Date-Time Field | Field Types - Zoho Forms


  1. The Date-Time field collects both date and time values, offering a range of properties to customize the format, range, and prefilling options.
  2. Allow users to input date values within a specific range, providing control over the timeframe for date entries.
  3. Let users input time values in the desired time format (12-hour or 24-hour formats).
  4. Automatically populate the Date-Time field with the current date and time when the user accesses the form.
With the Date-Time field in Zoho Forms, you can customize calendars to set the range of date and time that you want to allow your respondents to choose from. You can set the starting day of all the weeks across the calendar, allow respondents to pick dates that fall on specific days, and much more.
To do this, add a Date-Time  field from the Basic Fields to your form. The following settings can be configured in the Properties of the Date-Time field:

Time Format

You can set the time format for t he Date-Time field to be either 12 Hours or 24 Hours. 
The 12 Hours time format runs from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM.
The 24  Hours time format runs from 00:00 (midnight) to 23:59.

Time Format Example

Minute Interval

You can customize the time picker for minutes in the Date-Time field so that the respondents can select the minutes according to the interval you choose.

Minute Interval Example

Initial Value               

You can choose to prefill a date and time in the Date-Time field when a respondent accesses your form. You can either choose a fixed date and time or autofill the date and time of response when a respondent fills the form.
  1. To prefill the Date-Time field with a fixed date and time, select a date and set the time in the date-time picker.
  2. To autofill the date and time when the respondent fills the form, select Autofill Date & Time of Response

    Set Initial Value for the field

Note: Setting an initial value will not prevent your respondents from entering a different date and time.

Week Starts On

You can select  your preferred day of a week on which each week of your calendar should start from the dropdown list.
For example, if you select Tuesday  as the start of each week in your calendar, each week of your calendar will start from Tuesday, as shown.

Start day of a week

Allowed Days of Week

All the days in the calendar will be enabled for the respondents to choose from by default. You can choose to disable certain days from your calendar under Allowed Days. This way, you can let users select a date-time that fall on only specific days of the week. For example, Monday or Wednesday. 
Unselect the days that you wish to disable from every week in the calendar.
For example, if you unselect Sunday, it will be disabled for selection from every calendar week for the respondents.

Allowed Days of Week

Allowed Date & Time

You can selectively enable specific dates and time in the calendar for your respondents under Allowed Date & Time.

You can select from the following options:
  • All Dates & Time: All dates and time across the calendar will be enabled for selection.

  • Past Dates & Time:

    • Only past dates from the date of form response will be enabled for selection.

    • To include the date of form submission along with the Past Dates in the calendar, select Include Date of Response.

    • If you choose to include the Date of Response , you will be given the option to allow past time. Past time includes any time before the form was loaded.

      For example, if you choose to include the Date of Response  along with the Past Dates and Allow Past Time Only on June 5, 2023 at 11:00 AM, 
      the calendar will allow users to select dates from on or before June 5, 2023 and the time before 11:00 AM only as shown.

      Past Dates and Time example

  • Future Dates & Time:

    • Only future dates from the date of form response will be enabled for selection.

    • To include the date of form submission along with the Future Dates in the calendar, select Include Date of Response.

    • If you choose to include the Date of Response, you will be given the option to allow future time. Future time includes anytime after the form was loaded. 

      For example, if you choose to include the  Date of Response  along with the  Future Dates and Allow Future Time Only on June 5, 2023 at 11:00 AM, the calendar will allow users to select dates from on or after June 5, 2023 and the time after 11:00 AM only as shown.

  • Date of Response :

    • Only the date on which the form is submitted will be enabled for selection.

    • The respondent can enter any time between 00:00 and 23:59 (in 24 Hours format) or from 12 AM to 11:59 PM  (in 12 Hours format) for the date of form submission.

    • You can restrict respondents from entering a time in the past or in the future.
      Choose Allow past time only to let respondents enter  anytime before the form was loaded for the date of response.
      Choose Allow future time only to let respondents enter anytime after the form was loaded for the date of response.

  • Start From: Dates and time after the set date and time will be enabled.

  • End On: Dates and time before the set date and time will be enabled.

  • Range: Choose a Start Date-Time and an End Date-Time. Only the dates and the time within the selected range will be enabled.

Setting up Start From, End On, and Range for Allowed Dates                 

For the Start From, End On, and Range options, you can select the date-time from any of the following options:
  • Date of Response

  • Date-time from the calendar

  • Date/Date-Time fields on the form

  • Customize using 
    Additional Options

    Note: You can only select the Date/Date-Time fields that are configured above the Date-Time field that you are setting up.

Additional Options in Allowed Dates and Time    

Additional settings can be configured for the  Start From, End On, and Range  options under Allowed Dates.
  1. Select Start From, or End On, or Range under Allowed Dates and Time  
  2. Click Additional Options.
  3. In the pop-up, select a date-time from which the range should start/end.
    This date-time can be the d
    at and time of response, or a date and time from the Date /Date-Time fields above the Date-Time field that you are configuring on the form.
  4. Select Plus (+)  or Minus (-) to configure the interval from the range start/end. 
  5. Enter the interval in number or select from the supported form fields that are configured above the Date-Time field that you are configuring.
    You can select from  Number, Formula, Rating, Slider, Dropdown and Radio fields to set their field responses as the interval by clicking the   icon. You must 
    assign values  to the Dropdown and Radio choices to include them.
  6. Select a unit for the interval in MinutesHoursDays Allowed DaysWeeksMonths, or Years
    Note: The maximum limit for:
    Minutes is 10000
    Hours is 2500
    Years is 100
    Months is 1200
    Weeks is 5200
    Days and Allowed Days is 999

  7. Click DoneThe summary of your configuration will appear under Properties.

    Allowed Dates Summary
  8. Click the summary box to change the configuration, or Clear to reset.

  9. For example, in a hotel room booking system where your respondents are required to book a room for a minimum of two days, but for no more than 15 days, you can customize the Check-out Date and time depending on the Check-in Date and time they choose as follows:
    Under Allowed Dates , select  Range  and choose Additional Options under Starts From and Ends On.

    Allowed Dates Range Sele

    This enables the selection of Check-out Date and time from one day after the Check-in Date and time to 14 days after the Check-in Date and time. The rest of the dates will be disabled.
    If 02-Jul-2020 is given as the Check-in Date, the range of dates that will be enabled for the respondent to check
    out will be as shown:

    Customized Calendar Example


All Time: If you choose All Time, the respondent can choose any time in the Date-Time field.
Time Ranges: You can let the respondents enter a time from within multiple time ranges specified by you.
Click + Add under  Added Ranges  and select the time ranges as desired.

Time Ranges
  1. You can select a maximum of 5 Time Ranges.
  2. The Time Ranges you select should not overlap. For example, if you want the respondent to book an appointment during your office hours but not during lunch, you can set the time slot range as shown in the above image.
  3. The Allowed Days of week, Week Starts On, Allowed Date & Time, Minute Interval and Time Ranges configuration set for the Date-Time field are not applied when record is edited in the All Entries section, Tasks and Approvals.

Check out the FAQs on Date-Time field to get a better understanding of the configuration.

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