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To mark a field as personal,
In the Form Builder, go to the Properties
of a field.
Under Privacy, select Mark as Personal.
The following fields can be marked as personal:
Basic Fields: Single Line, Multi Line, Number, Decimal, Name, Address, Phone, Email, Date, Date-Time, Website, Currency, File Upload, Image Upload
Advanced Fields: Signature, Unique ID
Under Privacy, select Encrypt.
Field types that can be encrypted:
Basic Fields: Single Line, Multi Line, Number, Name, Address, Phone, Email, Date, Date-Time, Website, File Upload, Image Upload, Audio/Video
Advanced Fields: Signature, Unique ID
In Report prints and downloads, encrypted fields will be masked.
Only the following comparison operators are compatible with encrypted fields for the search filters applied in All Entries and Reports sections :
is not
is empty
is not empty
You can add up to 25 encrypted fields in a form.
Once a field is encrypted in your form, this action cannot be reverted.
Encrypted fields are available only in our paid plans.
Signature and File/Image upload fields cannot be masked in reports.
It is not possible to sort the entries for an encrypted field in the All Entries section and in Reports.
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