Job Sheets

Job Sheets

Job Sheets are customizable, reusable forms that serve as a checklist for the services that technicians need to carry out and as a tool for data collection. While on location, the checklists and instructions within the job sheet guarantee that the services are performed accurately and efficiently. Technicians can update job sheets in real-time using the mobile app. Once all the activities are carried out, they can attach photos of the work done and also include their observations. This documentation serves as a reliable record that can be referenced later.
A typical job sheet will have one or more of the following sections:
  1. Pre-Job Checklist: Ensures all preparations are made before starting the job. Items may include verifying equipment, materials, and safety gear.
  2. Instruction checklist: A step-by-step breakdown of the job, allowing teams to track progress and ensure no step is missed.
  3. Post-Job Checklist: It is used to ensure that all necessary activities are completed after finishing a job. Items may include cleaning up the site, returning equipment, and obtaining a client sign-off.
  4. Instructions/Safety guidelines: Specific instructions related to the job, including safety protocols and best practices to follow.
  5. Observations: Areas for technicians to document their observations, record any insights, issues, and general comments related to the work performed.
Following are the benefits of using job sheets:
  1. Consistent Service Delivery: Job sheets help standardize processes and workflows, ensuring that all technicians follow the same procedures and protocols, resulting in consistent service delivery. Predefined checklists in job sheets allow for built-in quality control measures for all kinds of service, be it inspection, installation, or repair.
  2. Superior Data Collection: By providing a structured format for documenting job details, job sheets help minimize errors and omissions, leading to standardized data collection, ensuring that all technicians capture all the required information uniformly. It supports a variety of fields enabling users to capture different types of data.
  3. Accountability, Compliance, and Safety: Job sheets can include safety instructions and compliance requirements, ensuring that technicians are aware of necessary precautions and regulations while performing their job. Thus, organizations can ensure compliance with industry regulations and internal policies, thereby reducing liabilities. The uniformity of data collected also makes it easier to conduct audits and reviews.
  4. Mobile Accessibility: Using the mobile app, technicians can update job sheets in real-time while on-site, capturing vital information such as photos and diagnostic results. This immediacy enhances the accuracy of the information collected and reduces the risk of errors associated with post-job data entry, also ensuring that all relevant data is immediately available in the system for office staff.
  5. Training and Development: By outlining standardized procedures, job sheets help new technicians learn the correct methods for completing their job. While on-site, they can quickly access important information, such as troubleshooting steps, safety protocols, and equipment specifications. This clarity helps reduce confusion and increases confidence.

Create Job Sheets

- Permission Required: Modules Customization
- Find out the Edition-specific limits for Job Sheets
To create a job sheet:
  1. Navigate to Setup > Customization > Job Sheets and click Create Job Sheet.
  2. Enter the following details, then click Create:
    1. A Name for the job sheet
    2. A Description of the job sheet
    3. The Services you want to create the job sheet with.
      All the job sheets associated with the services that are added to a service appointment will be available for use under the job sheets tab of that service appointment.
  3. In the Job Sheet Builder page, drag and drop the fields you want from the New Fields tray.
    1. Enter the properties for the field and click Save.
    2. You can also drag and drop a new Section, provide a name for the section, add fields to the section, and click Save.

The table below lists the different types of fields that are supported.
Field Type
Single Line
Text field. Maximum of 255 characters are allowed.
Multi Line
Textarea. Small is 2000 characters, Large is 32000 characters.
The maximum allowable length is 9
Long Integer
The maximum allowable length is 18
The maximum allowable length is 16 including a maximum of 2 decimal places
Field for entering a Phone number
Field for entering an Email address
Date Field. Default format is MMM D, Y. Date format will be changed according to user's time zone settings.
Date Time
Date Time Field. Default format is MMM D, Y hh:mm. A Date format will be changed according to user's time zone settings.
Field to make a binary choice, typically between two options: checked (selected) or unchecked (deselected).
Pick list
Dropdown field. You can add a maximum of hundred choices.
Radio Choice
Field to select one option from a predefined set of choices. You can add a maximum of five choices.
Field for entering web address of a specific webpage or website
Field for entering monetary values
Drop-down field that allows users to select multiple options. You can add a maximum of ten choices.
Check List
Comprises a list of items or tasks, each accompanied by a checkbox that can be marked as completed. You can add a maximum of ten items or tasks.
Image Upload
Field to upload images. In the Maximum images allowed property of this field, choose the number of images you wish to permit the user to upload. Up to five images can be permitted. The total size of the image files should not exceed 10 MB. The file types supported for images are .jpeg, .jpg, and .png.
Field that will allow users to record machine readings or calibrations.
  1. You can add up to 15 fields of each type, except for Image Upload and Rating fields, which have separate limits of 10 and 5, respectively.
  2. You can add a total of 50 fields.

Edit Services in a Job sheet  

At any time, you can edit the services added to a job sheet. To do so:
  1. Navigate to Setup > Customization > Job Sheets and hover over the job sheet whose services you want to edit.
  2. From the More Options [ ] icon, click Edit Services.
  3. Add or remove the services and click Save.

Mark Job Sheet As Inactive 

If you no longer want a job sheet to be in use, you can mark it as inactive. To do so:
  1. Navigate to Setup > Customization > Job Sheets and hover over the job sheet you want to mark as inactive.
  2. Toggle the Status button to disable it.

If a job sheet that you mark as inactive is already being used in a service appointment, then you can continue using it if it has already been filled, i.e., the ones with the Draft and Completed statuses. The ones in the Yet To Start status will be removed. Refer to this section to know more about these statuses.

If there are five active job sheets, then any new ones created will be in the inactive status.

Associate Job Sheets to Services

While creating a job sheet, you associate services to it. You can perform the same action from a service record. You can link the service to one or more job sheets. To do so:
  1. Select the Services And Parts module.
  2. Click on the service you want to associate with a job sheet.
  3. Under the Job sheets tab, click Associate Job Sheet.

  4. Select a job sheet and click Link Job Sheet.

You can remove the job sheet to which you have associated the service by hovering over an entry and clicking on the Delete [] icon.

Using Job Sheets in Appointments 

- Permission Required: Job Sheets
All the job sheets associated with the services added to a service appointment will be listed as job sheet line items under the Job sheets tab. Starting from the first service in the service appointment, all the job sheets associated with each service will be added until the limit of 20 is reached. Consider this example for better understanding.
Two services, Substation Equipment - Routine Maintenance, and Substation Equipment - Testing are added to a service appointment.

These services have been added to some job sheets as depicted in the screenshots below.


Under the Job sheets tab of the service appointment, a total of seven job sheet line items will be added, two for the service Substation Equipment - Routine Maintenance, and five for Substation Equipment - Testing and in that order.

You can perform the following activities on the job sheet line items of a service appointment:
  1. Fill out the details
  2. Save it as draft
  3. Save it as completed

Fill out the details

Initially, the status of the job sheet will be Yet To Start. Click on Start Filling to fill out the necessary details.

Save it as draft

After filling out the details, you can either Save as Draft or Save as Completed. If you save it as draft, the status will change to Draft. You can also perform this action by hovering over an entry and clicking Mark as Draft from More Options [ ].

Save it as completed

You can later change its status to Completed by clicking on Save as Completed. You can also perform this action by hovering over an entry and clicking Mark as Completed from More Options [ ].

Even after marking it as complete, you can revert the status to Draft.
After you have filled a job sheet line item and saved it, then an ID will be generated for it. The entries will be sorted in the order Yet to Start, Draft, and Completed.

The following table details how the job sheet line items in a service appointment will be handled in different scenarios.
Status is Yet to Start
Status is Draft/Completed
Service is removed or disassociated from a job sheet
Removed from service appointment
Retained in service appointment
Service line item is delinked from the appointment or deleted from work order
Removed from service appointment
Removed from service appointment
The Service record is deleted
Removed from service appointment
Retained in service appointment

Using Job Sheets in the Mobile App

To use job sheets in the mobile app:
  1. Log in to Zoho FSM mobile app.
  2. Select the Job Sheets tab within the service appointment you want to use.
  3. Click Start Filling from the More Options [ ] for a job sheet entry.

  4. You can either Save as Draft or Save as Completed.

  5. You can later change its status to Completed by clicking on Mark as Completed.

Sample Job Sheets

Job sheets in Zoho FSM can be customized to suit any industry. Below are some sample job sheets.

HVAC Preventive Maintenance Checklist

Pool Cleaning Checklist

Low Water Pressure Repair Job Sheet

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