You can share your reports in the following ways:
You can share a link to your form's report with the public audience to let them view the data collected using a form.
To share a report publicly,
Unlike public sharing, you can protect your privacy and share the data collected within a closed group in your organization. When you share a report privately, only the users who are a part of your Zoho Forms organization can view your reports when they are logged in to their Zoho Forms account.
Read Only |
View the record
Read/Write | View, Edit, Print, Export the record, Assign the task, Record Audit |
Read/Write/Merge | View, Edit, Print, Export the record, Assign the task, Record Audit, Merge the document |
All Permissions |
View, Edit, Print, Export, Assign the task, Record Audit, Merge the document, Trash, Restore, Delete, Re-push the records failed in integration, and schedule reports with Report Scheduler
Read Only |
View the document
Read/Write | View, Edit, Print, Export the document |
Read/Write/Merge | View, Edit, Print, Export, Merge the document |
You can embed the report on your website using the following embedding options:
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