Zoho FSM | Scheduled Maintenances

Scheduled Maintenances

With Scheduled Maintenances, Zoho FSM will help you manage work that is regularly scheduled and repeated over a period of time. This will be a lifesaver when catering to businesses where routine maintenance or ongoing services are required. These maintenance activities are crucial for the smooth operation of the customer's assets, to identify and fix any issues before they become major problems, and to extend their life span.
Some examples include:
  1. Monthly maintenance and inspection of HVAC systems in commercial buildings.
  2. Monthly pool maintenance and water quality testing for hotels and residential complexes or quarterly pest control services for restaurants, hotels, and other establishments to prevent infestations.
  3. Biannual cleaning and maintenance of elevators in residential complexes.
  4. Regular landscaping services for office spaces, including lawn mowing, tree trimming, and flower bed maintenance.
  5. Monthly janitorial services for office buildings, including cleaning, trash removal, and supply replenishment.
Features of Scheduled Maintenances
  1. Easily create scheduled maintenance plans so that work orders and service appointments are auto-generated on desired dates as per the required frequency.
  2. Have visibility of the upcoming work orders and service appointments. This will help you make the required preparations for carrying out these tasks.
  3. At any time, you can suspend the activities related to the maintenance plans by marking it as inactive.
- Permission Required: Scheduled Maintenances
- Find out the Edition-specific limits for Scheduled Maintenances.

Create a Scheduled Maintenance

To create a scheduled maintenance plan:
  1. Select Scheduled Maintenancefrom the Work Order Management menu and click Create.
    Alternatively, navigate to Setup > Maintenance Plans > Scheduled Maintenances and click Create.
  2. Enter the following details and click Next.

    Field Name
    A name for the scheduled maintenance
    A description for the scheduled maintenance
    Choose the days on which you want to schedule the work orders and service appointments for the maintenance plan. You can choose the frequency as DailyWeeklyMonthly or Yearly.
    Hover over Preview to see the schedule dates.
    Daily: You can choose Every Day, Every 2 Days,....., Every 6 Days, Custom
    For each of these options, the work orders and service appointments will be scheduled as follows:
    Every Day: Everyday from the Start Date (T). T, T+1, T+2,....
    Every 2 Days: Starting from the Start Date (T), every alternate days. T, T+2, T+4,....
    Every 6 Days: Starting from the Start Date (T), every sixth day. T, T+6, T+12,...
    where, T is the next day.
    Weekly: For this option, you need to choose the weekly periodicity (Every WeekEvery 2 Weeks,.., Every 6 Weeks, Custom) as well as the days of the week (SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday) when the work orders and service appointments for the maintenance plan need to be scheduled.
    E.g. Every week on Monday and Friday
    Monthly: For this option, you need to choose the monthly periodicity (Every MonthEvery 2 Months,..., Every 6 Months, Custom) as well as the days of the month (On EachOn The) when the work orders and service appointments for the maintenance plan need to be scheduled.
    On Each to select individual days of the month. You can select a maximum of five days.
    On The to select a day of the week or a day of the month. You need to choose two sets of values. The first set will indicate the sequence, i.e. FirstSecond,....., FifthLast. The second set will indicate a day of the week or a day of the month, i.e. SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayDay
    E.g. Every 2 Months On The Fourth Thursday
    Every 2 Months On Each 15, 31
    Every Month On The Last Day
    Yearly: For this option, you need to choose the yearly periodicity (Yearly Once (Annually)Yearly Twice (Biannually), Yearly 4 times (Quarterly)), Once Every 2 Years. You also need to choose the Start Month as well as the day of the month (On The) when the work orders and service appointments for the maintenance plan need to be scheduled.
    Start Month is the month you want to choose for the yearly periodicity
    - You can use On The to select a day of the month.
    - You can also use On The to select a day of the week or a day of the month. You need to choose two sets of values. The first set will indicate the sequence, i.e. FirstSecond,....., FifthLast. The second set will indicate a day of the week or a day of the month, i.e. SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayDay
    E.g. Yearly Once (Annually) On The Fourth Thursday of January
    Yearly Once (Annually) On 22 of January
    Yearly Once (Annually) On The Last Day of January
    Create Records On
    Use this option to determine when the work orders and service appointments need to be created for the schedule.
    Hover over Preview to know the creation dates
    Same Day: The records will be created on the same day as the Schedule date. This option will be available if the value chosen for Schedule is Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
    X Day(s) Before: The records will be created X days before the Schedule date. This option will be available if the value chosen for Schedule is Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
    Start of the Week: The records will be created at the start of the week (Monday). This option will be available if the value chosen for Schedule is Weekly.
    Start of the Month: The records will be created on the first of the month. This option will be available if the value chosen for Schedule is Monthly.
    Start Date
    The date on or after which you want the records to be created for the maintenance plan. This date applies to the Create Records On field, which corresponds to the Batch Date.  This in turn will determine the Scheduled Dates as well. The current date will be considered for the Start Date if a past date is chosen. Consider the following examples:

    Example 1

    Today's date: Mar 7, 2024

    Schedule: Monthly Every 2 Months On Each 1,10

    Create Records On: Start of the Month with Start Date: Mar 5 2024


    Then the dates will be:

    Batch Date: Apr 01, 2024, Jun 01, 2024,...

    Scheduled Dates: Apr 01, 2024, Apr 10, 2024;Jun 01, 2024, Jun 10, 2024;...

    Example 2

    Today's date: Mar 7, 2024

    Schedule: Daily Every 4 Days

    Create Records On: 1 Day(s) Before with Start Date: Mar 7 2024


    Then the dates will be:

    Batch Date: Mar 7 2024, Mar 11, 2024,...

    Scheduled Dates: Mar 08, 2024, Mar 12, 2024,...


    Example 3

    Today's date: Mar 7, 2024

    Schedule: Weekly Every Week On Wednesday

    Create Records On: Start of the Week with Start Date: Mar 12, 2024


    Then the dates will be:

    Batch Date: Mar 18, 2024, Mar 25, 2024,...

    Scheduled Dates: Mar 20, 2024, Mar 27, 2024,...

    Use this to specify the criteria for when you want the record creation for the maintenance plan to end. This date applies to the Create Records On field, which corresponds to the Batch Date. When the criteria for Ends is met, the plan will become inactive. You can specify the Ends criteria using one of the two choices:


    On: Select the specific date after which you want the record creation for the maintenance plan to end.

    After: Specify the number of Batches or Schedules after which you want the record creation for the maintenance plan to end. Remember that the number of Batches and Schedules for a maintenance plan can differ. Check Reset count to 0 if you want the Batch Count, and Schedule Count to be reset to zero. Use this if you want the current value in the After field to be considered and disregard all the previously generated Batches/Schedules. The Batch Count, and Schedule Count will be shown in the top panel of the Details page of a maintenance plan.


    You can remove the Ends criteria anytime. Click on the Remove [X] icon to clear the Ends criteria.

  3. Add a work order template and a service appointment template.
  4. Click Next to see the preview.
    In the Preview, you can view the dates on which the work orders and service appointments for the maintenance plan are scheduled and the dates on which these records will be created (Batch Date).

  5. Click Save.

Work Order Template

  1. Click Create Work Order Template.

  2. In the Create Work Order Template page, enter the necessary details and click Save.
    For the date/date time fields like Due Date, Preferred Date 1, you can choose one of the two values:
    - Same Day (as the Schedule date)
    - X Day(s) After (the Schedule date)

Service Appointment Template

  1. Click Create Service Appointment Template.

  2. In the Create Service Appointment Template page, enter the necessary details and click Save.
    1. For the date/date time fields like Scheduled Start/End Date Time, you can choose one of the two values:
      - Same Day (as the Schedule date)
      - X Day(s) After (the Schedule date)
    2. You can assign a Service Resource (Agent or Crew)
      - Select a Lead if you assign more than one resource to the appointment. At the time of service appointment creation, if any of the chosen service resources are unavailable, the service appointment will remain unassigned and the created service appointment will be in the New status.
      - If you select the Dispatch Appointment checkbox, then the created service appointment will be in the Dispatched status.
      - If you do not select the Dispatch Appointment checkbox, then the created service appointment will be in the Scheduled status.

Points to remember
  1. Monday will mark the beginning of a week, which will extend until Sunday.
  2. When you have used up the appointments for the month, then only the work orders will be created for the existing scheduled maintenance plans. You will have to purchase appointments for continued usage.
  3. The Zoho FSM Org time zone (and not the user/system time zone) will be considered for the scheduled maintenances plan's records creation. The Org time zone can be configured at Setup > General > Organization Details > Preferences.
  4. Note that the individual appointments created for a scheduled maintenance plan will be included in the count of appointment usage.
  5. If a scheduled maintenance plan is created without a work order template, then by default, it will be in inactive state.
  6. Any edits done to the maintenance plans will come into effect every five minutes.
  7. The Batch Count and Schedule Count are shown at the top panel of the Details page of a maintenance plan. The Batch Count indicates the number of Batches that have run so far to generate records. The Schedule Count indicates the number of scheduled records that have been created so far.

  8. If the records for a maintenance plan have already been generated for the current day, and if you make any change such that it will cause the records to be regenerated again today, then the below message will be shown:

Create a Schedule Maintenance from Individual Modules 

You can create a schedule maintenance from a Company, Contact, or Asset record.
  1. Navigate to the desired module and select the record for which you want to create a schedule maintenance.
  2. Click the Related list tab and go to the Scheduled Maintenances section and click Create.

  3. The Create Work Order Template overlay will be opened with the record details prefilled. Enter any other necessary details and click Save.
  4. In the Create Scheduled Maintenance overlay, enter the necessary details and click Next.
  5. Click Next to see the preview.
  6. Click Save.

View Scheduled Maintenance Details

On the Details page of a scheduled maintenance, you will find the following information:


Under the Overview tab, you can find the dates of all the work orders and service appointments for this scheduled maintenance. You can find the details under the headings: Upcoming, History


It will list the dates of all the future work orders and service appointments planned for this scheduled maintenance. The Batch Date column will list the dates on which the work orders and service appointments will be created. The Scheduled Dates column will list the dates on which the work orders and service appointments are scheduled.


Similarly, under History details of the work orders and service appointments created thus far for the scheduled maintenance will be listed.


It will capture the details of the maintenance schedule as it gets executed.


The work order and service appointment template used for the scheduled maintenance will be listed here. You can also edit the templates from here.
The template can also be edited from the Edit Scheduled Maintenance screen.

Manage Scheduled Maintenances

You can perform the following actions on a scheduled maintenance plan:
  1. Edit: To make any changes to the scheduled maintenance. Any changes made will reflect on the future records (if any).
  2. Clone: To create a replica of an existing scheduled maintenance and reuse its details.
  3. Delete: To delete a scheduled maintenance. Once deleted, you cannot retrieve the details.
  4. Mark As Inactive: You can mark a scheduled maintenance plan as inactive. Once a scheduled maintenance plan is marked as inactive, then all future records will be removed. Alternatively, you can also mark an inactive scheduled maintenance plan as active. Any scheduled maintenance when created will be active by default.
    At a time there can be 200 active scheduled maintenance plans.

Info Messages

Upcoming Schedules

On the Scheduled Maintenances List page, click on Upcoming Schedules to view the count of the scheduled work orders and service appointments for the next day (tomorrow), and for the entire week (Monday - Sunday).

Upgrade Alert

For any scheduled maintenance plan, if the count of service appointments scheduled for the upcoming batch exceeds the available (purchased) service appointments for the month, then a warning message will be shown on its Details page indicating that the purchased service appointments will soon be exhausted (see the screenshot below). Because of the inadequate number of available service appointments, the records for the upcoming will not be created.
E.g. In the upcoming batch, if five service appointments are scheduled to be created and  the remaining purchased service appointments are only four, then you will encounter this warning.

Similarly, the count of scheduled service appointments in the upcoming batches of all the scheduled maintenance plans for a week (Monday - Sunday) will be calculated and if it exceeds the available (purchased) service appointments for the month, then a warning message will be shown indicating that the purchased service appointments will soon be exhausted (see the screenshot below).

These messages will be removed once the service appointments are replenished through either of the below two ways:
  1. Purchase more service appointments
  2. Service appointments credited after the end of the monthly billing cycle.
In the Upcoming Schedules message, if the count of scheduled service appointments in the upcoming batches for the next day (tomorrow) as well as for the entire week (Monday - Sunday) exceeds the available (purchased) service appointments for the month, then the appointment count will be highlighted in red indicating that the available (purchased) service appointments will soon be exhausted.

Appointments Exhausted

When you have used up all the available (purchased) service appointments, then the creation of service appointments for the scheduled maintenance plans will fail and error messages will be shown (see the screenshots below).

Test Run 

Use the Test Run option, you can determine how the information provided in the templates of a scheduled maintenance plan will be utilized to generate work orders and service appointments. When a Test Run is executed, a work order and service appointment will be created for the scheduled maintenance plan.

Select a date for which you to create the sample records and click Run.

The details of the Test Run can be seen in the timeline.

Please be aware that a Test Run will affect your available appointment count.

Handling Failed Records  

You will be given choices for managing records that were not created successfully in a batch of a schedule maintenance plan. The number of unresolved failures will be mentioned at the top of the record.

To manage the failed records:
  1. Select the desired schedule maintenance record and click on the History tab under Overview.
  2. Click on X Failed to see the details of the failed records.

  3. Click next to the Status of the batch. You can choose either of the below options:
    - Rerun: Click this after you have resolved the issue causing the failure. In the columns Work Orders, and Service Appointments, you will find the reason for failure of record generation.
    - Ignore: Click this if you do want to take any actions regarding this failed batch of records.

    Within the Rerun details, you can find the details of records that have been created after the record failure reasons have been resolved.

    Once the failed records are resolved or ignored, it will be indicated as such.

Schedule Maintenance Logs 

On the Scheduled Maintenances List page, the number of unresolved failures will be mentioned. Click on X Unresolved failures to see the Failure logs that will list the details of all the failed records across all schedule maintenance plans.

From the failure log entries too you can manage the records that were not created successfully.

From the dropdown, choose the schedule maintenance log you want to see. Click on the pop-out [  ] symbol next to record name to see the details.

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