Zoho FSM | Setting up Integration for Zoho Invoice or Zoho Books

Setting up Integration for Zoho Invoice or Zoho Books

Zoho FSM leverages the power of Zoho Invoice/Books to handle and manage all your billing operations. It comes with built-in integration with Zoho Invoice, to handle and manage all the invoices and payments related to the services offered. This integration enables you to do the following:
  1. Conveniently and quickly create invoices for your work orders and offer a secure way to your contacts to make payments. Click here for details on how to create invoices and make payments.
  2. Different region-specific tax systems supported by Zoho Invoice can be incorporated into FSM.
  3. Automatic bidirectional syncing of data (Companies, Contacts, and Services And Parts) between Zoho FSM and Zoho Books/Invoice.

Integration Setup

When you signup for a new Zoho FSM organisation account, it is necessary for you to integrate it with a new or an existing Zoho Invoice account.
While onboarding, you can choose to integrate Zoho FSM with any of the following:
  1. New Zoho Invoice account
  2. Existing Zoho Invoice account
  3. Existing Zoho Books account
New Zoho Invoice Account
If you choose this, a new Zoho Invoice account will be created with the same organization name as your Zoho FSM account. If you do not have any existing finance (Invoice/Books) orgs, this option will be chosen by default. 
Existing Zoho Invoice account
If you are already a Zoho customer and actively using Zoho Invoice, you can choose this option. All the active Zoho Invoice organization accounts linked to the email (used for FSM signup) will be listed in the dropdown; choose one to integrate with Zoho FSM.
Existing Zoho Books account
If you are already a Zoho customer and actively using Zoho Books, you can choose this option. All the active Zoho Books organization accounts linked to the email (used for FSM signup) will be listed in the dropdown and you can choose one to integrate with Zoho FSM.

If there are multiple existing Invoice or Books organization, then you can choose the desired one. If the trial period has expired for an Invoice/Books organization, then that organization will not be available for integration. Invoice/Books organizations that are integrated with Avalara will also be unavailable for integration.

When the Books organization integrated with a FSM account is deleted, then you will not be able to create work orders, service appointments, assets, etc. and you will encounter an error as shown in the screenshot below.

Once the onboarding and integration setup is completed:
  1. Your Zoho FSM account will be integrated with a Zoho Invoice/Books account.
  2. The module and field mappings will be configured between the two accounts automatically. You can change field mappings anytime.
  3. Tax rates
    1. If integrated with a new account, you can configure taxes and other settings within Zoho FSM and this will be automatically saved into the integrated Invoice/Books account.
    2. If integrated with an existing account, taxes and all other settings related to it will be pulled and saved into Zoho FSM.
  4. You can navigate to the integrated Zoho Invoice/Books organization by clicking on the Organization ID in Setup > Billing > Billing Setup.

If you want to switch or change a Zoho Invoice or Books organization that is integrated with Zoho FSM, please contact support@zohofsm.com (US, IN, AU) or support@eu.zohofsm.com (EU, UK).

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