Customizing Themes (New Theme Builder)

Customizing Themes (New Theme Builder)

The Themes Builder allows you to create visually appealing forms that reflect your business and resonate with your audience to create a more engaging experience. Design layouts that seamlessly integrate with your brand identity, select fonts that convey the desired tone, and personalize every element – from headers and banners to containers and buttons to make your form stand out in the crowd. By leveraging the Themes Builder, you can create forms that are both beautiful and effective, ultimately driving better results for your business.

To customize the theme of your form,
  1. After building the form, navigate to the Themes tab.

  2. Click Create from Scratch Customize Theme

    1. If you are an existing user who has been using old version of themes, you will find the option to switch to the new theme builder. Click Switch to New Theme Builder.

      Switch to new theme builder

    2. A popup with an overview about the new theme builder appears. Click Switch Now.

    3. You will see the Theme Conversion - Preview page. This page shows how the old version of the theme will be transformed to the new theme. Click Switch Now to proceed.

    4. Click Customize Theme to make any changes to the theme further using the new theme builder.
      Before switching to the new theme builder, if you wish to retain the old theme, save the theme, allowing you to reapply it if you later decide to revert to the old theme builder.
      When you have switched to the new theme builder, reverting to the old theme builder will automatically apply the Classic theme to your form, rather than the previously applied theme.

  3. If you choose to customize the theme, under Form Customization, you can customize the appearance of your form's

    1. Style
    2. Font
    3. Wallpaper
    4. Banner
    5. Header
    6. Page
    7. Container
    8. Fields
    9. Special Fields
    10. Buttons


Style allows you to customize your form's overall layout and visual presentation. Here, you can tailor the appearance of your form's container and header.



The Container encloses the fields within your form. You can choose your container type from three distinct styles:
  1. Default: This style has a defined container and provides clear visual boundaries for the form.
  2. Transparent: This style creates a transparent container for your form elements, allowing the form to blend seamlessly with the surrounding background. This design choice ensures that the form integrates smoothly into the overall page layout, maintaining a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing look. The transparency helps to focus attention on the form fields themselves without distracting from the surrounding content.
  3. Deck: With this style, each field within your form will have its own dedicated container. This means that each field will have its own designated space, making it easier for your audience to navigate and fill out the form. No more confusion or frustration with overlapping fields.

The header is the topmost section of your form, typically displaying the form's title, description and logo. This section serves to introduce the purpose of the form, providing users with essential context and branding elements right at the beginning. You can control how the header interacts with the container by selecting one of the two styles:
  1. Scrollable: This style allows the header to move along with the form as the user scrolls through it. This is ideal for shorter forms where the header may take up too much space and obstruct the user's view.
  2. Fixed: This style will keep the header in a fixed position at the top of the container, even when the user scrolls down the form. This is useful for longer forms where users may need to refer back to the header for information.


The Font section empowers you to tailor the typography of your online form, allowing you to refine its overall look. Here, you can customize 2 key aspects:


Font Family
Font Family allows you to choose the type of font used for your form. Choose a clear and easy-to-read font that compliments your brand identity.

Font Size
This setting allows you to control the size of the text displayed within your form. Choosing the appropriate font size is crucial for ensuring optimal readability across different screen sizes and devices.


The Wallpaper section lets you personalize the background of your online form, offering a variety of customization options to create a visually engaging forms. 

BackgroundThe Background allows you to set the background color of your online form, influencing its overall visual appeal and user experience. You can choose to set your background as
  1. Solid Color Background
    To apply a solid color background, you can choose colors from pre-defined color palette or color picker to select colors that precisely match your existing brand color.
  2. Gradient Color Background
    Gradient color allows you to create a background with smooth color transition. Here, you can choose two distinct colors for the starting and ending points of the gradient.
    1. Angle: It has a slider that allows you to adjust the angle of the color transition within the gradient. This lets you control the direction of the color blend.

Background Image
This allows you to add an image to your form's background to grab the attention of your audience and to relate to your brand. Here, you can choose to upload images from your device or use pre-designed backgrounds or add an image from Pixabay. After adding the background image you can align it, fit it, or adjust its opacity.

Background Image

Image Alignment
This allows you to control how your image is positioned within your form. You can choose to place the image as left aligned, center aligned or right aligned.

Image Fit
This controls how the image fills the background area. There are three different fit options for background image which can affect how the image appears in your form.

This allows you to control the transparency of your background image. Lower opacity creates a more transparent background and higher opacity creates a more solid background.

Banners serve as effective tools for advertising your product and introducing your brand or service to respondents.


You can add a banner image that suits your business at the space on the top of your form container. You can choose to upload images from your device or add an image from Pixabay.
Banner Style
  1. Style 1: Here the banner stays attached to the top of the form container.
  2. Style 2: Here the banner is positioned independent of the form container. 
Image Size: This option allows you to control the size of the banner image. 
Image Alignment: This allows you to control how your banner image is positioned. You can choose to place the banner image as left aligned, center aligned or right aligned.
Stretch Image: This option allows you to expand the size of your banner image to fit the container size.
The header section at the top of the form contains your form title, description and logo. You can customize these elements by tailoring the below aspects:


Form Title
This allows you to choose a color for the form's title. Set a distinct color for your title, making it the central focus of the header. This grabs user attention and clearly communicates the form's purpose.

Form Description
If you have an additional description, select a color that complements the title and ensures readability. Briefly explain the forms purpose or provide any necessary instructions.

This allows you to set the background color of your header. You can select a solid color or gradient for the header background.

Font Family
This setting allows you to choose the type of font used for your form's header text. Choose a clear and easy-to-read font that compliments your brand identity.

Logo's are symbol that represent your brand or company. Upload your logo from your device or choose one from Pixabay.

Image Size
This allows you to control the size of the logo image. You can resize the logo using the slider based on the need.

Image Alignment
This controls how the logo, for title and description are aligned within the form header. Choose an image alignment based on the styles provided to create an organized layout. 

To explore additional header customization options, click More.

Additional Header customization options

  1. Border: This allows you to choose a color for the border line surrounding the form header.
  2. Border Width: This allows you to control the thickness of the form header border. 
  3. Edges: The edges slider allows you to control the corners of your form's header. 
  4. Outer Spacing: This allows you to adjust the spacing of your header from the top, left and right edges of the form.
  5. Inner Horizontal Spacing: This allows you to adjust the spacing of header content from the left and right edges of the form header.
  6. Inner Vertical Spacing: This allows you to adjust the top to bottom spacing of the form header.


When your form has more than one page, designing a clear navigation bar helps in guiding the users smoothly through the completion process. 

Navigation Bar

Navigation Bar provides users with a clear understanding of their progress within the form.
  1. Type: You can choose from different visual styles like bar, steps, square to indicate form progress. Choose the style that best suits your form's design and provides clear progress cues.
  2. Position: This allows you to choose the position of the navigation bar in the form. 
  1. Inside Form Container: The navigation bar appears directly within the form container at the top.
  2. Outside Form Container: The navigation bar is placed outside the form container.
Visited/Unvisited - Navigation Bar 

Customize the background and text colors of both "Visited" and "Unvisited" pages within the navigation bar. 

Page Header

Show Page Title in:
  1. Navigation Bar: Displays the title of the current page within the navigation bar itself.
  2. Page: Shows the page title directly on the page itself. You can customize the page title background, text color, and text alignment.
  3. None: Hides the page title completely.
To explore additional customization options, click More.


The Container encloses all the fields and buttons within your form. You can customize the container of your form by configuring:


The Background allows you to set the background color of your form container. You can choose to set your background in solid or gradient colors.

Popup Background
You can set background color for popups that appear within your live form like subform popups, save popup, and review popup.
The background color of these popups can be customized to improve the user experience. You can choose to set a solid or gradient background color to these popups.

Form Width
Form width allows you to define the overall width of your form container. You can set your form width as:
  1. Custom: This allows you to set the width for your container in pixel value within the allowed range. It offers a precise control over form size.
  2. Fit to Screen: This allows the container to expand and adjust itself according to the width of the user's screen.
This allows you to control how your container is positioned. You can choose to place the container as left aligned, right aligned, or center aligned.

To explore additional container customization options, click More.

Additional container customization options

Here are the additional container customization options:
  1. Border: This allows you to choose a color for the border line surrounding the form container.
  2. Border Width: This allows you to control the thickness of the border line surrounding the form container. 
  3. Edges: The edges slider allows you to control the corners of your form's container. 
  4. Horizontal Spacing:  Horizontal spacing allows you to adjust the distance between the left and right edges of the form container.
  5. Vertical Spacing: Vertical spacing allows you to adjust the distance between the top and bottom edges of the form container.
  6. Shadow: This creates a shadow effect for the form container.
  7. Shadow Spread: Drag the slider to adjust the intensity of the shadow effect.
  8. Form Responsiveness
    Responsive View:
    Responsive view allows the form layout to adjust automatically to ensure optimal viewing and usability on devices of different screen size, including those smaller than 480 pixels.


Fields section allows you to tailor the visual appearance of each field within your form. 


Under Fields, you can customize the following:
  1. Label: This lets you choose the color for the field label.
  2. Instruction: This property allows you to control the color of any instruction text associated with a field. 
  3. Focus: You can choose the color to highlight a field, whenever a user clicks or navigate to the field. This helps users identify the currently active field, improving user experience.
  4. Mandatory Asterisk: This allows you to choose the color of the symbol (*) that indicates a mandatory field.
Under Input, you can customize the following:
  1. Value: This defines the color of the text a user enters into the field.
  2. Background: This controls the color of the background area in the field.
  3. Border: This allows you to customize the color of the field's border.
  4. Border Shape: Here, you can choose the style of the field's border that suits your form.
Under Picker, you can customize the following:
  1. Background: This allows you to control the background color of the picker fields like Multiple Choice field, Slider field, dropdowns, date pickers, and hover text.
To explore additional field customization options, click More.

Additional Field customization options

Here, you can customize the following:
  1. Border Width: This allows you to control the thickness of the input field's border. 
  2. Horizontal Spacing: This allows you to adjust the spacing of fields from the left and right borders of the form container.
  3. Vertical Spacing - Between Fields: This allows you to adjust the space between fields.
Under Error Message, you can customize the following:
  1. Text: Here, you can choose the color of the text of the error messages.
  2. Icon: This allows you to control the visibility of icon within each field. You can choose to show or hide them.

Special Fields

Special Fields go beyond the basic text boxes and dropdowns of online forms. They offer a unique way to capture user input and enhance user experience. Here is the breakdown of some common special fields and how to customize them,  

Special Fields

Subform - Inline
These subforms appear directly within your main form. You can define a background color specifically for the inline subform to visually distinguish it from the rest of the form using the Background option. If your subform is a popup type subform, you can customize its background color under Container > Popup Background.
This is applicable to inline Subform and Add Entry card.

Choice Fields
For the choice fields like Radio and Checkbox, you can customize
  1. Text: Text allows you to choose the color of the text associated with choice field options, to ensure readability against the background.
  2. Selection: This defines the color that highlights the chosen option when a user selects them, providing a visual confirmation to the user.
This is applicable to Radio, Checkbox, and Matrix Choice fields.
Selection: Here, you can choose the color that fills the slider bar as the user moves it, indicating their selection.

Depending on the chosen rating shape (stars, hearts, etc.)., you can customize the color that fills the shape as the user selects a rating level. This provides a visual representation of the chosen rating.

Matrix Choice
You can customize the overall appearance of the matrix choice by choosing the appropriate table style and the background color for the table.


Buttons section allows you to design visually appealing buttons for your online forms. Here is the breakdown of the customization options available:


This allows you to choose the shape of your buttons.

Here, you can control the size of the button displayed in your form.
  1. Standard: Here, the button has pre-defined dimensions. If you choose standard button size, it allows you to choose the position of your button placement within the container. You can choose to keep default alignment of the buttons or make it left aligned, centered or right aligned under the Button Alignment option.
  2. Fit to Screen: This allows the button to expand and adjust itself according to the width of the user's screen.
Submit Button
You can customize Submit button's background color, text color, and border color to make it visually distinct.

Navigation Button
Navigation buttons like "Next" and "Previous" helps user navigate through multi-page forms. You can customize the background color, text color, and border color of these buttons to maintain visual consistency with form design.

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