If your DNS has already mentioned the domain name, enter the domain key alone in the Host Name field. 
  2. If your sub domain is, the domain key should be "2232._domainkey.mail"

Sending Emails via Verified Domains

Once you complete the DKIM configuration and get your domain verified, you can use it to send emails from Zoho Forms.

  1. After creating a form, in your form builder, navigate to Settings > General > DKIM & SMTP.              
  2. Choose a DKIM authenticated domain from the Send email via dropdown. 
  3. Henceforth, all emails for this form will be sent from the selected domain.
    DKIM and SMTP in settings
  1. Only if your email address contains an authenticated domain name, emails will be sent using that domain. If not, emails will be sent using the default domain from Zoho Forms.
  2. If you try to verify a domain that was in pending verification status for the past 60 days, then the verification won't work. You have to delete the domain and then re-add it again.

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