Notes to add any additional information you might want to include in your record. You can add notes for the records in Contacts, Companies, Requests, Estimates, Work Orders, Service Appointments, Services And Parts, Assets, and Crew. When you
import and
export records, you can include the notes too.

Permission Required:
NotesAdd Notes
To add a note:
- Click on the module record to which you would like to add notes.
- Go to the Notes tab and click Add Note.
- In the Add Note dialog, enter the note and click Save.
Click Add Title to include a title for the note. You can either drag and drop the attachments or select them from your computer. Click the Edit icon [
] to make changes to the file name, if any, and click
to save the changes. To a note, you can include a maximum of 20 attachments provided their combined size is only up to 150 MB.

Bulk Upload of Attachments
You can upload attachments in bulk. When you attach more than 20 attachments, multiple notes will be created with the attachments split between these notes. Also, if the size limit of the attachments for a note exceeds 150 MB, then these can be added only by splitting the attachments between multiple notes.
Manage Notes
Hover over a note to find the following options:
- Edit [
] or Delete [
] a note. - Pin: Click on the Pin [
] icon to fix a note at the top of the list. You can only pin one note at a time and you can only pin the notes in the records where it was originally added.
The attachments can be downloaded [

], previewed [

], or deleted [

Search Notes
You can search for notes by typing in at least four letters in the search bar. Type @ and select a user to search for notes in which this user is tagged. Use This Record to filter out the notes that were added to the record in question. Use the Module filter to filter the notes by the module in which they were added. Use the Date filter to filter the notes by their Created Time. Use the Users filter to filter the notes by their Created By.Unified Notes View
To facilitate better coordination among different departments and team members, the notes added to a record can now be accessed in all its associated records. The notes added to a record will reflect in all its associated records as mentioned below:
- Notes added to records linked through the Request > Estimate > Work Order > Service Appointment relationship will be accessible across all these records. The name of the module the note belongs to will be mentioned next to the icon

- Notes added to an Asset record will be accessible in all the transactional (Request, Estimate, Work Order, Service Appointment) records created for it. However, the notes added to these transactional records will not be available in the asset record.
- Notes added to the Contacts of a Company will be accessible in the Company record. However, the notes added to a Company record will not be accessible in its Contacts.
If you remove a note from the original record it was added to, or from any related record where it can be accessed, the note will be deleted.
Tagging Users In Notes
You can tag Zoho FSM users in a note. To tag a user, type the at sign, @, in the note. Select the user you want to tag. If the logged in user does not have the
User Management permission, then the email address of the user will not be displayed.
All the users, irrespective of their access permissions, will be available for tagging. If the user who was tagged does not have access to the record in which the note is present, then that user will be shown an error message (The record you are trying to access is not available.) when they click on the notification.
Manage Attachments
The Attachments tab in the Details page of modules allows users to store and access all relevant documents, images, and files related to a specific job or service request in one place. This can include contracts, service agreements, manuals, and photos of the work done.
From the Attachments tab, you can do the following:
- Add new attachments. Click on Add Attachment and either drag and drop the files or select them from your computer. For each attachment, you will find the View, Download, and Delete options within more options [
- View the attachments added to the notes. These attachments will be marked by the icon Linked to Notes [
]. You can also add an attachment listed here by clicking on the icon Add to Note [
] icon.

- The maximum size of an attachment that you can upload is 150 MB.
- The attachments added here will be considered for file storage consumption.